What video games help with the loneliness?
What video games help with the loneliness?
Dead Space
Kill Yourself 2016
Stardew Valley
Persona 3 & 4
Dota 2
why are you alone?
No Man's Sky
None user.
I'm sorry.
Smash Bros. Melee.
You HAVE to travel and meet people in person if you want to git gud.
Alone In The Dark
Chrono Cross
Breath of Fire 3 and 4
Star Ocean 2
Final Fantasy 9
Yakuza series
Stop videogames
Nice meme thread OP.
>tfw having a really nice day
>and then you wake up
Is that Camp Sherwood art or something?
yeah but sauce tho
Artist is Garabatoz.
MMOs? Go online and make some friends.
I have the brevity of a toddler, and have no real interests except vidya and lifting.
>play gw2
>level 80
>almost enough gold to buy a legendary
>have no friends ig
>have barely even said anything to anyone the entire time i played
>have over 1000 screenshots
>all of them are just my character alone, maybe some person in the background