ITT: Brown girls done right
ITT: Brown girls done right
Thread over. She's pretty much the only one.
>what is young Ana
Her non-autistic version at least
>who is Alyx Vance
Kids these days...
>tfw don't have any pics
Elma from XCX is the best
>ever right
some ugly broad
I never found her attractive sorry my man.
>Sup Forums
>ever right
The qt foreigners from Valkyira.
That's only for men
>fly girl
Clementine too but only for Season One.
but my nigga rashid
>amputee fetish
Son, he said "brown girls " not "trans girls"
Wow, you weebs sure are awesome for using her Japanese names. I'll bet your parents are proud of you.
art styles
does widomaker not have shines then?
She's not brown.
Ramlethal a cute
My nigga, did they end up making any sequels or anything to Dark Knight Ingrid?
The second reply was a shot at the first one, dingus.
Serious opinion: her retarded version is actually much better. She doesn't do much, but at least she's kinda cute and endearing. When she was "sane", she was a complete bitch who kept hurting Guts for no good reason, and then later almost left Griffith for Guts since he was crippled and no longer attractive for her. Casca is a terrible person.
>he didnt save flygirl
She has appeared in games. The OVA is based off the game she appeared in called Taimanin Murasaki. She appears in Taimanin Murasaki, Taimanin Asagi 3, and Taimanin Asagi Battle Arena.
You're an idiot.
Not really brown desu
Well, she might be now since her corpse has decayed for a while
>Retarded faggot who hovers in the air the while the enemy team takes the point and relies on splash damage for kills, better known as "Hanzo with a jetpack"
>done right
Why? Because I don't like your bitchy waifu?
>"Hanzo with a jetpack"
Good design, shit game.
>relies on splash damage for kills
>Hanzo with a jetpack
What. Pick one you idiot.
oh yes
Hanzo as in useless cunt who doesn't contest the point
With a jetpack as in with a jetpack
Do Leaguebabbies count?
But splash damage is great for contesting points
Not to mention her wrist rocket will knock everybody off the point
Maybe you're just a shitty player who doesn't know how to leverage tools.
Young Ana looks like one of those girls who you just know are neurotic psychos cause of that look in their eyes but are also probably fucking great in bed
Why is it that when I carry a pack of retards as 76 and get 5 golds I am given 12 points as a reward, but when one guy afks all match and we somehow barely lose it dumps me down by 60?
I don't play her, I have yet to see a Pharah that would be a better choice than just another Tank
>needing splash damage to deal any damage because you can't aim
You're the shitty player.
>who is Mercedes
A dead goat.
That's sad.
Counters different characters.
>that lock of hair pointing at her mouth
H-holy fuck my dick
Fuck you're right. Make that Pharah and she goat then. Have a (You)
pencils down everyone, we have the answer
In all aspects except physical (fuck you Bioware you lazy faggots) she is a space brown girl
How is that sexy? It happens to me pretty often and it's so annoying. Makes me want to break things. I hate being tickled.
Oh hell yes best studio.
It's like a subtle sign saying "Hey, kiss me/fuck me right here --->" I guess
I don't really know why, it's just hot
The boner brain, it doesn't really explain, it just knows what it wants
who dis?
Men have dumbest sexual fantasies.
>bangin' hips and booty
Well she's got one physical aspect down.
Yeah well women are just dumb in general. :'(
The games do it better.
Pharah isn't an amputee
>you will never bend Tali over a table and pound the hell out of that ass
Thanks, hope they make a new OVA though either for that or Kangoku Senkan.
Kill yourself, Tumblr.
Do Isreali's count as brown?
She totally does.
She strikes me as more of an Iranian type
I think we can agree that the best way to prove that she's not an amputee is releasing a skin of her just in her bodysuit.
>nobody posted C@ SN@CH
What're your fantasies, then?
Those boobs are too big and off model.
My main one involves being stuck with my husbando in a survival situation in a winter medieval-fantasy settings. We would go around exploring, having adventures, and having cozy survival sex in a tent next to our campfire. It's a LOT more elaborate than that in reality, but this sums it up fairly.
Eeehhhh wad did you say NIGGA
What do you think her limbs smell like? haha
just asking. haha
Well, he said she has all of her limbs, not whether they're biological or mechanical. He just moved the goalposts, instead of answering the question.
Blizzard said she isn't so are you like those faggots that say authors don't know what their own books are about and insist Tolkien used allegory when he hated it?
>happening to have a tent conveniently available
Gotta huddle together for warmth to survive the harsh night
>nearly 100 replies
>nobody remembers me
Literally perfection
One of the few fictional brown skin girls I could actually find attractive. Cerebella is ok too, looks-wise. Her story wasn't that good and her characetr needs fleshed out more though. Nadia has the best story imo.
I also love to hate Eliza. She's a good villain.
How about you start posting pure brown girls instead of sluts?
That's not really a fantasy. It's just a simple eye catching trait. Like girls ogling men's rolled up sleeves or whatever.
>ITT: Just take a white girl and make her a little darker
Better than taking a black girl and making her whiter.