
>OH look my health
>use cure
>Pass the game


wow great thread how did anyone enjoy this game??

try that on Critical mode motherfucker

>playing on easy
Do people actually do this? I thought this mode was only reserved for kids and the physically handicapped, but I guess people who has a habit of non-stop dick sucking uses it too. Guess you DO learn something new everyday.

any game ever


>post was made after the post below it
>it still comes before

somehow this thread was so shit it made the posts fly through time. great job OP


>playing on easy
Try that shit on anything above normal and watch your asshole get torn apart OP.

t. Every jrpg ever made

why is it that the only thing more cancerous than kh fans are anti kh fans?

>the physically handicapped
Perfect for Sup Forums

OP here, playing on normal you fag and the game is the same boring shit. I guess you are fapping now with some porn fan fiction with Riku and Donald.

But it's fun!

Did they put an easy mode in the HD version? I don't remember there being an easy mode on the PS2.

>literally underage
Try critical or proud mode. then come back

This is what japanese developers replaced ATB with. And people on this board are happy with that.


>the hard difficulty meme

this game is for manchildren and girls, right?

KH2 Vanilla had a Beginner Mode. It didn't have Critical. FM had all 4. 2.5 is just the FM version.

so I was right about you being underage. just go back to watching leafy newfag


Let's settle this. Which KH had the best combat and why is it not 2?


wtf i hate kh now

not an argument

It is pretty stupid that they pretty much hid the real game in Critical mode but once you discover it, it has some damn good combat.

BBS, also the only good game in the whole series.

Arguably BBS and DDD.

this some spicy bait lad

God, the animation is so slick.

1 was pretty satisfying because it gave you the feel of Sora being some kid that's only fought with wooden swords all his life and now has to step up and get serious. The skill prgression in 1 is amazing. COM is nice because Sora handles the keyblade better and has access to a shitton of sleights. BBS was incredibly clunky and worse than 1 imo. 3D was pretty great, felt close to 2. 358/2 days is atrocious. 2 is absolutely CUHRAZY.
2>3D>1>COM>BBS>358/2 Days

You can do the same shit in DMC3 and 4 on normal. What's your point?

It's 2:FM. And that's a fact.

>not playing on hard with only kingdom key
this is the only way to make battles fun

>best option in every situation is element surge,and Balloon
>best combat
I like those two games but cmon nigga.
2 will forever have the best combat, unless 3 somehow pulls through.

For KH2? There was always an easy mode.

BBS is the literal meme combat. The retarded styles break the flow of combat and leave you open to counter attacks. Also, 90% of commands are useless shit. 3D did it infinitely better.

>spam balloon

>spam surge
Like I said, 3D getting rid of the styles makes it way better than BBS.


I FUCKING HATE THE COMMANDS. Versing mysterious figure on proud or crit is so fucking random

i will never understand why anyone plays these shit games. the combat is horrible, the story might actually be the worst thing i've ever seen in any jrpg series, and the only other gameplay to speak of is sometimes there's some mediocre platforming. is it just because you like disney characters?



And dont forget the linkin park videos

90% of vidya and gamers are cancer

Am I the only one doesn't remember what the fuck the story of the games where about? I played them on ps2 but I don't remember anything about them.

If it's been a while, you wouldn't. It's one of those series where you have to keep up with the releases.


And now they're doing the same to mainline FF. Enjoy the future!

It's ok to be upset OP. what games do you play ?

How's DDD?

It's alright. Better than BbS by a bit, but Balloon makes the game a joke. I'm waiting to see how they will tweak it for 2.8.

It's shit like all the other KH games.

Why are you not answering my question OP. What games do you play

>a Command Deck game has best combat
>they DON'T say Re:coded
What the fuck is wrong with you two

Flowmotion is fun, but still just another Osaka gimmick
KH3 will have so many fucking gimmicks even prime time team tokyo wouldn't be able to balance all of it.
Combos, magic, flowmotion, shotlock, kayblade transformations, ride summons and even more

To be fair, Normal mode on KH was about twice as difficult as Proud mode on KH2. 3 extra levels of grinding during Roxas's awakening is the only difference between Proud and the lower difficulty levels.

Because I'm not OP.

And stop pretending like KH is above other games.

posting a classic image because I can

Why are you wasting your time in a thread about a game series you dislike

>he didn't play the post-game
>he didn't play on critical
>he spent hours leveling up instead of learning to DODGE

The fuck is wrong with you When did I say KH is above other games.. I just asked what games you play

I'm not OP, nigger.

Because it rustles you.

I know you are baiting but why are you afraid to tell me what you play even If you aren't OP

Not really rustled, just wondering

>RTS/moba games


what game doesnt have repetitive button presses? this thread is gay

what's wrong with being gay

op is a fucking idiot tho