What games are you looking forward to at AGDQ 2017?
What games are you looking forward to at AGDQ 2017?
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I will watch most things but for the love of god, less Megaman.
Narcissa is not a speedrunner though.
>validity of others through numbers
Explain this meme to me. I don't understand it, yet people seem to really love watching it.
Not trying to shitpost, I'm just genuinely curious as to what the appeal is.
kill yourself
at least cosmo chose an apt name for his new persona
Why do ugly people always use the black and white filter?
>watching AutismGoneDowninQuality past 2013
why would you do that to yourself?
Thanks faggot. Could have just answered my question but you had to be an edgelord instead.
you're welcome homo
pretentious trannies you mean
Speedrunning requires very good skill at the game, knowledge of the mechanics, and often abuse of glitches. It's about seeing a game played at the absolute highest level. I love TAS's as well, which are generally a step above that, removing the human element to see just how far a game can be taken.
>it's about seeing a game played at the absolute highest level.
not at agdq 2017 it wont be
Speedruns are neat to watch the first time but fuck watching the same shit over and over. That said AGDQ is hilarious to watch here.
Yeah, I enjoy AGDQ but it's annoying to see runs or entire blocks of people who are "decent" speedrunners. I want the fucking best.
Though speedrunning live at marathons always will have worse results than trying over and over by themselves.
Let's be real - you watch it because almost every speedrunner is a mentally broken autist and watching them try to fit in around other people is entertaining.
I can only hope this guy makes it
Not even remotely. Most speedrunners just get in the way. Some are legit entertaining but I'm watching for the gameplay.
It can be interesting occasionally, especially when it involves bullshit that completely breaks the game.
I don't see the point in sitting through a whole fucking marathon instead of sifting through for the two or three actually interesting runs afterwards though
I usually base what I watch with games I have passion for, but more importantly how not autistic the runner is. I understand there's a lot of pressure in it, but I don't want to watch someone spill their spaghetti for charity or be otherwise obnoxious. Not that personality is worth more than speed, but I'd prefer to be able to watch it for strats and commentary than just share a couch uncomfortably
You mean yourself?
>name is Narcissa
Why am I not surprised.
It's a shame Bonesaw is banned.
SJWs won
what happened?
This is the saddest cry for help I've ever seen
Wouldnt stop talking about Owen Wilson
I thought he only made one comment?
one comment is all it takes to get banned
He had fun at AGDQ, instaban
fuckin' sjws man
Honestly they've started being boring.
Sterilization for maximum normie bucks will do that to an event.
are there any other good events?
the survivors must have gone somewhere
No, ESA and NASA were both train wrecks.
Seeing someone playing at a game at it's possible best can be interesting. Also learn new things you can apply to said games as well.
Nope, once they got into the swing of things they pretty much spent an hour straight shitting on Owen Wilson, Canada Air, Owen Wilson's nose, Ben Affleck, Anaconda, Bryan Cranston, Owen Wilson's wife, Jeb Bush, and the SGDQ staff itself.
is there a list of runs? there are several games i would like to see run but i doubt anyone would take the time
And continued when the staff asked them to stop.
Really shouldn't be surprising to anyone that he was banned.
Memes aside, does Cosmo make good money? I wonder what's Cosmo's income.
They're probably still only in the submission phases now.
They'll then reject all the interesting games and do more of the same shit you've seen over and over.
>le jews :((
greetings from germany, just had to donate to such an awesome event thanks to all the great runners, lets kick cancer's butt! put this money towards saving the animals! hoype!
by getting fucked in the ass
raigan pls
Submissions just closed yesterday. List will be posted early next month.
If the bugs/glitches break the game or change it and the speedrunner comments his run, it's actually very entertaining.
the jak run this year was god like
Which is why the runner was banned for a year.
FPS block
Deus ex
Half life
PJ's runs are usually entertaining
Ghouls and goblins
Battletoads /coop arcade
Bionic commando
Metal morph
tfw carcinogen's MGS1 disc kept fucking up on his PS2 RIGHT before the final fmv and he couldn't do a proper submission of it
>Bonesaw is gone
What's even the point then?
Also, who is in charge of banning runners?
Even some of the officials at the event, and the announcer/donation reader were in laughing fits during Bonesaw's run.
And I'm sure everyone who laughed at Bonesaw's jokes was also given a very stern talking too.
Also the Yetee for making an Owen Wilson shirt for awhile.
>fingerless gloves
why the fuck did this tranny think that was ok?
what a useless faggot. I hope he kills himself.
I've never understood TAS. If you're going to mod the game/alter the code somehow why not just mod it so when you hit start it rolls the credits and you have a 00:00 speedrun? I always thought that making up the rules as you go like that kills any validity or skill.
>Also the Yetee for making an Owen Wilson shirt for awhile.
Jesus fuck. I doubt they're gonna let them sell next year.
If they keep doing shit like this, they're gonna run themselves into the ground. How do they not realize this?
Could you make me a sandwich?
TAS (tool-assisted speedrun) doesn't mod the game or alter the code, unless you're doing something like that infamous Super Mario World credits warp which is usually a specific category by itself. TAS is pretty much programming a controller or going frame-by-frame in an emulator to play a game as "perfect" as possible, sometimes utilizing frame-perfect techniques with consistency that just isn't humanly possible. TAS still abides by the game's logic and rules.
In most cases, a TAS doesn't do anything the game itself doesn't allow, even if it's the result of things that a human couldn't do. (hitting a series of frame-perfect inputs and input releases every time, or pressing left and right on the controller on the same frame) and sets a theorhetical absolute fastest time the game can be finished in.
This is different than Arbitrary Code Execution, which exploits memory leaks or glitches to be able to rewrite the game on the fly. Most TAS runs are very distinct from ACE "runs".
are you retarded
See, this actually answers my question. Thanks.
I'm sure they'll still let Yetee sell shirts, only they'll be a lot more regulated and there will be no spontaneous mid marathon new designs.
Some games are fun to see broken or insanely optimized. Check out a speed run of The Talos Principle if you've played it.
Helps hide imperfections.
Unless of course GDQ LLC starts making their own shirts so they can pocket more of the money.
TAS's don't mod the game you idiot. They're input scripts that beat the game faster then humanly possible since they can do shit like 30 frame perfect jumps in a row.
It's one of their biggest contributors, of actual money. They can't just turn down the source of constant anonymous $10,000 donations, can they?
Who's ready for the same mario, zelda, six hour no fun runs sprinkled with some weird tranny playing a game poorly
Thank Allah that TASvideos isn't complete shit
>Videos of Cosmo eating soylent bars and shit won't stop showing up in my recommended videos
I'm sorry, when did you think you were allowed to not watch them?
>It's one of their biggest contributors, of actual money.
So was Bonesaw.
He singlehandedly raked in the most money of the entire event. But they've still kicked him out.
Super Metroid obviously but I always want to see a glitchless Pokemon speed run that isn't R/B/G/Y
The only reason it's their biggest source of donations is because of the shirts GDQ LLC sponsors.
Should happen then GDQ LLC could potentially pocket more money and have more control over the product being sent out for their marathons.
And GDQ has become very heavy on controlling their image.
>a glitchless Pokemon speed run that isn't R/B/G/Y
Not popular enough with normal fags since it's not Gen 1.
You know, it kinda looks a little bit cute. An incredibly small amount, but still
I feel dirty
>glitchless pokemon runs
Because I want to see how long it'd take them to beat the game, that's point of speedruns in my mind.
to watch someone get rekt by rng
like 4+ hours pham
Watch one on youtube or SDA
No silly the point of speedruns is to generate the most revenue from easily exploited normies by putting a cause in front of them they support and by playing a game they've at least heard of before.
glitchless pokems sucks, if any Pokemon run gets in I'd want to see Platinum or HG/SS
by the way, I get what you're saying just RPGs take so long
>Anonymous $1000 donations
Just go to Werster's Youtube. He RNG abuses like crazy but still.
>TFW his Emerald speedrun that including getting all gold in the Frontier is gone.
Hey people gotta launder money somehow user.
i could honestly care less about what games are actually being ran, i watch them for the drama and fun. although both of which have been severely dwindling as it becomes more about money grabbing than just a bunch of sweaty nerds getting together to play vidya
Fun is officially banned user.
It's fun seeing people beast games that you may have once played and never touched again. These people took one game so seriously they became the best. Pretty autistic but enjoyable to watch.
Not a fan of glitch runs though.