Halo 5: Forge is out
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Halo 5: Forge is out
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>windows 10
Have some gameplay.
Anyone running anything?
Ive been trying for the past few days and I havent been able to download
did it die out already?
System requirements with some set up:
Use the Windows 10 free upgrade for customers who use assistive technologies if you need to.
Before I download this, what's the FoV situation?
not changeable yet, but coming SOON™
Welp. It looks fun, but I get major motion sickness from low FoVs. Even 90 is too low for me. Guess I'll check back in a few weeks.
>WIN 10
>goverment spyware
why tho? why do people like win10?
You can turn it off currently. If you update later it might be too late though.
dual booting it
fuck using it as my main OS
>government spyware
Nigger they already know your deets aslong as you don't have pedoshit/terror plots you gucci
this file browser shit is getting annoying, i just want to play vidya gaems with my pals
You people need to play this shit the only way we'll ever get a halo 3 pc is if this is popular
You do know you'll have to convert to it eventually or not even play new games, right?
Never played halo. Anyone hostin?
Add me, let's do some FFA Fiesta and other shenanigans.
GT: Vote Daniel
enjoy only playing games from 2016 and before. pretty soon no new games will run on windows 7. Microsoft confirmed this last year
Just a warning, I'm shit at this game. I'll start the lobby when we get at least 3 or 4, I've got one other with me right now.
Can you get it without a microdick account?
i tried it, runs great
but ill wait for when you can public ally join custom games before i download it again
Oh shit I crashed
Nope, I can just buy a console
fucking shit screen tearing without v-sync
Found this for people with the autisms. Just tried it and it works. You still need an account, but you only sign into the store app with it.
1. Launch the Store from your Start menu.
2. Click the user icon next to the search box.
3. Click “Sign-in” from the menu that appears.
4. Choose “Microsoft account” and log in like normal.
5. When the “Make it yours” box appears do not enter your password. Instead, click “Sign in to just this app instead.”
Depends. Vulkan games should work on Linux. DX12 not so much.
You can actually change the FoV now, but it's a map filter, so it's tied to the custom map you are saving.
they';ll be adding proper FoV support soon I hear'
Is this dead?
I just got off my computer after playing with some Sup Forumstards for like 3 hours.
This shit is actually really fun.
Here's the discord channel that we were all playing on: discord.gg
As of right now the only way to play multiplayer is to add someone else to your friends list (from the Xbox app), and then they invite you to the lobby.
It ran at smooth 60 fps for me at 1080p maxed(r9 290X, 16gb ram, and dual core i5).
There is no ultra widescreen support or for slider, but 343 did say that they would add an fov slider in an update soon.
They're also going to add a server browser so we don't have to worry about manually adding people and joining their games.
Im retarded. Is it actually a f2p shooter, or some kind of level editor thing?
It's a level editor + multiplayer.
The only thing it's missing is matchmaking.
Does it have premade maps made by someone who knows shit about level design and balance?
Any gamemodes beside deathmatch?
You've never played halo before have you?
It comes with all of the normal multiplayer maps.
It comes with most of the game modes, but you can also make your own. I think it's only missing like 2 game modes but they can easily be recreated.
Just think of it as normal multiplayer without a server browser or matchmaking.
Thats what is throwin me off. It's not even being marketed as a game, is it?
>playing /w Sup Forums ...
It's not being marketed at all.
Because it isn't the full game.
There is no matchmaking (so no multiplayer unlocks, progressing, etc), and no single player.
Right now, like I said, it doesn't even have a server browser.
It pretty much is a full mp game, but there's enough missing from it that if Microsoft called it a full game it would make them look bad because it doesn't have as much content as a normal halo game.
It's missing koth, juggernaut, race, vip and asymmetric objective mods like 1-flag ctf.
But it's not single-player
Halo 5's single player isn't worth playing anyways. The MP and forge are fantastic, though, which this has.
It's literally all the worthwhile parts of the game (except for warzone) for free
>invite expired
what a shame
>Wanting to play Halo 5 single player
>It's not even being marketed as a game, is it?
Not really.
It's being marketed just as the map builder tool on PC for testing your maps with friends who don't have an xbone; but they really aren't marketing it much even as that
Is the single player really that bad?
I've played all the halo campaigns except odst and 5 and I've enjoyed them. Even 4 was ok.
>He actually wants to play single-player
It's meh.
Gameplay is good.
Story is shit.
I'm pretty sure you will only play for the story so don't bother.
That's kind of disappointing.
At least we got the multiplayer though, and that was pretty fun.
I have X1 and Halo 5. I can't ever bring myself to finish campaign. It is so boring as fuck.
Fuck me if Mongoose Sumo isn't the funnest thing I've done since i discovered masturbating
That sounds pretty fun.
Playing jenga on 9/11 was also interesting.
worst campaign in the series by far
The most common enemy is also the worst enemy in any halo game.
Thanks for playing guys, but someone else is hosting now. No idea who.
Jesus christ get the fuck over it. Don't act like you can have dual operating softwares'
>spend $30 on gold packs
>get two shitty armors/helmets and a bunch of crap I can't use on pc
I'm retarded.
Sell the extra stuff and buy a silver.
what is this?
>get a collateral and then two sniper kills
>game crashes
>shadowplay records up to literally seconds before the collateral
It's broken currently. None of the scopes zoom in while using it.
Halo 5: Forge
Is it possible to install windows 10 onto my HDD without formatting it? I know you can make a second partition; but I don't know if that will keep the iso from formatting.
>gameplay was good
Man I forced myself through that game solo legendary and it wasn't. Or at least anything involving the fucking protheans/protoss/prometheans/prolapse. So fucking tedious and annoying.
If anything I enjoyed the "Chief is a human who behaves like a machine vs Cortana is a machine who behaves like a human" story element they tried going for.
I might place Reaches retcon filled nonsensical heroic death contest beneath it, but only because it was more disappointing to me since I liked the Nylund novel didn't give a shit about 4.
Anyone hosting? I've been searching games to play for a while now.
GT: Cute Depression
shit thought we were talking about 4
is it on pc?
It's on Win10.
Yes. And it's free.
Person who is hosting:
How do I join, or I have to add the person?
>tfw company is at max
>barely any of them are on
>200 requests to join waiting
Guys, I might have to purge the company a bit. Anyone that posts in /hg/ will get a preferred spot, since they're more likely to stay. So like Daniel is fine, and anyone whose name I recognize is fine, but you all might catch yourselves having to reapply if you notice you were kicked. If you don't notice that you're kicked, you probably aren't playing ever and can't read this anyways.
Wait, if they add real matchmaking, does this mean basically half the game is on Windows for free? Doesn't that kinda screw over the people who bought it on Xbone?
>35.7 GB
very sugoi
Every console port is heug now since devs don't need to compress anything thanks to bluray.
Because I got nothing to hide.
>mfw now that Halo 5 is on PC Sup Forums is warming up to it
>take all the bad out of halo 5 and put it on PC with the best of it
>wonder why people like it
I'm sure if they played the campaign they'd be memeing right now too.
PC ruined me, I don't want to go back to 5 on console with its terribad aiming.
Even with Valve constantly shilling it it still has significantly less gamers than fucking MacOS. Linux is only useful for running game servers, using it as your primary desktop OS is retarded.
You guys should pick up a cheap as fuck used xbone if you're enjoying this, warzone is pretty damn fun plus you're missing out on being able to actually get req points and customize your spartan
halo 5 has a fuck ton of really obvious problems but it would be nice to have a little boost, especially in hg
Add him on you friends.
Launch Halo 5 forge
Go to friends list in-game
click/select gamer card
Anyone have that image on how to join a game and how to set it up?
But, but, I really couldn't care about mp. Recently my autism is striking harder than usual and I just want comfy single player shooters, and there aren't many with solid, interesting campaign... So I hoped halo would get ported to pc, but if y'all says it blows ((((
And if I do want to play mp i prefer stuff like l4d, or bf bk 2. I have friends there
why isn't it in the Download store? is it only available in America?
more Arbiter missions when?
There is always Warzone firefight if all you want is to chill and kill AIs.
You need to get Halo 5 forge bundle
You also need W10 anniversary to be able to download it.
It's "split-jaw".
Update windows to the last version.
Game also won't open if the windows update service is closed
where are all the hosts at?
that sounds exactly like something a falseflagging hinge-head would say.
Anyone want to join.
GT: Shadowfox92