>AOT musou video goes up
>Liam doesn't shut up for an hour
he usually doesn't get on my nerves but god damn did his voice just grate on me today
>AOT musou video goes up
>Liam doesn't shut up for an hour
he usually doesn't get on my nerves but god damn did his voice just grate on me today
Who has a cuter girlfriend, Liam or Woolie?
It's fine.
leave a derogatory comment about Mighty Number Nine
that will hurt his feelings
> I originally played this on the vita
It would be hilarious if he didn't literally say this
>they don't even read the manga
>Basement secret revealed
>most underwhelming and boring shit ever
Why didn't I drop this fuck
The manga went to shit like 10 chapters after the anime ended anyway.
animu shit
mango shit
I stopped watching around 15 minutes in, is the entire hour just Woolie being illiterate and garbage at the controls?
I had a really shit day once, when I got home liams top 10 games of whatever year was up. I just wanted to forget about my shitty day at work but I clicked it, and I immediately got annoyed and angry at liam because his top 10 list ended up being a full in depth review of each title.
I think I left a scathing comment, which I probably wouldn't have done if I wasn't already pissed off but shit, that kid pisses me off.
>Actually has a nice idea for once and did a video on Last gen Shadow of Mordor.
>Liam tries his best to showcase all the broken shit while Pat goes nuts about it
>Fucking ruined with Matt pushing his shitty jokes
Matt is the fucking worst.
What was down there? Dropped it a long time ago but I'm curious.
A bunch of dirty porn magazines.
Sounds like a pretty good reveal to be honest, family.
Liam, by far.
>tfw Pat and Woolie master race only play soulsbourne games
I can't tell how much of Omikron is it being a shit game and how much is them just being shit.
They are being pretty shit at it, but the game is also fucking terrible. Arguably the best of the Cage games but still.
>its Liam cries when people argue against him episode
Butterface She-Hulk
Out of the 4, who's gf has the biggest tits
Either Matt's or Pat's, but Matt's girl is just a hambeast.
Probably Matt's Wailord through brute force of fat. After that probably Woolie's.
Woolie's girlfriend is the cutest. I know it's not saying much but still.
DeS stream just went live if anyone cares.
Jesus Leana is so fucking ugly, looks a like a man. Guess it fits the narrative of Matt's being the loser of the four of them.
Who is this faggot neckbeard virgin
And why are so many of you betas talking about him?
>it's another saltybet fnf
Fucks sake. Also what the fug is their problem with Blazblue ?
Woolie hates it and thinks its the funniest thing to troll "blubabbies".
>Also what the fug is their problem with Blazblue ?
Absolutely nothing, they all think it's a fine game but most of them prefer Guilty Gear more. However, at this point the joke has been going on for so long and people are still mad about it so rather than ever actually play BB they just keep the joke going.
Is germanshit/whoever that autisic soulsfags was they had for the last one(s) still there?
People want them to play it and they wont. I think Pat and Woolie, or just Pat play it off like they hate it while Liam doesn't think its that bad and Matt is just kind of there.
stop shilling this shit channel
Been subbed since the heavy rain lp but I'm finding it real hard to watch their stuff these days, pat's the only one I can still stand.
They've been running out of shit to play for like a year as well. Nothing but obscure anime shit left.
A majority of the posts here have been annoyances and not shilling you faggot.
they basically retconned one of the premises of the show, turns out humanity is doing completely fine outside of the walls, there was a picture in the basement showing there's more advanced technology too
not the same user, i think it was cliche but it could've been worse imo
doesnt seem so
no plague either, sucks
I wish Matt and Liam would just fucking die already.
So he's not there? It might be watchable then.
I was wrong, sorry user.
Why does Sup Forums like Pat so much?
>turns out humanity is doing completely fine outside of the walls
Have they explained why that is a big secret? Like why not tell everybody "yo if you want to stop getting rekt by titans just leave this hell town"
Either way that actually kinda neat and I might pick the manga back up now. Fug.
because he enjoys videogames
>Wii U
He is the biggest sonypony, so no fucking way.
He's an actual autistic manlet. Lots of Sup Forums can relate.
he's an angry gnome with Karin's laugh, what's not to like
Is Liam fucking dating his own sister or something?
To be fair, Woolie was really useless on the controls. If Liam wasn't there guiding him it'd be an hour of the title screen.
He's our man
Plus the rest of them never shut up
any amount of publicity is shilling
I would have absolute no fucking clue about any of these fucking faggots if it weren't for niggers like you
>Cool, a new vid-
>matt is in it
Fuck that.
this shit cracks me up, thanks user
The basement basically JUST got revealed and there is no context yet for anything that's inside, people who are jumping the gun and calling the reveal "shit" were retards expecting some crazy Truman Show-tier bullshit down there.
Why don't you guys like Woolie more? Woolie can at least be amusing. Pat hasn't done anything entertaining in years.
Plus Woolie is handsome and is great at fighting games.
One thing that would help you not know about any of this faggots is hide the thread instead of opening them and replying.
>none of their gf's have a feminine dick
fucking scrubs
>Demon's Souls stream
>Liam the Fake Weeaboo of the Social Justice tribe
>Matt McManchild, member of the Video Ruiner Duo along with Liam
>no fucking Pat
Nah m8
he's keeps lying about JoJo, and i spend half of my time here on that general on Sup Forums, otherwise he's pretty great
>Reiner is still alive somehow
What the fuck is the author even thinking
I really wish Matt wasn't the face of the channel. It's not like's even important to the channel, but everyone just goes "Yeah, Matt IS TBFP" and he keeps pushing it with his boss jokes.
Like literally, no, literally. like this time for real, literally all he does are using the same old stuff until he is informed 2 months late that the joke is now old (hah fartgas) and do some simpsons/other not relevant/funny pop culture references.
Like is there a single guy who wants Matt in the videos?
holy shit woolie being a BIGGER coward than I could ever expect
Is he really bad at reading, or something? He's constantly wrong about everything when it comes to JoJo.
Is it just me, or is Pat's mental state deteriorating?
>hating on Reiner
he's the most likeable out of all three, which is why he's still alive and semi-present in the plot
What was the point liam had?
Remember guys, if Pat got a fucking Hooters girl (Lets assume she is not a total slut), you can also get a gf!
Does Pat's gf into vidya james?
proof that pat x woolie is the winning formula tbqh
>any amount of publicity is shilling
No, you're just saying its shilling because we're talking about people you don't like.
Liam is defending the ps4 pro right now on the demon souls stream.
How retarded can a human being be?
I'll grant she has a pretty good body but her face though
She does twitch streams.
>its ok to excuse bad writing and pointless plot armor because i like the character
I don't know when he started reading but i can kinda understand him, i've read the manga a long time ago and stopped in the first half steel ball run more or less, by the time the hype for the anime came i forgot a bunch of shit of the series, maybe it's the same for him.
>Liam not Vita
Pat wasn't on the stream when it started user so I just assumed.
Maybe you should be dedicated enough to check the stream the moment it starts :^)
>Doesn't bow down for views
>Just shows up on the videos, sipping Red Bull and being aggressive
>advertises being PC master race
>Not an autist like Matt, Fighting Game black man with no personality or passive aggressive devils advocate weeb, so easiest to relate to
I wish Pat and Woolie would be nicer to each other in videos. I want them to become real friends.
I still can't get over the fact that Liam's girlfriend looks like she could be his sister.
Like holy shit the resemblance is uncanny. Do you think it's why he grew the beard?
all that crack had to take its toll someday.
>broke his weapon as he died
Maybe you should make sure your statement is still correct the moment you post it... or 10 minutes before.
Woolie always reaches new hieghts
Can't even beat a fucking phantom while having OP gear
Everything about Woolie annoys me
>Literally no personality, keeps doing the same jokes Matt or Liam do, his only own "things" were started by the others
>da fighting game community tho xDD
>Always plays it safe, picks the boss characters and still manages to play badly
>Offers nothing to videos, his most fitting role is with Matt, where Matt makes some dumb simpsons joke or something and Woolie goes "Yeahyeahyeah hahahaha!"
It's ok to like Pat more but why you gotta insult woolie like that. He has lots of personality, he can be goofier than Pat, Matt and Liam combined (except it's funnier when he does it). Woolie is such a lovable, handsome guy who is good at fighting games. It's okay to prefer Pat, but don't talk shit about Woolie. He is a great man.
>Woolie's gf is a trans
>Matt's wife is a nose
>Liam's gf is himself
It's bizarre how Pat's gf is actually attractive.
>actually looking at the stream for more than a few seconds at the very beginning
What are you, a dedicated fan? Do you suck on Matt's dick?
Blink twice if Woolie has a gun pressed to your head.
What's wrong with her face?
I mean I guess it's more womanly than cute and has a big forehead, but that's a minor flaw
God Woolie's such a fucking weeb I wanna kick him