Other urls found in this thread:
you cant have half an a press
you gotta take your thumb off the button someday
and when that time comes, the a press has finished
What does TJ stand for?
but you can finish a level without lifting up your thumb
checkm8 atheists
But 1/2 a A press would be the same thing as a whole A press.
bye reddit
We're not on reddit, this is Sup Forums
In code every button press has a Down/Up state, both go off each press, half of a press would then be the Down state with no Up state.
Nice reddit thread you fags have here.
if its not an A press if you are in a menu when you let go of the button then couldn't he just pause the game a bunch and press A all he wanted?
>1/2 a A press
>1/2 aA press
>(1/2)*2 (aA)*2 press
>1 A press
This is the reason 'an' was made.
Ur still pressing the a button fully so it's a full a press. 1/2 a press is fake
What is this meme?
Why does it matter how much you press A?
Who is this TJ?
i love these images. got any more?
Watch the whole thing.
t. Henry
What if you hold down the A button and just never let go?
its one of the worst memes to come out of v/ in recent history
i suggest trying to ignore it
holding down the button is equivalent to infinite A presses as the input is constant
>half of a press would then be the Down state with no Up state.
My life is a half press
A guy named pannenkoek2012 has videos on YouTube of him glitching the fuck out of Mario 64 to pull off all sorts of weird shit. He also spends hours talking about the coding behind the game and how it all fits together.
When he isn't talkin about coding he's doing these bizarre little self-imposed challenges where he gets a star in a level without jumping once or without using an item or whatever. On some he simply has to jump at least once, but rather than just saying "only one A press" he apparently presses the button don but doesn't release it, so he calls it a "1/2 A press."
It is absolutely, positively, entirely unnecessary and cheapens the whole appeal of his videos. It turns a video that could be seen as someone fully mastering a game into some gradeschool bullshit "NUH UH I ONLY PRESSED IT 1/2 TIMES"
You're both wrong and stupid. Just watch the video. "0.5 A presses" has nothing to do with how many parts of a button press you complete. It's not called a half A press because you only press it down or because you only hold it or because you only let it go or anything like that.
The game doesn't register the release of the button
then how does it know when you stop holding the button?
What video? All the 0.5 press videos I've seen are just him doing the shit with no explanation.
Why type out a paragraph like that when you could just say whatever divine understanding you've come to of what a 0.5 A press is?
You are so wrong it is making me question reality. Have you ever watched even one, just even a single one, of his videos?
I'll answer that for us all: no. You have not.
Why do people like you do this?
Reddit hates this maymay
>knows what reddit likes or dislikes
fuck off faggot
go look it up you stupid fucking idiot you are so fucking stupid and fucking dumb I U ARE SO FUCKING STUPID ANDOFU KJF
>going to reddit
lmao no
>tfw pancake hasn't made voiced commentary in like 6 months
His videos are much better when he does
aaaand fuck off
I always thought this whole thing was idiotic.
Pressing refers to applying pressure, releasing said pressure isn't part of the press. As soon as the button is pressed down it is 1 press, releasing it is another action in itself.
why couldn't this just keep being a down low meme
now it's getting posted atleast twice a day
Flawed math, the "a" and "A" are different variables.
Try using a full brain press, instead of a half-brain brain press.
It's a really shitty meme. The actual video is pretty interesting but the shitty memes it created are awful.
Basically the guy calls it a half press because he enters the stage with the button already pressed from a previous action. If you only counted the run from the start of the stage to the end of the stage then it counts as a full press, if you count the run from the start of the entire game to the end of the entire game then the press wouldn't exist it would just register as one long press from one of the previous levels.
I know it because some user posted a screenshot from Reddit where Redditors aka fags said they hate this maymay and everytime its posted here they spam emoticons to get the thread deleted
>It turns a video that could be seen as someone fully mastering a game into some gradeschool bullshit "NUH UH I ONLY PRESSED IT 1/2 TIMES"
It only does that if you're an ignorant moron who focuses on that alone as the central point of the video. It's not a fucking hard concept to grasp, and the half A press terminology only exists as a shorthand to describe having the button held down before starting the level.
You are going to be so embarrassed when you realize how retarded you are.
>What video?
He literally hasn't posted a single video on his main channel since the one that started this meme, which is also the one where he explains the A presses. How is it even possible to not know which video I'm talking about?
What good would starting a level with it held even do? If he let go, nothing would happen and he'd accrue one full press (which is against his goal, I'm guessing).
I posted that because I knew damaging your pride would be the only way you would link the video for me because I have no idea what any of that meant and I don't even know the name of his channel. So thank you.
I don't know how my pride is intended to be damaged by you acting like a retard, I'm just being nice and spoonfeeding you.
>It turns a video that could be seen as someone fully mastering a game into some gradeschool bullshit "NUH UH I ONLY PRESSED IT 1/2 TIMES"
Way to miss the point completely, you retard. It's so he can easily count how many button presses each stage takes so he knows his record for a segmented best run of the entire game.
The A press in Super Mario 64 is like 3 stages. Pressing the button down causes mario to jump, holding the button makes mario move a little faster or something, and the last stage releasing the button does nothing. The guy held the button down to take advantage of the slight increase in speed or something to make a jump IIRC.
the cutest cancer ever
No, I'm an ignorant fucking moron who thinks it's a weirdly specific and retarded addition to the video that is entirely unnecessary. He goes through all this bullshit to explain the 0.5 press and for what? Just press the button once, no need to set up this elaborate ruse so you can say that *technically* you didn't *really* fully jump. It's grade school tier shit and you know it.
I hate it when people immediately call him autistic just because he has a deep interest in the coding and structure of a video game, but the 0.5 press thing is fully autistic.
>holding the button makes mario move a little faster or something, and the last stage releasing the button does nothing
How could that possibly be true? If there is some code executing to make Mario run faster when the button is held, there is obviously some kind of code that is triggered when you release the button that stops Mario from running faster.
>All these people were too stupid to understand what's meant by a half A press
>Despite Pannen spending a good 10 minutes explaining it literally as if talking to a baby, thinking that after this, not even the biggest retards on the planet will fail to understand it
Why are people trying to bring this back?
>lol i trol u
That works for me too. I just wanted a link and generally no one gives one if you're nice, so you have to be retarded to get someone to link it to prove a point.
I believe there is such a thing as a 1/2 A press.
not that guy but er no, you're wrong. it's circuitous bullshit so he can reduce his total presses
you think he can dive that deep into all the coding of mario yet somehow has trouble tracking the number of times he jumps?
What about those videos where slowly swims along a tunnel to raise the water level slightly for 4 hours, then does the same thing 3 times, all to save pressing A?
>it's not a fucking hard concept to grasp
Yet neither of you are grasping it.
Pannenkoek has never said that entering the level with the button held down isn't a full A-press, or tried to explain that away. What he's doing isn't "grade school tier shit", YOU are the one who is too stupid to understand that what he's saying actually makes perfect sense and is an important distinction.
Pannen is not a good abbreviation.
I think what you meant to say is no one in here actually cares enough to watch one of his 20 minute exposes on the nature of button presses. They just want to watch him cruise around the level doing weird shit.
Why do you think he does that you idiot?
what about them? He just copy pastes the inputs. not even autistic desu
The Super Mario 64 file select music is now playing inside your head manually.
>hurr durr i understand pannenkoek so much more than you yet i am completey incapable of explaining what he's actually doing durrrr
so you haven't watched any of his videos either obviously. nice work :^)
Yet they do care enough to emphatically proclaim how stupid the concept is, despite not understanding that concept. That is incredibly infantile.
Mario, feeling his death was inevitable, proceeded to cling onto life by hopping around in a corner with his ass on fire for 276 days.
Honestly I have no idea. I have never watched any of his videos except the one where he trolled that speedrun competition and I just wanted to get people riled up while I wait for this stew to finish cooking.
I think you're confusing bored poking with emphatic emotion.
>dumb shit
>by a tripfag
What a surprise.
That's weird because you seemed to have a pretty in-depth opinion about the contents of his videos.
Laughed way more of what I should have done at this
It's derived from the 10 threads I've seen talking about the 0.5 press thing. I honestly have not even the slightest idea what it means and only a few minutes ago did I realize it had anything to do with jumping.
I don't even know for sure if it does have anything to do with jumping actually, since it seems no one else in this thread knows either.
Will this meme ever die? Or will it live on for years like Baneposting and Toddposting?
>so he can reduce his total presses
But he isn't doing that. In a full run of the game, for example he may use one A press for several levels. As in he holds it down the entire time. The first stage he presses it, it counts as .5 for that stage. When he releases it, it counts as .5 for that stage. .5 + .5 = 1
>we will never go a single day without this stupid newfag meme
This is where one of faggots calls me "Henry" because you're idiots.
It's called 0.5 A presses because it takes one A-press to clear the stage on its own, but zero A-presses to clear it as part of a full playthrough, because he can just keep the button held down from the last time he pressed it, without adding any extra presses to the run.
0.5 literally only means "sometimes 0, sometimes 1, depending on situation". That's all it fucking is. He has never claimed to have gotten a star by "half pressing A" or anything like that.
There, now you're spoonfed. Please step over there and mass execute yourselves via guillotine.
It will probably die out at some point.
It's held down before he even enters the level.
Our boy "Henry" made a youtube poop.
Someone mention my name?
Have you bought Fallout 4?
"sleep snug, scuttlebug."
Is there any actual difference in doing a level with a half or full press?
I mean, what difference does it make if you bounce all the way from the start or at the first obstacle that requires a press?
It's still the same minimalistic use of game mechanics.
Is there ever a level, even in theory, which could be done in a full press but not half a press?
I fucking love this comic
sleep snug, scuttlebug.
yeah, that's my point. 0.5 in one level, 0.5 in another, and now he's only done one "total" press
>being proud to be a Henry
>t. TJ """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Henry"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Yoshi
he's running everything in an emulator with total control of everything. he just steps up the game clock speed.
I fucking hate this reddit e-celeb meme, but what I hate worse is how often I see it on Sup Forums. This place has been overrun with redditors and it's too late to stop it.
This and JoJo are my favorite edits
A full input is one keypress and one keyrelease. The keystate is reset upon entering a level, but the release is still registered when it happens.
it's not that Sup Forums is overrun with redditors, it's that redditors are 10x more likely to post a thread than non-redditors
But what if you do an odd number of 0.5 A-press levels and end the game holding the button?
Would that matter enough to add 0.5 to your final score?
Explain NOW.