Its September 11th. And you know what that means.
Only 5 more days until Dragon Quest VII comes out.
Its September 11th. And you know what that means.
Only 5 more days until Dragon Quest VII comes out.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Dragon Quest VII came out in the west on October 30th 2001, just 30 days after the tragic event
>Dragon Quest VII remake comes out 5 days after the 15th anniversary of 9/11
Is SquareEnix trying to send us a message?
I'm going to fap to Maribel to commemorate.
shes my waifu but, I have beef with SE remasters.
>tfw no leaks
>working the Saturday it comes out
Selfdestruct me now lads
I hope it's fun
Well this is a full remake. And its going to really improve Maribel. What's your problem with it?
Can I see her panties?
I doubt it. Instead, you get to see her in various costumes. You can always make her a slutty dancer.
>30 days after
I think you got your math wrong
All this talk about Maribel but no one ever mentions Aria.
>doing so everyday until release
Can't wait.
You wanna fight me?
Why not buy it and support DQ? It'd be nice to get some of the spin-offs like Rocket Slime and Monsters, as well as possibly getting XI in a timely manner.
You mean Aishe :^)
Nice assumption there my dude, of course I've already bought it. Doesn't mean I want to spend the next 5 or so days waiting for it.
Rip Gabo.
My bad then, can't blame me for thinking otherwise.
What odd changes.
Can't wait to pirate DQ7
I don't know how respected street-date is in other countries but I was in Paris 2 days ago and every video-game store was already selling it under the counter.
France did save Dragon Quest apparently. Wouldn't be surprised if they had a deal.
>Melvin changed to Mervyn
Why? No seriously, why even bother? His name was already fucking straight English and the change makes him sound like a department store.
Do these people even have a reason for changing names or do they just do it randomly? To date, I haven't seen one name change that makes sense.
That pic is related to "The Adventure of Maribel" just in case some one was wondering.
Isn't it Meruvin?
So is this one.
Can't wait, even though I hacked my 3ds I plan to buy a copy on Friday.
Mervyn kinda sounds more like a medieval guy though. Melvin is just a nerd's name.
I just finished up Bowser's Inside Story and started playing Dragon Quest 4 the other day. I'm actually a bit surprised with how good it has been so far. Compared to Bowser's Inside Story and a lot of other recent RPGs, DQ4 resolves itself rather quickly. I finished Ragnar's chapter within two hours, and am already at Alena's tournament fight. It's refreshingly nice to have some sort of goal and actually being able to go about doing it, as opposed to just following a story around and attempting to draw a bit of meaning out of the whole process.
DQ7 was pretty good from what I remember on the PS1, even if it did take a long time to get anywhere with the game. I'm wondering how well the 3DS game will turn out.
I've been sitting for hours grinding gold to play the slots in DQV.
Someone fucking kill me.
At least the prizes are good.
The original version of Dragon Quest VII on PS1 translated his name as Melvin. Which considering he's a parody of King Aurthur and Merlin, but done in a comedic way, it fits him perfectly.
Mervyn makes no sense in retaliation to his inspiration. Once again, it seems like a weak pun tied to a department store. But what the hell does that have to do with Dragon Quest?
I wouldn't know, I can't get more than like 100 tokens at a time without losing them all.
Is there some kind of trick, is this shit rigged?
Almost anything would seem good after playing one of the Mario & Luigi games. They're topped only by Golden Sun by how much superfluous, hallow dialogue they have.
You should easily have 10,000+ gold by the time you get there. That'll get you around 2,000 tokens. Its a bitch to get that initial big jackpot with only 2,000 tokens. But that's what save scumming is for.
There's no special trick(Aside from just saving and restarting when things don't go well)
I have literally never heard of that store, and apparently it's been dead for years.
Mervyn sounds closer to Merlin than Melvin honestly.
Maybe you shouldn't play the casino.
Best sword in the game is there, and it kinda ruins the experience.
every dragon quest is a good game? i been playing it from the start
Neither one sounds like Merlin. But even overlooking the Merlin connection, why even change the name at all? It was already Melvin in the PS1 version.
But then, we're talking about a company that changes things for no logical reason. Like changing Dharma Temple to Alltrades Abbey, despite Dharma Temple being used in at least 4 official western translations before Dragon Quest IX.
>shitting on M&L
Fuck off.
I would say so. Its the only series I can say where every game I have played has been good or better. The only games that come close to being less than good to me are Dragon Quest VI and Joker 2. And even those are great when compared to games in most other RPG series.
My 3DS suddenly got the dust wiped off between Ace Attorney 6 and Picross 3D Round 2 coming out, so those are tiding me over until this and Gunvolt 2 at least. I really fucking hope this sells, it seems to me that they're actually marketing it this time. Or maybe that's just me.
I wasn't shitting on the gameplay, characters or design. Just how boring the dialogue is. They drag out the dialogue far too long and it makes you want to skip cutscenes (except you can't).
the NES games are good too?
Nintendo isn't marketing it as much as Dragon Quest IX. But its still getting weekly videos and actually getting mentioned on Nintendo Direct. Which is basically better than SquareEnix idea of marketing. That being nothing at all.
Considering the game is #2 on Amazon and the large increase in Dragon Quest fans recently, I see this game selling well above 500k. And hopefully hitting a million.
I only thought it went overboard in Dream Team, and that was considering all the tutorials. I tend to usually think the dialogue is charming and funny, but it's been years since I actually beat any of the first 3 games so maybe i'd take issue with it if I went back.
Dragon Quest II is unbalanced and very hard. But they're all still great. You probably should play the remakes instead though.
Not that guy, but really? I've only played Superstar Saga and it was fine. I also played it in Japanese, so I don't know if the English dialogue was any better or wose.
>Torneko, Shiren and...
Who's that girl?
I don't know. But probably someone from a chunsoft game.
Nobody's doing a pre-order bonus for this, are they?
She's this girl that joins Shiren in Shiren 3 for the wii. I think she had one game before but I don't remember what system.
If you buy it digitally from Nintendo, you get a 3DS theme. But no bonus for a physical release.
So basically, nothing that great.
You get a theme for digitally pre-ordering..but that's it.
>If you buy it digitally from Nintendo
>digitally pre-ordering
Hahaha, no. And not just because my 3DS is hacked.
>But no bonus for a physical release.
That's so shitty.
What is God gonna be called?
You also get gold coins for your nintendo account, which you wont get with a physical copy
Probably creator or some shit.
Almighty, going by DQIX.
Exclusive deals like that annoy me. I almost want to hack my 3DS just to have custom themes.
Builders isn't any better, getting exclusive DLC from Amazon and Gamestop, and the Vita version seems to fucked, can't find any information on the DLC for it and it being digital only doesn't help.
Is it true that this game is really fucking long even for a JRPG?
I haven't played the PS1 version, but a lot of people says so.
100 hours if you know what you're doing and 150+ if its your first time.
The 3DS remake is suppose to be much faster but it'll probably still be an 80+ hour game. Which is about how long Dragon Quest VIII is.
Yes. Although 3DS remake is kinda shorter. It's still long.
I clocked in at 120 hours on the PS1 version with minimal grinding
In the original version you were playing for several hours before you fought slime #1
How does it compare to V and VIII? Only have experience with those and I loved em.
There's a few weapons that very slightly outclass it (like the Hero's best staff) but yeah it'll carry you through 95% of the game
I got 77777 within 10 minutes of fucking with the slots and bought everything I'd ever need at the casino with plenty left over, it was great
i like it better than 8
it's not shorter persay, it's just quicker. Though the first dungeon where you wander aimlessly for like 3 hours is shorter.
There's more extra dungeons though and more classes in the remake however.
3DS version, only one I played, took me 138 hours, but I took my time, did a lot of things, and wandered around for a bit one time when it was not obvious what I was supposed to do.
>Which is about how long Dragon Quest VIII is.
If you do the post-game stuff maybe
I think my first time playing DQ8 was like 45-50 hours to the regular final boss.
Faster then.
The PS1 version was more like 5, the 3DS is modernized to the point that it's probably closer to IX than VIII.
Have you played VI? VII has a similar class system, which is probably the defining gameplay feature.
Were you guys very young when you played it? I went through it fairly recently and beat it in around 80 hours, and that was with pretty significant class grinding.
But I can imagine it taking much longer when I was a kid because of how easy it would be to get lost exploring.
>have five more days before DQVII comes in the mail
>have to finish AA6 by then but am losing all will to proceed as of this fourth case
Numen, like he was in Monsters Joker
right, the game is faster paced, you move faster and the animations aren't as fast.
Aren't as slow*
I'm gonna be playing it at midnight
>Voodoo Man casts Robmagic!
I just want to make it through this dungeon
where'd you find the cool trivia? Doesn't seem to be on the official site
Could be worse.
i'm free
or I would be if I had enough mana to cast Outside
literally who's buying this game?
Always keep a couple MP restore items.
I will for Vita
I would if I owned a PS4. Or if they fucking brought over the PS3 version.
Me. Even been recording myself playing the JP demo.
Sure thing.
>Dragon Quest III
>character stat growth is determined by personality
>by far the best stat growth comes from the 'sexy' personality, available only to women
>optimal strategy is to have the young hero stop by the tavern and hire three sexy ladies as his traveling companions
>even more optimal strategy is to also have a female hero who eventually becomes sexy herself
Such a lewd game.
ever notice how comfy it is just saying the words dragon quest
it's almost theraputic
Maybe me. I dunno. Is it just Dragon Quest Minecraft? I don't really like Minecraft.
It's not much like MC at all other than the block style terrain and placing blocks to make structures. Items are auto crafted from a menu, no 'place 2 sticks here and 3 wood there' to make things.
I'd check it out if I had a PS4 or a Vita.