ITT: recycled merchandise
ITT: recycled merchandise
trails thread?
Why is Zechs Vander such a lewd name. It sounds more like a Russian title given to someone who is very good at sex, or if you switch it around for Vander Zechs it sounds like a Dutch prostitute.
You could say that he sounds like a Sex O-ffender.
Renne will never be able to compare with best loli
If he were Irish he'd be called Zechs O'Vander.
I don't trust that man near Thors students.
Such a lewd outfit.
So this is the neo falcom, pandering the lowest common denominator lolicon degenerates.She doesn't have a personality at all either.
>"best" loli doesn't even have a personality
>hype her up and show how cute she is for the whole game
>Rance promises he'll take her virginity once she's older
>random little fucks get to rape her virginity before the protagonist
Made me so mad desu.
Why do the Nord Highlands get so much shit from everyone? It's my favourite place in the Sen games. The music is absolutely amazing, the scenery is gorgeous, and the cries of the animals as you ride through the plains really adds to the atmosphere. Sure, there's a lot of riding around, but that is like one slightly shitty thing in an area that is otherwise really good and different from any other areas you visit.
"no personality" is better than "Completely unoriginal cute loli #928438493784957483745858374589573"
Tita could literally be any other loli in any anime or game ever made.
But she isn't, just for being mini-Estelle and removing the emo from Agate.
They become loads better in CS2 JUST for adding a quicktravel option.
>s-s-she makes my dick hard so it's okay
Didn't expect anything less from an altina faggot.
Nonsense. The first time I saw Tita, I was pretty sure I had seen the same exact character design somewhere else. She doesn't have a single original or interesting bone in her body.
Sort of like how Alitna's outfit literally looks like it was ripped straight from a Neptunia game.
Enjoy your flavor of the month loli, I'm sure you'll move on to the next one when the next Neptunia game comes out.
There's no nep who is anything like Altina. Name one.
All of the lolis, since they're all not characters beyond surface personality traits and a lewd outfit, just like Altina.
Literally has nothing to do with my post. Also doesn't change the fact that Altina is a garbage character.
Tita is no better. In fact, she's just as shallow of a character but without the lewd outfit. She's shit.
Not a nep.
I don't like Altina just because she "makes my dick hard." I like her because she is actually an interesting character that I want to see more of, and not an unoriginal "cute loli in a hat #928394843947393"
What about Altina is interesting beyond her origins, which Millium shares? Honestly curious, user.
I don't need to spell it out for you. If you are so retarded that you can't see the mystery and curiosity of Altina, then there is really no hope for you. All I will say is that you can compare her behavior to Millium's and see clearly that there is a lot for the player to wonder or want to learn more about.
Honestly, anyone who likes Tita and not Altina clearly has no interest in the girls themselves so much as the shallow cute exterior.
>Shitting on kuudere
Literally no taste.
>actually an interesting character
There is nothing interesting about her. She's factually a shit version of millium. Millium actually has a personality and is more interesting to watch what she does and how she grows unlike the failure of a character that Altina is.
>Liking shitty kuuderes
It'd get steamier if Cold Steel was on PC, dammit. the 960x544 screenshots hurt inside
I wish Sup Forums had taste that good, they only like tsunderes and the most boring vanilla shit women like Elise in this game.
>implying anyone likes elise
Without a doubt, she's the only true shitty girl in Cold Steel.
>tfw best character was the traitor so I can't have him for most of the second game
>when you do get him back, there isn't a version of him where you can play as his gun-toting self
>I can't think of any reasons, t-think of them yourself!
All of the Trails lolis are terrible, grating characters who have no business being in these narratives. Yes, even Renne.
Not at all. You're just too simple minded to appreciate the beauty of a character like Altina.
What's wrong with Fie?
Lolis are shit.
>tfw wiping bleublanc and altina off the map before they pull any bullshit moves
I don't really think of her as a loli since she's only a couple years younger than the other characters. Better than the younger ones but still not my favorite character.
Thanks for sharing, user.
no problem
I want to push Duvalie off a cliff!
Not this loli.
Renne is a mature loli!
Millium needs some love ITT as well.