WiiU owner here

WiiU owner here...

Made this to describe my sentiments with the console. I am NOT happy at all. And listening to the Xrd sountrack makes me feel like I definitely made the wrong choice.

I don't have a gaming PC, so I feel like I'm missing out on a lot of stuff.

I guess I can describe it this way.

Smash Bros and Guilty Gear are some of my favorite franchises. I bought a WiiU two years ago when Smash WiiU came out, and the game wound up being a MASSIVE disappointment. I had hoped it'd be more like Melee in terms of how it plays and such, but Nintendo's constant insistence at appealing to casuals really ruined the experience for me.

Then I see the reviews for Revelator which just came out, and I see trailers for Xenoverse 2, and see people talk about Bloodbourne, and that buyer's remorse REALLY starts sinking in.

Especially when I look at the WiiU's miserable future. Literally only to games to look forward to. I spent my money on what? I hate that people used the "muh exclusives" argument to justify the PS4 having no games. I literally missed out on a lot of shit as a result. WiiU has a ton of exclusives, but most are rushed jobs and as a result, not very good. Not saying all the multiplats on the PS4 are good. But a lot of them are, and the PS4 games at least drop in prince very quickly. Meanwhile, if I wanna buy a WiiU game that came out a long time ago, it's still a good $60 new, and around $50 used.

I'm just really upset at this console being dropped. I'd sell it. But I'd get trash for it, and at least it's hackable now. But my overal experience with it has been a feeling of wishing I'd never bought it.

Bayonetta 2 was great, as was MH3U, but MH4U is on 3DS, and Bayo 2 isn't enough to hold up a whole console. 300 bucks, and god knows how much on games... I feel like I wasted my money.

Anyone else feel this way?

>Xenoblade Chronicles X
That game is actually fun, not like the original Xenoblade but still

I dont regret my Wii U entirely because I have other game systems and I got some of the shit for cheaper, but if I were in your situation I'd be mad as fuck. Heck after next year I don't see my Wii U do anything but collect dust, even when I mod it

Seems like a (You) problem to me.

I own a PS4.

>I don't have a gaming PC
so GET one, you goof! If you're in a hurry, you can do one of these cheap PS4 killer builds now, an upgrade later, or make a good build right now (like i5 6400K + 8GB RAM + GTX 1060 / 1070 + 500W Bronze PSU + (pirated) W7 Ultimate x64), and enjoy 1080p/60fps/all high settings for years to come.

Now, I'm a PC + PS3 idort myself, and I have no interests towards PS4 anymore. I'm actually planning to get WiiU to play the few Wii games I own (don't have the console). I also read that with a simple soft-mod, you can have it playing GC games too, so that'd be literally 3 birds with one stone in my case.

Yeah, I'm very fucking pissed.

I've been a Nintendo fan since the NES, and this year, due to work and personal projects, I had to decide on one console only, since I don't have a lot of time to dedicate to vidya.

The way Nintendo handled this console makes me not wanna buy their products ever again.

I didn't find it fun at all. I'm sorry. It was very terrible game, and I find that the same people that call XCX "AMAZING" also turn around and call Witcher 3, Destiny, and FO4 trash, which while I haven't played, from what I hear at least on par with XCX, just a lot more polished.

Just look for deals. I bought 4 Wii U games together for less than 60 bucks last month. All of them were new, not used.

So you bought a WiiU for Melee and ended up disappointed? what a fucking shock

OP you just went full autismo

I play a lot of multiplayer, that's why you see so many fighting games on there.

I'd get a PC for all the mods, and Warhammer Total War, which is my idea desu.

But now I'm caught in the dilemma that if I do that I won't play Gravity Rush 1/2, Guilty Gear Xrd, Bloodbourne, Blazblue CF, and Odin's Sphere.

All of which would in fact would be the main reasons for ever buying a PS4. I don't think I'll be buying one, I'll just wait for my brother to move in with me in a couple years, and just play his PS4.

I probably will build a PC in a few years, but the WiiU purchase overall feels like it's been a waste to me, especially since now there's Cemu apparently.

Thats the thing though, outside of a few exclusives and third party devs Nintendo has been really stagnating especially since the 3DS. This is especially noticeable when you see something great Nintendo did like Mario Galaxy on the Wii, and then went back in terms scope with Mario 3D World. I honestly use my PS3 way more than my Wii U because there's almost nothing to play it when you're done playing what few games exist, it's not like they particularly have any appeal when you beat the game anyways

I didn't read your entire post op but xrd revelator is fantastic

I'm not satisfied with my Wii U either. They shifted to NX post slow 2014 sales which is exactly when I picked mine up.

It's not the Wii U, really, it's just the lack of games.

And you don't need a "gaming PC" to play a lot of the best PC games of the past few years. Most have been indie games that can run on toasters. AAA games this gem have been worse than they've ever been.

Many people now wish they could play AA games again, like in the late 90s and early 2000s. The thing is, the 3DS actually has a better library than the Wii U and offers a ton of fantastic games. While I'm not satisfied with the Wii U I have loved the 3DS. It's dated now though. I look forward to the NX because of its a hybrid it means more sweet and delicious AA type games

>I honestly use my PS3 way more than my Wii U because there's almost nothing to play it when you're done playing what few games exist
it probably helps one has been around for a decade and the other less than half of that

Like the with most consoles, people will get the most enjoyment out of the Wii if they waited until most of its library is released, while people who bought it at launch have to sit through a lot of trash for some decent games to pop up.

The thing I've noticed about the Wii U is that unlike the NGC and even the Wii U there are little to no main series games for most of their IPs, and the ones that did are either really obscure like Wario, Pikmin, and Donkey Kong, or popular shit like Mario and Zelda, and even then some they added different takes on them. (3D Mario is now just 2D Mario in a 3D Plane, Yoshi has a Yarn Style, Starfox has weird controls, Zelda is now open world, etc.)

No mainline Kirby, no Metroid period, still no F-Fero, and we're only just NOW getting Breath of the Wild.

The Wii U's library was almost as experimental as the system itself was.

The only remotely normal games in the system are Donkey Kong, Pikmin, and 2D Mario.

No one is happy with their console. This is gen 8. Your opinion of PS4's existing library is heavily skewed towards the positive, probably because you don't have a gaming PC to play the western trash and haven't played the rest to find out they're severely overrated besides BB and Odin Sphere.

I really want to know what 3DS games you play, outside of some like Devil Survivor Overclocked, Soul Hackers, and Rune Factory 4 my system mainly collected dust. It says a lot when I enjoy playing DS and PSP games more than anything.

I'm also a Wii U owner and I'm perfectly fucking happy with my purchase, what's your problem?

>feel like I definitely made the wrong choice.
What choice? If you want another console, get both. What, are you poor or something?

>I bought a WiiU two years ago when Smash WiiU came out, and the game wound up being a MASSIVE disappointment.
Same here but I fucking love Smash 4 and it was totally worth it just for that one fucking game. Get some RL friends to play with you.

>Xenoverse 2
Meme games. I'm still happy with my PS3 since DS1+DS2 > DS3+BB.

>I hate that people used the "muh exclusives" argument to justify the PS4 having no games
But you're doing the same thing to express how unhappy you are?

Wii U is worth it JUST for Metroid Prime Trilogy, Smash 4, Mario Kart 8 and Bayo 1+2. I fucking hate Zelda so I'm not looking forward to that and I'm happy as fuck. WAHHH 300 BUCKS grow up manbaby.

Majority of PS4's titles either already are on Steam, or are more or less certain to come on it sooner or later. Shit like Bloodbourne won't make it worth the investment, especially when all the DaS games are on PC too.

On top of that, all the FPS and RTS games play much better on PC, and you don't have to deal with "generations" and paid online. You can also fairly easily emulate just about anything from older than 2 generations, with stuff like Wii and PSP emulators being brilliant exceptions to this rule.

this. Xenoblade X was great

Yeah, what a fucking shock indeed.

Reggie 4 E3s ago:
>We are changing our strategy, we will give gamers what they want. and make games for fans of video games, like Bayonetta 2 and W101. Look at all this 3rd party support.
>Smash is still casual as fuck
>most of their games are bright and colorful still
>no games
>3rd party devs ran away

I have every fucking right to be pissed dude. I was lied to. I bought a WiiU when Smash came out, thinking that the console would still have a future, but I guess that was a mistake, as what followed after Splatoon was tons of mediocre games, followed by not a drought, but an outright desert of game releases, all with the promise of a "good" Zelda, some day...

I'm fucking pissed I bought this.

I could be playing DBZ and Xrd with my friends, instead we play PM cause Sm4sh is more frustrating than fun. I missed out on Odin Sphere and Destiny and Persona 5, for... Xenoblade X. SMTxFE was a literal bait and switch, and turned out to be idol weebshit.

Fuck this. And then I see the PS4 has no games meme all over this place, and I look at my WiiU and think... yeah, because exclusives really matter that much.

But even then the PS3 in it's first 5 years seemed to have a bit more going for it than the Wii U did in it's now 5 years of existence.

Heck at least the PS3 still had a future.

See, that's what I was gonna do.

For me it really came down to a PS3, since I didn't buy one last gen, or a WiiU. And I went with the WiiU. I really wish I'd bought the PS3 instead desu.

Not him, but I've been having fun with the VC, Kirby, and Rhythm Heaven.

The 3DS has a pretty great library IMO, probably my second favorite next to the NGC.

Don't ever buy a Nintendo console expecting it to have a future. We all know Nintendo drops consoles like hot potatoes as soon as they stop selling

>ME Andromeda
Shit taste.

Still I got a wii-u for Bayonetta 2, Splatoon, W101, FF5, New Zelda and XCX.
Only Splatoon delivered.
XCX I didnt buy due to censorship, FF5 I got due to rumors it wasnt censored in Europe, it was but worst of all it wasnt scary and had shit controls, W101 I disliked and Zelda looks bloated and shitty, especially with shit like crafting. Oh and I cant say why, but Bayonetta 2 was shit, far worse than 1. FF5 eing shit hurt most, the wii-u pad as camera was such a great idea, but the game was just so shit.

Huge buyers remorse. But thats the same for this entire gen. PS4 looked shit, Xbone did, and now wii-u is dead. PC gaming is a mess.
A few games coming out and I'm done with vidya, atleast modern games.
Seriously all I liked on my PC was Dirt and Divinity OS, aside from them my toaster was fine.

Wii at least had a fuckton of hidden gems though. WiiU literally has none, since everyone who owns the console knows about W101.

>A party game

Well gee user I just don't know what do say.

>Play western trash
>most of the PS4 list is made up of Japanese games.

>I have every fucking right to be pissed dude. I was lied to. I bought a WiiU when Smash came out
No you don't, like you said you bought it when Smash came out and it was obvious as fuck 3rd party jumped ship and Nintendo was no longer delivering anything.
You made a stupid purchase because you didn't do the research and now you just want to find someone else as dumb as you that did the same thing so you can shake your fist and go "fucking nintendo lied to me they betrayed and raped my childhood'. Grow up and be smart about your money next time.

I don't see how that's exactly a BAD thing.

Fuck that. I wouldn't buy a PS4, it still hasnt got much.
I would just buy a PS3.

There's 13 western trash games on its "notables" list for the OP. That heavily pads the list. All of those could be had on PC, some for free to find out how bad they are without having to pay

>Deus Ex on a console
>definitive version

Do you have some kind of bomb attached to you that's preventing you from owning more than one current-gen console, OP?

Makes sense same with Rayman considering WiiU was it's main platform

Why the U in Bloodborne?
There is no U.
This isn't the first time i've seen this and it still pisses me off.

I have MP Trilogy on my Wii already. Bayo 1 + 2 is great, I agree. Smash and MK were very lackluster though. Mods might save Smash.

Am I poor? Yeah, poor on time. I don't spend enough time playing video games to justify buying more than one console.

And Revelator is not a meme game, fuck you. I'm an avid fighting game fan, and Xrd is literally the only fighting game worth a while these days.

If my choice could be seen as between Sm4sh and Revelator, I would have gone with Revelator knowing that Sm4sh would be as underwhelming as it was.

I shoulda bought a PS3 instead of a WiiU man, that's what I shoulda done.

I play a lot of couch multiplayer with my friend, and Xenoverse 2 and Xrd feel like they woulda been way more satisfying than Smash WiiU, which is basically the only thing I play these days till Zelda and Y-L drop.

I wouldn't be so remorseful of my WiiU purchase if Nintendo hadn't dropped all support for it 2 years ago. If I still had a Metroid, a real Mario, and some decent RPGs and unique titles to look forward to.

Well the PC version has Denuvo, which makes it essentially a monthly online check in game. Unless it gets cracked.

>I had hoped it'd be more like Melee in terms of how it plays and such, but Nintendo's constant insistence at appealing to casuals really ruined the experience for me.

Stopped reading right here, because OP was dumb as fuck to think that any Nintendo game after the Wii released would have the technical depth of Melee, and I'm not even a meleefag

Fixed your image, OP. Removed multiplatform games and multiplats that don't have better versions elsewhere.

>WiiU owner here...

>Yooka Laylee for Wii U
Why would someone do that?

>I didn't find it fun at all
That's more (You) than the games problem.

If you really want to, you could just trade it in for a PS4 if thats really what you want.

Stay mad.

You did take out two PS4 exclusives (Bloodborne and Ratchet & Clank, and arguably Persona 5), but yeah. Just get a PC

>while people who bought it at launch have to sit through a lot of trash
Got it at launch, and I can't agree with this.

One of the Wii U's strengths is its local multiplayer with little competition.

Melee wasn't as casual dude. I had hoped Nintendo would have learned from Brawl.

The E3 before Smash, had been one of the best for Nintendo in YEARS. Tons of games were shown off dude.

Then the one After was "TRANSFORMATION."

You're right though, shoulda bought a PS3 rather than buy into the hype.

13 out of 24 is a little less than half. And most of the upcoming ones are Japanese.

I don't see how "exclusive" is any badge of of importance for a console, especially when most of worthwhile games on WiiU are 3rd party.

It's the best version dude. One of the few times the Gamepad actually makes a game better.

If you like those games you should really pick up Monster Hunter user. Especially if you like the original PSP

Melee was competitive by pure dumb luck.

I'm 99% sure Sakurai had no intent of making that game any more competitive than any other game in the series.

Honestly the real reason why Melee is the best is because it was the best extra modes and single player content.

Local multi is so 1990s

Why would I need to beg for a PC port of Bloodborne? If I wanted to play Bloodborne I could just play Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, Dark Souls 2, or Dark Souls 3 and get the same experience.

Souls games are trash anyway to be honest.

Closest thing to the N64.

Smash was always meant to be casual, Melee just got lucky.

I also removed games that aren't worthwhile.

>Ratchet & Clank
The R&C remake has less content and changes things for no reason and he said "Removed ... multiplats that don't have better versions elsewhere"

>He says as he signs a petition to get an Uncharted 4 score removed

>13 out of 24 is a little less than half.
12 is half of 24, nerd. So it's a little MORE than half.

>I don't see how "exclusive" is any badge of of importance for a console
Because no matter what you do you can't get that game elsewhere?

Also the shittiest platform to play the game on.

>I was lied to
Nah, you're just stupid.

>when someone wasted minutes making bait you notice in seconds


Well there's the proof that you really haven't played it. It is not like those on any more than the surface. Same for retards who think Nioh is anything like Bloodborne. They see the little bar over an enemy's head and a stamina meter and immediately think every game like that is the same thing.

>The Zelda remakes and HW
>anything but trash
>MK8 and Smash 4
>bit casual as fuck
>not pedobait with bad servers
>taking out the PS4's exclusives

Stay mad Nintencuck.

Even going by your rules. It's:
Bayonetta 2, FAST, DKTF, and W101 with Zelda on the horizon. vs. Persona 5, Bloodborne, R&C, and an ACTUAL future.

>Persona 5, SFV, Destiny and battlefront in notable games

Persons 5 isn't even out yet for fucks sake.


Are you kidding? Uncharted 4 is trash. All the 10/10s should be removed.

PS I haven't played it either ;)

Really? I can play the WiiU exclusives on Cemu just like I can play the Wii and GCN exclusives on Dolphin. Thus invalidating any Nintendo purchase.

nice false flag. as someone who owns both consoles, why can't you just buy a ps4 to compliment that Wii u?

>he thinks Sony has a future

You can't have anywhere near a good experience with Cemu yet

Its the Wii U.


And you're a faggot. Get to the point?

PS4 + wiiu owner here.

Only games on ps4 I have put a good amount of time into are Bloodborne and Dark Souls III. Also looking forward to Nioh and P5. I like guilty gear too but haven't put a ton of time into it.

Other than that I've played some multiplats but you really aren't missing anything there. GTAV and MGSV are decent but nothing worth going crazy over. Haven't played Deus Ex because I didn't like HR but that might be decent if you're a fan of it.

Witcher 3 sucks. Dragon age sucks. FF Type 0 sucks. Fallout 4 sucks. DOOM is ok but not as good as the originals (just download a pack of custom wads for free desu). MKX is shitty, SFV is okay but has a ton of problems. Overwatch is pointless on consoles. God Eater and Toukiden didn't do it for me compared to MH. On the exclusive end TLOU was boring. Until Dawn was cool but is pretty much a movie.

I think I've played and Enjoyed both about equally. I liked Bayo, Smash, MK8, W101, tropical freeze and splatoon.

I can definitely say neither were worth the money when I can just emulate old games. Really it's not a ton of money though, so no big deal.

> I had hoped it'd be more like Melee in terms of how it plays and such

If you ever actually thought this would realistically happen, you only have yourself to blame.

The game is also fucking amazing. Eat shit.

>He hasn't hacked his Wii U

>at half the frame rate
>with graphic errors
>t-this invalidates any Nintendo purchase

Keep waiting, I'm sure it'll be totally stable and optimized by November :^)

Some shit just isn't worth the wait
plus it's generally easier to hack a console

The two upcoming Wii U games are multiplats lol

Would you say a PS3 woulda been a better option than a WiiU if you never owned one?

>vs. Persona 5, Bloodborne, R&C, and an ACTUAL future.
What future? More remasters and multiplats? No thanks.

Sony especially has no future since the PS4 Pro only exists to desperately keep people locked into the PlayStation ecosystem instead of jumping to PC gaming. Microsoft doesn't give a single fuck about the PS4 or PS4 because they win no matter what happens. People buying Xbones or Scorpios means they stay with Microsoft and people going to PC means they stay with Microsoft.

Nintendo meanwhile has their own thing going.

Colour Splash is a multiplat?

NX is like the PS4pro to Wii U's PS4. Should've just waited for it. I'm sure XBCX will be ported to NX.

I was talking about op pic

>Nintendo meanwhile has their own thing going.
And it's just as bad as what sony offers. So why should anyone stick with the PS4 or WiiU?

>NX is like the PS4pro to Wii U's PS4

Why, I already own the WiiU? If I didn't, I wouldn't mind waiting till the CemU was totally working to play all the WiiU games.

Like, if I could go back in time, I'd buy a PS3, and wait for Cemu, since nothing about the WiiU made it worth an in-gen purchase.

>And it's just as bad as what sony offers
>PS4 has had 5 games in three years
>Wii U has had 20 games in four
>just as bad

>Color Trash

Bet you loved Sticker Star and Fed Force.

The only appeal the PS4 has is for people who don't know about PC gaymen, or who love weebshit that might not even get PC ports.

Wii U's main appeal was Nintendo finally jumping on the HD bandwagon but even then they're still ditching it for the 3DS.

You don't have any friends do you?

The fact that PS4 buyers should've waited for PS4pro and Wii U buyers should've waited for NX.

>PS4 had several bad games which were better on PC anyway
>WiiU had several bad games which were better on PC anyway

No difference brah.

PS4 has more than 5 games in 5 years. Counting out multiplats is a dumb argument as exclusives + multiplats make a worthwhile console, meanwhile rushed exclusives and NO multiplats make for buyer's remorse.

>And it's just as bad as what sony offers.
Not really, since Nintendo is a game company that makes games. Sony is a consumer electronics company that has a gaming division and several game studios.

As the PlayStation brand becomes more and more irrelevant, Sony will be more and more inclined to pull the plug on it. Sony doesn't live or breathe video games.

>Colour Splash is bad meme

He's on Sup Forums, so obviously not. Don't ask dumb questions.

I have multiple friends, but they're playing on the PC. Lan parties are fun as hell.