
Rate a video game trilogy like pic related does for movies. Blank template to follow.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Back To The Future
>1 the best

>all LOTR movies are equally good
>superman is good, ever
>spiderman is good, ever

Ignore the ratings in the OP and use the blank template to make one for a video game trilogy.

>Last Crusade just as good as Temple of Doom

who made this garbage

>MM3 better than MM1
um what

>Jaws 2&3 better than The Lost World: JP

I'm with this guy, thunderdome was trash

Back to the future 3 was the best of the trilogy

I actually don't hate Thunderdome, in fact I really like the parts with the Bartertown, feels very gritty and very Fallout, with civilization slowly coming back in a twisted way. But the kids was too much, the middle was bloated. MM1 is a really tight low-budget movie. Fury Road is a masterpiece.

Literally shit taste

>jurassic park that low
Movie is a goddamn masterpiece.

Anyway, video games related.
I still haven't played 4 or 5




Dude, did you forget that Wind Waker is a game? What a fucking retard, holy shit.

nigga what kinda video game trilogy is that

>any of the Lord of the rings below star wars
>fellowship not slightly better

This chart is disgusting

Pretty sure the whole pic is meant to be intentionally stupid like that


im sorry OP your asking to much from Sup Forums, we just want our memes

You're a special kind of retard



Why did you do one of these with only 2 games user

People sure hate the third Xmen, even though it was my favourite. And fuck, BttF2, while not my opinion, is arguably better than the first.

Temple of Doom and Search for Spock were both really bad, though.


You do know arena and daggerfall exist, right?

I wouldn't say Temple of Doom was really bad but it certainly needs dropped down on that meter just for comparison to the other two.

Watch Spider-Man 3 again. It's amazing.
>Oh Peter,
Sucks Sony fucked with it but it's the most "Rami" of those movies.

>hating on Zero
shit taste.


>fury road is a masterpiece

its easily the worst MM movie but still decent

What a shitty opinion.

But muh men's rights.

>Liking no inventory box
>Liking awful animal zombies
>Liking shitty single-player co-oping

At least he picked three in order.

Maybe he meant the new Star Trek movies, in which case the image would still be wrong because those were awful.

Yeah, I remember reading an article on some MRA site (Return of KANGZ, I think?), which went like "Fury Road is a great action movie but you mustn't see it because it has a female character and seeing it will tell feminists it's okay to shove women into action movies". Never mind that Max easily is the most badass character in the movie, leaping between moving cars with a crossbow bolt in his palm.

>3 sequential games

you should really be pointing out the absence of ww

It was fantastic and brought back everything that made Road Warrior a classic. Do you have any real criticism of it or are you one of those people pissed at the stronk wimminz in it?

it's a joke pic.




indisputable, factual evidence

One of the best trilogies of all time.

Bold statement.
I agree.

But it's just a linear, sidescrolling platformer. Maybe it was good for the time.

Cute, but you're wrong

On the surface that's what it looks like.

My nigga


a little mad


worse acting, worse soundtrack, worse villain, great visuals, worse pacing, worse ending

it wasn't as good as mm1 or 2 and i don't give a shit about le stronk wymen meme

its maybe tied with thunderdome but i like that more for setting alone

Damn right.



You could simplify the description of anything spectacular in a similar manner.

What is it with people always claiming any negativity towards Fury Road must be because you're a butthurt MRA or something?

This is accurate.

I'd personally have to remove half of the corruption bar.

No, no I couldn't. Especially since DKC games are extremely shallow and do fit that description.

I didn't claim it, so I dunno why you linked to my post. It was ONE source of negativity, but I never implied this was user's reason.

>1 better than 2
>RoS better than 2
>Ros better than 1
>Ros better than 3

Seriously I recently played the whole series from the start, the first game has aged terribly.


Have you actually played them?

2 is a good game but it's definitely not as perfect a game as REmake, it needs to be lowered a little.

CVX should be lower than 3 and 3 itself needs to be a little higher. Even though 3 was short, everything past the first half of CVX was complete garbage. 3 had the best atmosphere of any RE game because of Nemesis and Nemesis was the only classic RE boss even worth talking about.

5 should be higher than 6 but not by much, and both should be lower, the only reason 6 could ever be considered better than 5 is because the singleplayer AI in 6 wasn't absolute tripe, but both games should be played coop anyway. 6 had some nice gameplay and cool extra modes but that doesn't at all make up for the fact that it was abysmal in almost every other way.

0 wasn't that good but it was certainly nowhere near that bad, definitely not leagues worse than RE6. Maybe put it on par with RE6 after the above change.

best atmosphere of any RE game besides REmake*

Underrate 3 much?

But I agree with you about Uncharted 1


Yes, all 3 of em on the SNES, what about it? How is it not shallow? As I said it's just a linear sidescrolling platformer, made for anyone to pick up and play instantly, because they're so shallow. It's not like, say, Morrowind.

> InB4 some fanboy says they should all be filled to the brim

Uncharted Fanboys are fucking crazy man, they think a 9/10 means the reviewer hated the game.

ROS is definitely better than just 3. otherwise you're on the money.

>JP 1 that low


>worse villain

Did you ever search out the DK Coins? The Bonus Stages, the Banana Birds, or were you just interested in going from A to B?

BTTF is my favorite film of all time. 1 is the best. Not sure how 2 or 3 could be seen as better. I love them all though. Big fan of 3 moreso than 2.

>LotR movies

>Spider-Man 2

Opinion disregarded.

you fucken idiot

>worse soundtrack

It wasn't a game worthy of taking Eight Years, but it's honestly still a great game.


This is the worst one I have ever seen.

Kill yourself.

Look at this idiot

It's literally Sup Forums: the opinion.

6 is WAAAAAAAY too high, it should be at least below Zero

If the middle one is the first one, the left one is the third one and the right one is the second one then I agree.

Do those optional collectibles make the game not shallow somehow? Are those NSMB games not shallow since they also have hidden shit here and there?


Clearly you know nothing

Uncharted 1 has aged so badly it's baffling
But yeah, that list is accurate, 2 was fucking amazing

Why did you like 3 more when you replayed it?

Well if you say so then it must be true.

0 is good you fucking pleb

>back to the future 2 that low

Dark Souls

>Star Wars
>Better than LoTR
My fucking bollocks.