Remember Reroll?

Remember Reroll?

It's a crowfunded RPG that is planned to take place on the entire earth, or rather was because they deleted their page and all their social media accounts and banked all the money they got from funding and selling characters and perks and shit.

Yet another glorious example why you shouldn't fall for shit like this.

The premise was already fucking retarded.

>Scanning the entire world with drones for the game

The landmass of earth alone is 148,939,063.133 km^2, so even if we're EXTREMELY generous and assume they are able to scan 1km^2 every minute and never take a single break it would take them over 283 years to complete.

Other urls found in this thread:

Aww shit, I'm little brother wanted to buy some shit for that game and I talked him out of it. He owes me one.

>Trailer with no gameplay whatsoever.
>People give them money.

I hate hearing these guys talk. They're so fucking cocksure that their game will be the new shit.

And the trailer gameplay is fucking rendered.


Anybody dumb enough to fall for this deserves it.

This + only no names behind the project.

>The landmass of earth alone is 148,939,063.133 km^2, so even if we're EXTREMELY generous and assume they are able to scan 1km^2 every minute and never take a single break it would take them over 283 years to complete.

How didn't they get instantly mocked with such an impossible proposal?

How the fuck were they supposed to create 3D models from birds eye view pictures? You need to 100s of pictures from different angels just to create a simple object in 3D.

The game had a sub on leddit and they announced that they would cancel the game a few months ago and told everybody that they could go fuck themselves.

When people asked them to at least make the source code public they responded that that would break their own NDAs (makes no fucking sense) and therefore couldn't do it.

It was a scam back to front.

That surely can't be legal, right?

Because people are fucking retarded.

Look who did the first Kotaku article on this.

Oh shit, I remember them charging pretty hefty amounts for the classes they were selling.

It isn't, but it's hard to prove that they didn't try to make the game.

Toppest of all keks.

Who would have thought.

Hi, Erik Högman.

These faggots should get sued.

Is Gorilla still a thing

Okay, let's ignore that their game is basically impossible to make and assume they actually did.

How the fuck would you EVER meet another player?

I hope not
gawker's new overlord probably deleted half her shit though

>We're going to scan everything
Why the fuck would you do that? Just use elevation data from google. Like these people.

They never wanted to make a game.

Just like in Numales Sky.

The point isn't to make a game. The point is to pitch something SO AWESUM that people will fund it.

>"WHOA! They're using DRONES to map the ENTIRE EARTH?! I GOTTA be a part of this!"