Playing rp"g"s

>playing rp"g"s

You guys don't do this, right? At least play some action rpgs or something, or do you want to be bad at video games forever?

>action "rp"gs

>single player video games take skill

i want this meme to end

OP didn't say they take skill.

You are OP, though.

And you implied it, you fucking mongo.

I swear to GOD if you're only pretending to be retarded.

Fuck you, you autist, nobody implied anything.

i play games for fun

>playing video games to pretend you're "skilled" at anything

I have news for you, OP.

When did anybody say those games are hardcore?

>being bad at fucking video games

i love all 3 of those games

All with terrible gameplay

>S-stop making sense!

lmao okay.

What's with the anti-Deus Ex shilling anyway?
I'm not someone who religiously defends it, even though it's by far my favourite game, but it seems like the threads hating on Deus Ex are increasing exponentially lately
Does it have to do with the release of MD?

>getting upset over Sup Forums
>calling anyone else autistic

god youre pathetic


What's with all this butthurt over Planescape, Deus Ex and Morrowind all of the sudden?
Did the three of them come to life and rape someone's dog or something?

I don't know of one person who plays Deus Ex or Planescape Torment because they want to be "hardcore". I'd say the same about Morrowind but then some faggot would argue that the people who like to break the game are doing it to be "hardcore", and then I'd say no, and we'd get into some stupid fucking argument about it.

I like easy games where I can sit back and be comfy
Deus Ex, Thief, Dwarf Fortress, and the like are all very easy and comfy, with nice atmospheres

>one retard comes out and says dwarf fortress is actually really difficult and not just complex

How about you kiss me.


These games have been praised on here as God's gift to humanity for a decade. Are you really surprised people will state something contradictory?

>praised on here as God's gift to humanity for a decade

Newfag, people started forcing these games here some 2 or 4 years ago, that's not one decade, you would get some mentions of morrowind in the elder scrolls threads etc and that's it.

Sup Forums would be a lot more interesting if everyone just paired up.

>I-I sure hope he's new enough to not know I'm making shit up

Nice argument.

You're a Deus Ex fan.

They have decent stories and some interesting gameplay mechanics. There is fun to be potentially had. Are they flawless? No, but certainly less flawed than most other games.

>less flawed than most other games


These games get shat on exactly because they have so many fatal flaws.

Video games don't take skill


>he's so bad at video games he posts about how good he is at them rather than playing them

You poor child.


>video game

>not enjoying both single-player and multiplayer games


No user, you have to choose one.

exactly that, I've yet to buy MD yet because i don't find it worth the price, but most the antifags shitting on the series are being contrarian.

>liking more than one thing at a time


It's not shilling you fucking autist it's people finally getting sick of you fags spamming crap like WHY CONTAIN IT XXXDD nonstop thinking it's oooohhh so funny. KILL YOURSELF YA DUMB MOTHA FUCKA!

>liking anything for more than a day

>being on Sup Forums
>liking anything at all



>role playing
>being something good

Go self insert in some fanfic.


If you want to actually RP get some other neckbeards together for D&D or whatever is popular these days. I assure you it's MUCH better than anything you get out of vidya RPGs


bitch you better not have no brother