What do you guys think of the Call of Duty Zombies series?

What do you guys think of the Call of Duty Zombies series?

please respond

Fuck this easter egg
5 fucking days and every lead has been a graphical glitch, has been affected by glitches (audio log drops), or has lead to a fucking hat
I'm tired of TF2 simulator FUCK YOU BLUNDELL

I've been trying to stay clear of any info on the new map since PC doesn't fucking get it for 30 days, I've been searching constantly to see if the ending is up somewhere, and in yesterday's thread found out that NOBODY knows the first step of the egg yet. How's that even fucking possible?

I like it, shame that you have to buy DLC that hardly goes down in price if you want to play more than 2 maps

You don't understand, Activision is poor. You NEED to buy the DLC even if they made a deal to fuck over everyone not on PS4, and buy LOTS of Liquid Divinium too! What, do you hate supporting the devs? Call of Duty doesn't make enough money.

There are a few new things found recently (in the spoiler)
Shooting gravestones in the character death order and taking the keeper protector to jump pads giving you reels for the projector also all but one hat i think

They just want to fuck with us. They made it super hard because its their last hurrah

Ok so the spoiler glitched out, don't give a shit if it spoiled anything for you or not tho

Yeah the new reels were found, but no one can confirm it is a step and not just more hidden lore.
And yeah i believe Templar hat is the last one needed right?

appreciate the effort once i saw it said spoiler i just didnt read haha

I feel like if i make a single mistake, its game over very early
And by that i mean, if i use more ammo than i should, if i dont get to the boards in time, if i dont buy the right gun
I'm not sure if they ever changed that with later call of zombies but i never enjoyed the 2 iterations that i played

Loved playing the zombies mode in Black Ops back when I had my PS3. I'd buy it on PC just to play zombies again, if Activision ever were to discount it by a reasonable amount. The game is like 6 years old and still only goes down to $40 on sale if you want to buy all the DLC.

It's not everyone's cup of tea, but it's not terribly forgiving. Once you figure out how to set up those moments kind of fade away, you learn to recover from mistakes

Nah theres another one besides that one if you mean the crusader knight helmet
You should probably stay away from this thread lol

I know, I'm just so bored and there was a thread yesterday that was pretty free of spoilers so I'm hoping for another one like it.

It's pretty fun and it's the only thing that redeems Treyarch. Moon is my favorite map.

>bo2 is 4 years old
>tfw still $60

The last good Zombies was BO1.

never played it
ask me a different question

It all went to shit after they stopped calling it Nazi Zombies.

Thank you for the contribution to the thread.


They could of made it a stand alone game. The story is decent and gameplay is fun. Especially with how the progression works i feel like if it wasn't attached to the cod name v would love it.

Was a lot of fun in WaW. And BO1 started having weird minor easter eggs and that was okay. Now every map has you waste like 10 minutes doing trivial bullshit just to open up the Pack a Punch machine or something else that is a necessity. Absolute garbage.

Not like you dont have to unlock PaP in waw and bo1

>Link the three teleporters to the mainframe to unlock pack-a-punch.
>Perform multiple satanic rituals after going on a scavenger hunt for multiple power boxes and parts to open a portal and unleash fucking Cthulhu to get the pack-a-punch
Its gotten much harder to do anything. Before it was fun now its a fucking chore.

It was amazing up until bo3. Bo2 was kind of shit but origins and mob of the dead were actually two of the best maps out of all of them. Bo3 was lazily done. All the wonder weapons were rehashed mp specialist weapons/ abilities. All the lame bo3 guns were used in every map, and when they did add something in, it was uncustomizable black market trash. Jason Blundell should hang for how bad he butchered a great story and game mode.

Fuck having to do Shadows of Evil for Revelations. I have tried 5 times with randoms and every time they disconnect just as we are about to do the final step.

>last game
>hurr lets make it shit because
what were they thinking

get friends who are good dude

All my friends dont give a shit about easter eggs and just play for the highest round so im fucked.



Is this another Barneyfag bait thread, OP?

got tired of it after the second one.