Have you played it?
Whats your verdict?
How shit is it compared to other point-n-click games?
Have you played it?
Other urls found in this thread:
No one has played it, it doesn't exist.
>He doesnt know
Do a quick google search, think you'll like what you find.
There is no game, it was cancelled and turned into a book. They only animated some scenes I'm pretty sure
>He doesn't know
Only gets results for the book.
I've seen the video that one guy played but it's just some unfinished amount of a game that you can't really finish. Everything else was april fools jokes. There is no game.
I just played it today, and so can you mediafire.com
How much did you play?
How finished is it?
It's from the Zelda CD I dev team so...
I'd say about 90%.
There's missing sounds and animations, but apparently you can play all the way through.
Prepare for Microsoft Sam voice acting
It's honestly p bad. I understand why Blizzard canned it.
Does HE make a cameo?
Downloading it right now
Second and last bump.
Seems like Sup Forums aint interested in this shit
I tried making a thread earlier as well, you'd think people would be more interested in a lost Warcraft game.
What is this?
I thought this never made release.
Leaked cancelled Blizzard game.
Pre-release version, 90% complete.
Link's in this thread.
>Company makes games that are more and more popular
>Makes a crappy over budget movie
>Barely Made Overwatch
>Couldn't make this game or Ghosts because of reasons.
>Sleeping on piles of fan dollars.
like anyone would give a shit about lord of the clans
It comes up every month or so, it was a victim of too-long development time when the genre of point and clicks were waning. Discussions rarely last beyond 100 posts unless you transition into sierra and lucas arts titles, but you would kno this if you weren't a newbie summerfriend.
What a bummer, it's still summer
I've played this game today.
SPOILER: The game is obviously not finished. It's lacking not only polish but also entire levels and cutscenes. To be more precise there'll be a big skip about at half the gameplay and there's no ending. Also it's missing some dialogs, some voice acting, some interactions, etc.
said so...
It's not a bad game but it's not a masterpiece either. I find the artwork to be quite pleasant and well done. I like that artstyle, although I have to say that those orcs could have looked a bit more orchisch.
Lorefags are going to get quite buttblasted about this 1998 game. Let me repeat that: 1998 game, so before WC3, WoW, novels, etc.
There are some clear discrepancy between current warcraft lore and this game story, but then again for an oldfag that played warcraft 1 and warcraft 2 (and also wc3 desu) this is nothing new.
The story is about Thrall (yes THAT Thrall) and his journey to go from being a simple slave to Warchief.
In his adventure he will find well known characters such as Gazlowe, Zul'Jin, Doomhammer, Alexstrasza, Deathwing, etc
The real "flaw" I found in this game is that, as most point & click games, it tries to find wacky solutions to problems and have a lot of gags.
I personally love point & click games, but I'm not so sure that it's appropriate for a Warcraft game.
Blizzard has always added easter eggs, references, funny things in their games, but they've been trying hard to create a general serious atmosphere.
In this game thrall will flirt with a hairy she-dwarf, will catapult himself onto a wall. Zul'jin is a merchant that sells bullshits such as flower pot made out of cannon from a juggernaut, a garden "gnome" etc. Deathwing smokes one of those turkish hippie things.
About the game puzzles: there's no minigames, everything is the classic talk&collect&combine.
I do not regret spending those hours playing it, it's a nice game. But maybe I'm a bit biased because as I said I love point and click games (and like warcraft).
Never played the game. I read the book though. I'd highly recommend it to people who have played the strategy games. It's pretty good. I'd even say Fall of Reach tier.
>he didn't post the link
Honestly, I think its pretty funny to see Green Jesus act like a total buffoon like when he catapults himself into the wall.
what? In dragon form, right?
The uploader of the files also uploaded cutscenes on youtube that arnt played in the build but included in the files, like an extra intro video, and a ending. I think all cutscenes are included, just not working properly.
>In dragon form, right?
yes, dragon form.
Any fix for the colour issue?
>blizzard makes a fundamentally unfinished, visually unappealing, terribly voice acted, unfunny "comedy" game
>fucking cans it
>gearbox makes a fundamentally unfinished, visually unappealing, terribly voice acted, unfunny "comedy" game
>sells it for sixty dollars