Alright, so, honestly, which is better and why is it LoL?
Alright, so, honestly, which is better and why is it LoL?
Other urls found in this thread:
WC3 is better
Overwatch is the superior MOBA
You know why LoL is named like that ?
Because when you play it you do a 360° then lol away
Lol does have better designs.
LoL has:
>Superior waifus
>Superior art
>Superior gameplay and gameplay variety
>No turn speed bullshit
Among other things. I don't see why anyone would prefer doturd
>generic anime trashfus
>generic anime art
>copypasted heroes with no depth in gameplay
Better than edgy shit like dota is
Couldn't say.
I missed the 9/11 thread.
>lists no turn speed as a positive
Give me a way it's not
He mad because he can't beat the bat.
wow really
and that just proves lol has no depth
What thread was that?
>muh batrider
He's literally OP
>removing mechanics is good
t. retarded liege of lesbians shitstain
literally just stun him you faggot
he's as sturdy as a piece of paper
>He mad at batrider
U mad.
Both have their ups and down but LoL has a easier time to pick up which made it more popular.
Which isn't a bad thing.
>Something is strong so that's bad game design
Confirmed for lol player
did they make it so that karthus isn't a skeleton anymore in order to appease their chinese overlords?
Xherosiege was best. Why aren't there Xherosiege spinoffs?
>haha its cute but actually really evil
Its a fucking trope you moron at least doom is bluntly satan and isn't trying to be a cliche
I'd play Heroes of the Storm over LoL any day, LoL is a children's trash tier casual Moba. Literally everyone I know who plays it is a massive fucking idiot.
they changed a single towers health to ensure that you couldn't deviate from the predetermined meta.
Try playing X Hero Siege today and you'll see what a horrible imbalanced and broken mess it is.
Dota 2 is objectively a better game.
HotS is fucking horrible though.
It's weird. I suck at Dota, but I'm ok at LoL and HotS. I can't enjoy them though. Bad as I may be at Dota, going to the other games just feels like a more miserable experience.
Something about dota just feels right.
Litterally same shit
The right answer would be none If that doesn't convince you just play whatever your friends play.
The one I play.
The last Sup Forums character you played has to protect the twin towers.
Farmville is also easier to pick up which has made it quite popular.
>That's not a bad thing! Everything's just opinions!
Pretty much to bad Karthus gets no play since hes just in such a bad spot that by playing him your a disadvantage automatically.
Hes a lich.
Of course League of Legends has melee carries, they're just called '''''''''''''''''assassins'''''''''''''''''
Or as Riot likes to go by the dichotomy they created, "Slayers" and "Divers"
>Farmville is also easier to pick up which has made it quite popular.
Well yeah that's kinda what it aimed to do and succeeded. Your elitist is showing. Imo both games have shit communities and honestly both are pretty bad just different strokes for a different folk.
all mobas are cancer
but they act as heatsinks for retards
so it's okay
You seem to be under the mistaken belief that you can make a convincing argument by invoking variations on "different strokes for a different folks," which is as close to non-meaning as an english sentence can get.
Here's your reading for the day:
you have to be on some serious crack to think LoL is even good enough to be playable. it would be like playing WOW, thats how shit and outdated it is.
lol snowballs way to hard. Games are decided in the first 5 minutes.
lol is better because its not as casual
The only reason I still have DotA 2 installed on my machine.
>popularity = quality
Dota 2 is vastly superior. LoL is just a casual version of Dota hence its popularity, particularly among girls.
Cmon son, are you going to tell me Dota isn't generic as shit?
they are both shit.
go back to your generals.
Dota may have generic heroes, but there are others who are unique in concept.
Meanwhile in LoL everything is generic,from abilities to design
>Literally a pocket strat hero that barely anyone can perform greatly
Nigga you need to git gud
>a giant douche or a turd sandwich
dota has more features, depth and uses the map itself in an interesting way. Theres no equivalent to Timbersaw and his affect to the map in LoL
I literally can't stand all the same-y press Q A-click carries in DotA.
fuck off with ur family guy references
#stewie #louis numale cuck
More annoying Teens Play it so for some reason people decided it would be better.
name one hero in dota 2 that is actuall generic
Really? Like who?
Yeah but making something accesible isn't an inherently bad thing.
Skeleton King
name two same-y A-click carries
>>Superior waifus
More fap Material for weebs. Cant argue with that
>>Superior art
If youre drawn to a colorful incoherent clusterfuck of a Million different artstyles that is
>>Superior gameplay and gameplay variety
>>No turn speed bullshit
git gud nub
> Q A-click carries
literally only phantom assassin, and theres no other hero like her
When you type "dota" in LoL - you get censored
When you type "lol" in DotA - your character laughs
Sven and Leoric are LITERALLY the same hero
>f youre drawn to a colorful incoherent clusterfuck of a Million different artstyles that is
>implying the cosmetics in Dota don't do that either.
Phantom Assassin is Q click W click A click
Way different.
And dotas aren't?
How are they at all similar? Because they both have a stun?
One of them can destroy your ancient in 15 minutes with just brown boots, other one has no mana after using his stun.
Scepter ult is one of the most unique mechanics in the game
>LoLbabbies as always think turn speed is bad
It literally makes committing to a fight punish you harder if it was a bad decision, or reward you if it was a good one. It's because of that why you see more kills happen in an average game of Dota than in LoL, where you can just keep harassing and never actually commit to anything.
>bloodline champions is dead
the only good moba
Because they both boil down to "throw stun and hit stuff until you die"
Objectively false.
> Superior Waifus
> Superior Art
> Superior Gameplay and Variety
Unequivocally False, you fucking liar.
The only good thing to come out of LoL is the R34. The rest is utter trash that takes up an undeserved space on the internet.
Might be true, but don't lump in a first person shooter with this feculent swill. It's an insult to games themselves.
That's what happens when you have like 3 or so artstyle "updates".
They at least have some resemblance of a color palette. Meanwhile lolskins are completely different appearances
with sven its "hit three of them with your stun and cleave them all to death with one hit", with skeleton king its "never die thanks to your ulti and lifesteal"
Visual feedback on LoL is much clearer than in DotA.
Oh tell me how you earned 120$ playing LoL
Tell me how you got all the skins you like for free
Tell me how awesome your standalone adobe launcher is
Tell me how epic the new WCIII engine is
Tell me how LoL is supporting indie creators
Tell me how LoL has superious replay system and in-game streaming
Tell me how there is tons of custom games
Tell me how LoL has great unique champon designs that are unique and not interchangable
Tell me how it is awesome to play meta only and get banned cus you experimented
Tell me how champions has 0 interations and 10 lines tops
Tell me how great the "improved" graphics are
Tell me how LoL has superior lore where a cast of Pokemon ditched projects play next to a Loli with a bear and Mordekaiser the edgelord metal incarnate
Tell me how LoL doesnt force u to grind to be relevant in the game
Tell me how Meta isn't stale as fuck
Tell me why is RIOT sweating when they add a hook to a game
Tell me what is micromanagement
Please, tell me how LoL is a better game.
So I play a lot of Smite, and I love shit like Nu Wa (She creates clay soldiers that are basically 3 free minions) and Bakasura (He eats minions, then spits them up later to attack the enemy) does LOL or DOTA2 have any characters all about creating minions?
natures prophet is literally just teleport all over the map and summon minions
Why do people need to fill their arguments with needless or senseless bullshit in order to make it seem bigger? You got legit points there but I'm having a hard time taking it seriously with stuff like
>tell me how you got all the skins you like for free
I want to like dota but the other players are such utter faggots
Want to learn Dota. Never played a moba. Who do I start with? Interested in melee.
Literally just random every game.
after playing dota for 10 years nothing can make me upset in a video game anymore
Skin sales are important part for some fashion fags. I am included. When a game says its free but then charges me 2x the price of AAA game to get a reskin ITS FUCKING RIPOFF SHIT.
Dota2 has random drops and prices are fucking cheap.
I agree with you, but I just stated that compared to LoL - Dota2 offers FREE stuff you can SELL for money or TRADE for different set/part.
Its a beneficial feature Lol lacks. ok?
Sven dragonknight wraithking, Go from there. Play 10 games with each then try increasing your heropool.
If some Hero wrecks your dick, Play that next and find out how/why
Broodmother has a nuke that spawns controllable mini-spiders if it kills something. If the spiders kill something they too spawn smaller spiders.
Enigma insta-kills any creep and summons 3 creeps that duplicate if they hit shit 6 times, refreshing duration.
And there's Chen and Enchantress that control jungle creeps.
How can you not hate every lol players. why would anyone play this babywashed trash
I personally started with Chaos Knight. He's an easy enough character to learn in that his skills are pretty simple to learn and don't require much thought. Another good choice for that is Wraith King, since he only has one active spell.
I'd recommend you start playing bot matches to learn the very basics of the game. Try to get used to the hero of your choice so that you can start learning the other mechanics about the game (itemization, skill-leveling, last-hitting, when to commit to a fight, knowing the different stages of the game, knowing how to farm efficiently...) that aren't tied to your hero without being worried about your hero. Once you have those mechanics down, you can start learning other heroes.
I litaraly uninstalled legue after i was silver 1 almost making gold and my promo game had 2 afks. Its almost like the game knows you're doing good and places you with bad player accounts.
It's hard to explain the reasons for it but LoL has a metagame where you put a tanky fighter guy up top who's good at one on one and surviving, middle lane is an assassin or magical squishy damage dealer, and bottom lane is a ranged physical damage dealer+support. The reason you put that duo at the bottom is because there's an NPC that periodically spawns there that rewards a large amount of gold to whichever team kills it.
However, teams figured out a way to counter this strategy. The heroes typically put on the top lane, while good against other heroes put on the top lane, had no answer to the physical ranged dps and support combo that typically went bottom. So people would send their duo to top lane and simply shove it down as fast as possible with their range advantage while replacing their own tanky top guy with a safe ranged character that could hold their own in a 2v1 at bottom while the duo shoved the tower down. This way they could shove the tower down as fast as possible for an early lead and force an answer from the other team, thereby bypassing much of the laning phase. Riot responded by buffing the armor value of ONLY the turret that was being shoved quickly for the first 5 minutes of the game as part of the countermeta strategy. Riot had always protected the metagame but this was unprecedentedly blatant and hamfisted
>SC2 fucks up it's custom game scene with the arcade
>Dota 2 copies it
easiest hero in the game is weaver desu, but hes ranged
just play the tutorial, dont be dumb like me and go for ranked as soon as its available, itll fuck you up
you gotta memorize every hero skill (sounds overwhelming because they are all unique but its actually pretty easy once you play them at least 1 time)
remember not all melee heroes are ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK and using a few skills inbetween
some are actually complex as fuck and use more abilities than right clicks
anyway, play the gamemode that locks down to 20 heroes for beginners,a few games later theres no reason NOT to play all pick, its gonna open up a lot but theres really no other way to get into the game if its not jumping in
dont play against bots if youre looking to have fun, its boring
which hero would u fug
Necronomicon a book that has 2 bonus upgrades that summon Necronomicon demons one that adds attack/movement speed aura and the other that reveals invisible units on tier 3. Enemy that kills melle demon gets nuked for 300 dmg avg.
-Nature Profit- a green dude that roots out trees and makes ents that fight for him. His ulti can be upgraded with aghanims to make treants when the ulti kills a mob
-Meepo - A hero that gets 4x copies of himself, all having his own skills and ability to freely teleport them to other meepos. Teleport deals dmg so usualy player has to micromanage 1 meepo near enemy and then force other meepos to drop like the Emperors chosen, usualy killing weaker Hp heroes by PORTING IN.
-Beast master can summon 2 range cats that shoot slow spikes and he can also summon an scout invisible eagle to find the enemy
-Lycan can summon 2 wolves that gain his passive benefits
>I'd play Heroes of the Storm
Dota 2 is the better game but it's bland, has no waifus, and is too difficult to learn
And I'm not picking up another moba because mobas are dead anyway
Lol is superior but dota is the better game. It's chess vs checkers but the difficulty is multiplied by 100
Do you want to learn chess x 100 or checkers x 100. Both are complex but one is an easier complexity