This is Quiet

This is Quiet.

Other urls found in this thread:

good job

This is Joosten.


I will marry her

The fan art is always better than her in game render or the actress herself.



Now they must fuse into one.

>I will marry her
I'm married to one. Not even joking. It says so on her identity card.

this is sage

this is bump

too quiet


I also modded that stupid fucking ripped pantyhose away.

why not enjoy all three?


If she talks, she will die.

It would be extremely painful, and Venom knew that

Her face looks like yu narukami LMAO

Two of the most forced waifus in gaming. Any others like Lightning and Quiet?


but shes a big girl

QUIET IS _ _ _ _ !

I'm fine with it.


for shagging

I can understand cleavage but legs?

not for Venom.

and she killed herself.


>4 letter word

Is there any hairy Quiet?

So Islamic shithole?


I agree.

And she means nothing to the man you're in love with/obsessed with

And this is Quiet also OP

Why did no one want to fug Quiet?

A whole battalion of russians tried to

Obviously everyone was fags through out the whole game user

Because she was saving herself for Venom but he didn't want it so she tried to get some from the soviets and even they didn't want it.

What do you think her vagina smells like?

How can the Joost be so Q.T. but quiet have an ugly butterface? I don't get it.

It might be the dead fish eyes and the complete lack of a chin or something.

She is a certain cliche that is real and actually exists

If you don't like Quiet you can put a bullet in her and never bother again. And even if you save her she's just a mute side-character that gets little content or focus unless you actively use her as a buddy.

That's a far fucking cry from what we were subjected to with Lightning.

She doesn't need to drink or eat,hell she doesn't even need to digest things. So I say like musky sweaty,the way I likes em.

>If you don't like Quiet you can put a bullet in her and never bother again
You can't get the real ending if you do that. Fuck yourself Kojimer and your horse fetish waifu.

But that's fucking wrong.

bell peppers and beef

You're right, you can't get the real ending no matter what you do.

And this is how I see her.

>moving the goalposts

Point is Quiet is ultimately unnecessary and can be disregarded. Lightning isn't and can't. They aren't even in the same class of waifuism.

post >yfw when you found out mission 46 was the last mission.

>defiling a well done art
>better than the game model

Horse face? With that weak jaw?

It's the total opposite.




I don't get this, what's with the hentai ahegao reactions?

I just wanted the shitty story(if there was one) to end user

Is that what I think it's from?

Buta no gotoki or something like that?

bit too cray for me

As I become more present now

I can't see through the pain

A hollow cut through my veins the shadows take their toll

And did you leave me anything?

You're the phantom of my past

Did you expect me to last, this way? A scar and a phantom pain

Is it? I thought you can't unlock the final mission if you kill her or if you choose to keep her with that butterfly logo trick?

It's from Taimanin Asagi. Are you're thinking of that /ss/ game with castration bad end?

They scanned Joost without makeup

Swollen bottom lip.

Been to a shrink yet with those symptoms?

im glad im not the only one who thinks this

The final mission unlock hinges on a timer that starts after all other important sideops are completed. The timer is advanced by completing any missions or side ops, I forget how many exactly.

A Quiet Exit and the repeat Extreme/Subsistence missions are not required though. She fucked off before I got 46 and I go looking for her until after I played 46.

that's the one

What game should she stream next since MGSV is done?

I'd still hit it

specially if she was dangling those boobies in my face

Just checking out and you're right, holy shit.

I checked the wiki when they presented me the choice and it said that A Quiet Exit was required so I didn't kill her.

Well, too late to undo now. I already cringed to death with the rain scene. Thanks though user, now I might eventually replay the game with that Heaven mod or whatever.

What did they mean by this?

>what are you staring at, user?

Venom was cringing in the rain scene also, if you couldn't tell

Poor guy. First BB fucks him over and then I make him endure her autism because of the disinformation.


The rain scene was indeed cringey but it wasn't really much worse than Eva, the Boss, and Naomi's absurd cleavage. Or pretty much everything about the beauties. Or Paz in her underwear. Or Snakes awful flirting in the early games.

Metal Gear is full of cringe.

>Venom was cringing

At first he was just confused. Then he played along.


>but it wasn't really much worse
Yes it was. I could go into extreme detail as to why but I'm so fucking burned out by this series at this point. Also yeah, it's full of cringe but the rain scene was the only one that made me protest in pain.


Pretty please.

Meh, go into detail if you like but it was just another embarrassing Metal Gear moment to me. It least it didn't give you camera control so you can look down her shirt or let you stop the game and take pictures while she poses.