Who else fell for the 144hz meme?

Who else fell for the 144hz meme?

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>falling for memes
gullible fucks everywhere this gen...

the same people that fell for racer chairs and nzxt krakens that fail and kill video cards

Is the 1060 a good card?


I'm going to fall for the 1060 meme tomorrow

>less motion blur
>a meme


I was think of getting a 120hz monitor
Whats wrong with 144?


I fell for the 970 before it was a meme.

are krakens that shit? i was on the edge buying one to replace my blower style reference cooler, but decided to go with an arctic accelero cooler in the end

If you don't play competitive shooters you don't need 144hz. That being said, even normal games looks better at a higher refresh rate.

What is this "you don't need" shit?

Less motion blur makes everything look better. And if you have a PC that's regularly getting over 60fps you might as well get a better display to take advantage of that

Racing games are so much better with a 144hz monitor too, anything with a lot of motion is

Incidentally, 970 users can file a claim for their $30 today.

>tfw I still use a 60hz IPS monitor and am fine with it
When I upgrade I'll probably get another IPS as well. 5ms is fine with me, I want muh colors.

I'm not saying it's a bad thing per se.

I didn't get a notification from Newegg for that. This was the last one I got.

where can i see my specs like you did ?

Well if you have the PC to run games at 144hz then its not a meme.

Hes using Speccy

I dig it. Screen tear bothers me


You don't need newegg. File the claim on the litigation site that went up, and you can prove your purchase by using your card's Device Id you find in the Nvidia control panel.

I remember when you faggots were bragging how you guys thought you were getting such a better deal over 980 owners

Forking over the extra money for a 980 at the time was always the bigger meme.

This one?
I never engaged in VGA card wankery. Although I'm positive the endless >THREE POINT FIVE spam was much worse than any shitposting from 970 owners directed at 980 owners.

That's the one.

Did i fall for the meme ?
Do you guys think the r9 390 card is good
and what do you think about my pc in general
Got it recently
And if i should upgrade some part, which one ?
Sorry for asking so much questions, im just new to the whole pc building thing

>bought a 970 like 6 months ago
>3rd world shitter

Put your monitor into 60hz mode and you'll remember why you bought 144hz.


I challenge anyone with a 60hz monitor to get below 200ms average with 5+ attempts.

I've got a Fury X but only a 1080p monitor, should I upgrade to 1440/60, 1080/120 or 1080/144?

I wish I did

Why not 1440/144? They exist

R9 390 is good, aged very nicely and remains competitive despite being 3 years old. 390x is better still and routinely outperforms the GTX 980 now.

226 was the best I can do in 5. I still don't see why it matters if I don't play CS.


i did, bought a 144hz tn benq

then later i bought a 100$ 60hz ips and sold the benq

happier with an ips

144hz single-handedly increased my csgo rank from supreme to global.

but it basically doesn't do anything unless you're playing high level fps

mfw I've got a Kraken x60 and a DXRacer.

Thanks man
Got any more tipps for me ?
Like what to upgrade when i have money again?

>but it basically doesn't do anything unless you're playing high level fps

You can notice the lack of motion blur. It makes stuff look nicer in general, doesn't have to just be high level fps. I don't get why this is the only argument people are using

a 144hz TN decreases input delay over your garden variety 60hz monitor by about 50ms

not only by force of more frequent updates, which accounts for about 10ms of that, but also because gaming 144hz monitors are wired from the ground up for lower input delay

>build this budget pc last year
>could play csgo on max/high settings and keep 200+ fps
>get a 144hz monitor and improve
>dozens of unoptimized valve updates+newk later
>frequently dip below 144fps unless I play on low settings


The improvement is not proportional to the price imo. You can get a 60hz IPS with passable input lag for like $120. A simple 144hz TN can be like $250, and you already lose out on the benefits of IPS.

Same i increased from mge to lem
Currently i have the problem that my fps decrease drastically when im in a smoke
I never had that problem before
But like a moth ago it suddenly started
You know something about that ?
(My specs)So no,not a potatoe pc

My 1070 reference card runs at half the temperature of your aftermarket cooled 1080. pretty funny

>have lower reaction time than the average fighter pilot
>have a 144hz monitor and a 3ms input delay mouse
>going to be upgrading to the 240hz asus monitor that's coming out in a few months (real 240hz, not strobed 120)

Who /oiled gaming machine/ here? Effortless top 1% in any game I play.

Aha nice, it's so good being under 40degrees under load. My previous 780ti under load was like 70+degrees.


No IPS monitors comes anywhere REMOTELY close to 5ms of input delay. Stop blindly believing whatever OEMs put in their products' titles.

This is a list of all the highest performance 144hz monitors on the market and their input delay. As you can see, even among the best monitors there is huge variance in delay. Your shitty $100 IPS is rocking 80+ms of delay easily, regardless of what the Newegg product title said when you bought it.

If you're not retarded you can easily find a cheap one that pushes around 10ms.

There is no IPS on the market that comes anywhere close to 10ms of delay. It is not possible for the technology.

>mfw BenQ XL2730Z
>the difference between regular and instant mode

My understanding of Instant Mode is that it literally cuts the monitor down to 256 colors to achieve that low of a delay, same with 'game mode' monitors from Dell.

Your entire visual experience becomes a .gif

To be fair though I use a benq monitor and can't even notice any color difference when I turn instant mode off

An Asus VS239H can do it

I didnt notice any difference color wise either, but I dont do any serious image or video editing so IM is worth it for me.

>he fell for the 21:9 meme

>all of the monitors on that list at 30+ms input delay are listed as '1ms delay' by the manufacturer

Fucking Chinese subhumans and their false advertisement.

i really miss my 16x00x1200@85 flat trinitron, sweet jesus what a monitor that was.

Why do people chat this much shit about stuff they don't know anything about?

the power of placebo

well please enlighten us with your wisdom, oh mighty faggot. You obviously seem to know more than us about this subject.

some years ago:

>who else fell for the 16:9 meme?

less years ago

>who else fell for the 1920x1080 meme?

too much years ago

>who else fell for the cooked meat meme?


>Our gaming monitors, in both the XL and RL line, are made to help you, the gamer, defeat your enemy. We do this by including the "Instant Mode" option. This works by drastically reducing the number of framing and color algorithms used to produce the image on the screen. This has a minor effect on image quality, but saves you 10-20ms in input lag. That is 10-20ms that your opponent doesn't have, and this gives you the competitive edge.

I almost pulled the trigger on an asus 144hz panel. Then I realized that it's only really good for csgo which I maybe have 3 hours playtime on. I then also realized that 120hz 4k panels will be a thing soon so I might as well just wait for one of those so I can check all the meme boxes

Honestly not too much. Maybe an SSD for faster boot times, or an i7 a couple of years down the road. I too made the mistake of getting a non-K i5, but it should be more than acceptable for a while.

>mfw i knew a dipshit who got a 144hz monitor but never actually changed the setting in windows to display it in 144hz

Don't be this retarded, Sup Forums

you and me sempai

scrublord don't know the joy of not being limited by your hardware

dude 144hz is not a meme. I've gotten so used to it that once I changed my refresh rate to 60hz without realizing. This made me feel nauseous after a while since everything felt unresponsive and lagy. It was literally unusable

This is the problem with scaling things up you get used to it and going becomes terrible. I worry about opening this pandora's box of 144hz and free sync.

144htz is too nice.

Once you get used to it, if a game dips, you notice it even harder.

It's amazing, but you shouldn't go for it unless you can be spending cash on upgrades more often than you used to

ain't that crazy I have a 60hz next to a 144 and i'm completely fine with watching stuff on the 60hz, the real meme is 2560*1440 or 3840*2160, 1080p stuff looks like dogshit on both because of scaling

That is why I'm not, I only got a 1080p monitor after my square ratio 720p broke after 9 years.

Part of getting back into PC is not falling for that "I could replace this part and sell my others ( and it's only been 3 years)".

I'm gonna fall for 480 meme

Maybe I'm speaking from now I can't go back to 720p, I'll stick with 1080p until 4k really takes off with that HDR stuff.