I miss the late 90's, Sup Forums
I miss the late 90's, Sup Forums
Same. Then again, I go back to my favorites from time to time, and occasionally try out some of the gems I missed.
dark souls defies all the tropes he makes about modern games
The exception proves the rule.
>one game negates all of the bad practices in the modern gaming industry
Looks like we gots onadem' retards ova here.
that's not what I said
I don't because while Thief is considered a classic today, LGS died due to poor sales. Digital Distribution could have kept companies like Troika, LGS, Sir-tech, and NWC afloat.
90's anime thread?
Anime produced before 2007 is garbage. Stop wasting our fucking time.
no ass
>our time
I would gladly play Thief but I hate the weird colors and stiff animations.
but it's what you >implied
Late 90s were the age of edgelord shit
>Coy boy bebop is trash
>mobile suit gundam is trash
>dragon ball is trash
>dragon ball z is trash
Please leave.
That's why it sold well for a relatively obscure franchise (not anymore now).
To be honest I think only nip developers have any clue of what they're doing these days and it's a shame a lot of them are now trying to copy everything the west does wrong (see FFXV).
Can we make this thread about good vidya related youtube stuff?
>late 90s
>games tried their hardest with limited tech
>finally get tech
>no one tries
It was a great time.
Rather the edgelord shit than a bunch of women and faggots complaining about edgelord shit
I already read the book. Much better.
we all do son
It's only edgelord now when looking back but in 99 being an edgelord was all the rage.
I remember after the matrix came out all the nerds ran around dressed in all black with capes.
His vids are professional tier, wish he would upload more but I understand why they take so long.
Damn, I just discovered this guy today
To be honest he looks good in it.
No bullshit, when my mother saw me playing this part she honestly asked me if I was a faggot (not gay but faggot)
I was 14
I would too if I saw my son playing Final Faggotry
>2000 AD
>be 13
>older sister helps me setting up an e-mail account
>"So what adress you want?"
>uhhm morpheus1987
>she goes "no Matrix references"
XD a classic
>tfw I didn't start playing video games until I was 14 in 2004 so the only games on this list I've played are MGS and Quake
I used to be upset that I couldn't share in all the nostalgia but I'm realizing more and more that it just means I get to play all of these cool timeless games now instead of hoping for something better to come along.
I'm only 2 years older than you, and I can't even imagine how that kind of life would've been possible. EVERYONE played vidya when I was a kid!
What's wrong with that dog's face?
My cousin who was a year younger than me wasn't allowed to play or watch Pokemon back when it was big. I can somewhat imagine how that user must have grown up.
> LGS died due to poor sales.
Not of Thief though. Thief sold very well for LGS.
Their main issue was getting continously shafted by publishers who backed out of projects half way through.
I played games, it was just only at friend's houses or on someone's gameboy at school or something because I didn't want to spend a long time saving up for a system and then only be able to afford one game for it, I decided I'd rather wait until I was older and I could buy a bunch of games at once.
Nice, Reddit taste, user.
Thumbnail in the catalog made me think it was some brown amazon girl with her ass up in the air while walking like a panther or someshit.
ad police mah nigga
the 3rd episode scared me to have existential crisis for days.
90s gaming was sweet where devs tried new ideas and wern't hacks saying that the hardware wasn't up to snuff