When was the last time you were at gamestop Sup Forums

when was the last time you were at gamestop Sup Forums

tell us about it

My surrounding GameStops are privately owned. They do not price match online prices (even GameStop.com) and do not match the buyback prices. Completely worthless.

I accidentally showed up 30 minutes earlier to meet someone at a resturant, so I went to the gamestop across the plaza to kill time. checked for any good normal sized new 3DSs, or amiibos. I kinda want a sheik. they had none of it, so I looked at the ps4 wall, saw NMS for $60 and chuckled, and left the store.

This past Friday when i bought Cold Steel 2. I told the guy at the counter what I wanted. He informed me all they had left was the open copy they use to display on the shelf and I told him that was fine. He went and grabbed it and rang me up. I politely declined his upsells, he thanked me for my business, and I went about the rest of my day. Fucking Gamestop am I right guys?

I Went two days ago to pre order one of the new pokemon games, and they had PS4 VR and they kept asking if I wanted to play but I was in a rush to buy lunch and get home so I kindly declined and preordered pokemon sun. Later that night at home I look at the receipts and the guy made a mistake and made it moon instead of sun, which to me is not that bad but do you think they will change it to sun??

Went to pick up a game for my console fag friend last year. Fat neckbeard that was friends with the guy at the register cut everyone in line. I said no to all questions and fucked off.

i went there a few days ago to pick up a wow time card because the credit card i use for my subscription was recently lost and i cancelled it. i walked up to the counter, used my little brother reward card so he can use them for whatever, chatted with the cute girl running the register about wow for a few minutes (this was the thursday after legion was released) and left.

No PC games. I turned 360 degrees and walked away.

>be me
>go to buy the whole ff13 trilogy on ps3 because i wanted to try it out
>the store's system says they have all 3 of them
>the worker was an actual nigger
>nigger keeps staring me down as i look around
>i look around for all 3 and only find the 2nd and 3rd game
>go up to worker and ask if they have the 1st game
>he says they do
>he goes around to look for game for literally 15 fucking minutes
>i see game on the counter right behind the register
>he comes back to register and says he cant find it
>i tell him its right there
>he denies it and says its some other ff game even though its so fucking obvious


I went in to buy a used ps4 game for about $20 for the weekend. Notice all the games I wanted to play are either more expensive than the xbone versions or cost $40 used. Said fuck it and left with no game.

are you really this autistic or are you joking

B2G1 sale. Bought about 12 games total from one and another 9 from the other. Only played 2 of them.

>4-5 years ago
>browse used PS2 games and decide to buy God of War and Super Monkey Ball Deluxe
>politely say no thanks when cashier asks me if I have a rewards card or if I want to buy a membership
>"Ok, I'll just sign you up for the free membership. What's your e-mail address?"
>caught so completely off-guard that I spill spaghetti everywhere and give him my name, e-mail address and phone number
>rush home and change info online and shred card
>first time I turned on my PS2 in a year and it turns out the controller doesn't work anymore
>order one from Amazon and wait 2 weeks to avoid going back to Gamestop
>only play GoW for about an hour, only spend an hour or two playing billiards and a few other mini-games in SMB

Go on

Bought MH Generations for my best friends birthday gift

>go in
>spams promotion, can I help you?
>buy game
you sure you dont wanna preorder x game coming out?
>have a nice day

Why do faggots bitch about buying from Gamestop again? I get the selling scam, but buying is easy and simple.

>traded in a bunch of old games I knew I'd never go back and play
>put store credit towards $50 Steam gift card
>get asked to pre-order a bunch of console games
>politely tell the clerk I mostly play on PC, no thanks


Too bad Gamestop isnt a company that does/allows that. Theyre just jews if thats the case. GG

>being this incredibly new

What? For having bad internet that's capped?

i walked in to buy a steam link and they had it discounted to 30$, i bought it and i left.

>nearby GameStop has a THICC qt with glasses that are always sitting too low on the bridge of her nose and an approachably attractive redhead
>other GameStop nearby has a petite pale qt with curly brown hair
>different GameStop from the other 2 has another pale qt, but her hair is dyed jet black and she has arm tattoos

why can't I go to a GameStop without there being qts there

They all probably have bf's so just treat them like the boring fucks they are. Honestly the best way to go through life is to assume every single attractive female you might have the slightest interest in has a boyfriend and suddenly it's much easier to interact with them.

>reserve plushie
>drive there a couple hours later
>walk in with a friend
>minding our business while we look at some stuff
>go to the checkout after I'm done looking around
>tell him I reserved a shaymin plushie
>goes and grabs one from the stock
>tells me how much it costs, hand him the money
>asks for my gamestop card and hands me out a new one because I leveled up or something
>asks if I want the Arceus code from the promotion
>say thanks and leave with my bud
Alot of their prices are super damn high but I got a fuckton of good deals from there from used games, you have to search alot and scatter through them and know the current prices to grab some sweet deals
I hope she likes the Shaymin and won't gift me something too big back

>overwatch released
>haven't taken intrest in competitive gaming since cs 1.6 Warcraft 3
>give into overwatch urge
>I never buy digital copies cause can never return if game is shit
>go to Amazon
>2 day delivery
>fuck that
>order an uber
>go to gamestop for first time ever
>go up store and see the meme posters and power to the player memes
>walk in
>not a single customer
>only a fat fuck wearing casual clothes and a manager identification around his neck
>walk up to counter and greet him
>he tells me he's never seen me before
>apperently it's a small store with few loyal customers
>I told him this is my first time because I never owned a console
>he asks if I want to sign up for GameStop subscription
>hey do you have overwatch for pc
>yeah here you go user
>rings me up
>asks me if I want to get a protection for my game
>in case I scratch my cd so I can replace it
>why the fuck would I buy that for a pc game
>left home and installed overwatch
>registered the cd key
>go back to gamecuck
>tell him I didn't want the origins edition but the regular
>he reluctantly accepts the return after 30 mins of my bullshiting
>mfw I replaced the overwatch dvd with a blank cd-r and kept the blizzard note pad
>fuck him for trying to rip me off

GameStop BTFO

You sound like a repulsive neet with no friends

going tomorrow to preorder FFXV and gravity rush

I bought Project Diva X on launch day and there was the greasy fedoralord in line behind me.

Paid for game and left.

I actually had a girl so interested she invited me to an anime convention. I said no because I was worried about taking a day off of work.

forgot about this thread, sorry

>nigger tells me the other store thats 2 miles away has it
>im angry but whatever ill go to the other store
>i buy the other 2 here and he has the nerve to trty and make me buy pro membership or whatever the fuck it is
>i go to other store
>store is so crowded, i end up in like for an hour
>finally get to buy the game
>go home, disc is scratched to hell, its already 10pm so i have to wait to take it back next day
>go back, tell them the game is broken and i want a working copy
>tells me they have no copies of it
>forces membership on me again
>closest gamestop they have from my house that has ff13 now is 10 miles away from my house
>go all that way, the worker gives me my receipt and it has a url that i can go to and rate how that worker was
>go home, rate the worker horribly, hope she gets fired
>game works this time
>its fucking horrible
never going to gamestop again besides when i pick up my CE of persona 5 in february

To pick up Project Diva X because I forgot about it coming out until the day before. Half the store was filled with those POP! dolls and they wanted $20 for most PS3/360 games.

>walk in to EB to look around
>Found a used DS Pokemon Mystery Dungeon game and an Lucas Amino
>Two dude bros are in front of me
>They're returning whatever new CoD game is out for the x bone
>They said they forgot they had it on Steam
>Took a while
>It's my turn.jpg
>Cashier asks if I want to preorder Pokemon Sun/moon
>Decide to preorder Pokemon Moon, as I'll be buying it

But user he's looking for a boyfriend free girl to be his sweetheart.

>things that never happened: the post

That's a little different than my experience to getting Overwatch.

>game released a few days before I went out to get a copy
>walked into gamestop to get Overwatch on PC because I was out getting groceries anyways
>a few people in the store
>qt that was between a hard seven and a soft eight behind the counter
>ask her for a copy of Overwatch on PC
>she says that she loves Overwatch and bought the Overwatch mouse and keyboard for it
>have some small talk about it
>give her my forty dollars
>she tells me that there are some extra Origin Edition copies that people didn't pick up and gives me one of those for the same price
>I pay for it
>we both tell each other to have a nice day

I don't know what happens at all your guys' GameStops but all my visits to them end really nicely.

>went to Gamestop a few weeks ago
>just kind of browsed
>ended up just buying PSN credit
Uneventful as most trips to Gamestop.

>go to Gamestop yesterday since a friend wanted to pick up Destiny
>browsing the used PS3 games
>nothing good
>look around to see if they have anything else good
>nothing really worth it
>friend buys his copy of Destiny
>as we're leaving we see this fat weeb wearing a Love Live tshirt
>go outside and start laughing our asses off
>other than that had a pleasant trip nothing bad

you sound like a fucking cunt

are you a girl?


I work at one, so I was there today. Some mother came in with her son and told us she was dropping him off because she had to go shopping. This child proceeded to talk about how MOBAs shouldn't have MLG tournaments because you can't quickshot in them but Minecraft should, FNAF shouldn't be popular, cringe videos are great, how furries are a thing and he is one, how me and my coworker are weeaboos, how upset he is about the new Pokemon games changing Raichu specifically, and how his friend told him all about hentai. 9/11 happened again in my store today. Because the future of this country is now threatened.

You should have kicked him out and laughed in the moms face when she came back trying to get angry at you for not being a day care.

I walk past one fairly regularly but I understand that they're pretty rare in my country.

No. I'm a 270lb fat dude but all you need to do to get treated nice by girls is to JUST B URSELF! :^)

>a friend of mine recently moved back in with a family friend of his, since he couldn't afford to pay his rent at the place he was previously living because his boss was a dick and paid him late, and then let him go
>since he's looking for a job (and has a lot of free time) and I honestly need to get out of the house a bit more, I've been chilling with him more often, playing local EDF and watching anime and shit
>he decided he needed to get something to play on his xbone since at the rate things were going, he had 2 weeks min before he'd be at a new job - needed something to keep the stress off his mind
>we head to the GameStop, he debates between getting a new game for his PS4, buying a game for his PSTV, but eventually decides to keep playing Borderlands 2 on his PS4 and doesn't buy shit
>I help him set up his PSTV, and when he realizes that this Vita copy of Rayman Legends he had doesn't work on it he tells me to keep it

It was ok.

there was a pretty epic copypasta on this

i don't remember, one of the lines was like

>bought belts and zippers xiii

im sure one of you has it from a best of Sup Forums thread

>when to GS
>pre ordered world of FF
>paid it off


most of mine end up pretty OK, too

there's a QT girl i usually have small chitchat with. the guys who work there are pretty funny, too. they aren't that pushy (they ask me if there's anything i want to preorder, and don't press any further if i say "no"), let me know if i need anything (if i'm just looking around), and let me on my way

pretty boring, yet friendly, affair

>I have Best Buy GCU
>I have Amazon Prime
>mfw literally the only time I go to GameStop now is when I'm tagging along with someone else, or I'm specifically looking to get a game used

There was a guy who worked at my local GS that was really hot and I had a thing for.

I would go there and buy something to try and talk to him, but after 3 or 4 times I learned he was just a huge dick.

That was about 2 years ago.

I have both but GCU just isn't worth it. The lack of free shipping on low cost orders invalidates the whole deal.

>be me
>go to gamestop because "holy shit majora's mask 3d collector edition"
>pick the box on the shelf
>go pay and wait for triggered mother and his autistic-looking 14 years old son
>mother keeps asking for refund to the poor guy
>the guy politely tells her that the kid should have checked the requirements first and wait to register the game on steam
>mom gets triggered because she thinks are all excuses and other customers are tired of waiting
>the guy asks his boss to talk with the mother outside
>pay for the game and run away home

>went in
>asked if they had FF13 for 360
>he pulls it out
>"Sure. That'll be $14.99"
>I pay and leave


Yeah I really don't understand why people have bad experiences at GameStop. It's just like any other store when you know what you want and know if they have it or not.

I usually buy enough shit by the end of the year to get Elite My Best Buy shit, so that's not a problem for me - there's always free shipping.

Honestly, Best Buy has been having some killer fucking deals this year. Just a month or so ago they had a bunch of Wii U games on sale for $30 before GCU (Star Fox Zero, Yoshi's Wooly World, Super Mario Maker, Xenoblade X)

I didn't buy any, but even though they might have less games they sell compared to Amazon, they've still got some really damn good deals sometimes.

When Metal Gear Solid: V came out and they couldn't secure my collector's edition because they miscounted how many they were supposed to get. It was the last straw.

I got an amazon prime subscription and I haven't looked back since. Fuck gamestop.

>Several friends gushing over the Monster Hunter Generations demo
>Never was interested in the 3DS before this, go to Fucking Gamestop
>Store is empty except for the one employee
>Ask him to sell me on getting a 3DS
>We chat about 3DS games for an hour
>Walk out with an N3DS XL, Ace Combat Legacy, Etrian Odyssey 4, and a pre-order for Generations
I'm currently HR 7+ something and all of my friends are still HR2 or HR3.

>When in to preorder Rainbow Six
>Played both betas. Super Excited
>Called the day before asking if they were doing a midnight release
>They weren't
>Got impatient and bought the digital version at midnight

I haven't been back since then

December of last year?
They were pretty alright, they had some discount mtg packs in which is why I stopped in, honestly. Me and the guy at the counter talked a bit about magic and some vg bullshit.
Oh wait...January this year, too. Friend gave me their gift card. Went to one in the mall. Was not spoken to once, got scoffed at for asking a question to one of the employees. Everyone was dudebro.
Usually don't have issues with the stand alone stores, but the mall stores are ass.

>Go to gamestop to pick my Metal Gear Solid Portable ops preorder
>The chashier looks at his co worker, his coworker looks at me, and then he winks at his co worker
>He picks up a box and take a MGSPO psp case, and gives it to me and tells me "that's your pre order bonus KID" (I was 19 at the time)
>Get a little mad and leave the store and I never returned to GS afterwards, I only use online and best buy since then

barring things like idiot employees and honest mistakes, it's weird how many people seem to have bad experiences with Gamestop

i mean, the company isn't perfect, but you don't enter the 8th gate of hell whenever you walk through GS's doors

>Went there to buy my dad a birthday present
>My dad like ubisoft games and Watch_Dog is getting a sequel, so maybe I should get him it
>Thanks son
>Finally plays it
>Says game is fucking terrible
>Thought nah, maybe its just him
>Played it for myself and confirmed that its fucking terrible
>Went back and returned it and bought Sleeping Dogs and since I still had some leftover credit, got KH2.5 for myself.
>He loved it

>Go to gamestop
>looking dapper in my fedora + poncho combo
>monogrammed cane slung on my back just for the looks
>only person in the store aside from 10/10 girl working at counter
>pick out a used copy of Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked
>bring it to the counter
>tip my hat to the cashier "Madame," I say
>she giggles and looks at the game
>"Wow," she says, "It's rare we see gentlemen with such refined tastes in this store, usually its nothing but cowadoody kids with papas credit card
>Smirk at her, "My mother has always told me that men like me are a special breed"
>She giggles again and brushes her hair back, "y-you got that right" she manages
>my eyes scan downward as she looks at her register
>as I suspected, she was so wet it was soaking through her jeans
>"l-listen" she says, "I get off in 15 minutes and I was wonderi-"
>Door opens violently behind me>in walks Chad L. Thundercock
>grabs the first multiplayer console FPS he can find
>Pushes me out of the way smashes it down on the counter
>"Ring me up, Bitch" He says to her, laughing
>"O-okay sir" she says nervously, a bead of sweat pours down her face>I glare at Chad knowingly
>"What are you staring at faggot?"
>"That is no way to treat a lady, sir." I say, voice quivering with rage
>"How would you know, needledick? Bet you've never even had your P in a V" He laughs again
>"I may be a virgin, but at least I know about respect"
>He tries to punch me
>nimbly leap backward, landing on my tiptoes
>unsheathe my cane from my back
>He lunges at me trying for a haymaker
>I dodge him and swing my cane in an arc at his legs
>He falls, hit his head on a life size replica of Halo
>starts to cry, "I'm sorry, to both of you, I am just insecure so I pick on those I deem lesser" he says
>"It's okay," I reply, "just next time chose your targets more wisely."
>he leaves without his game
>cashier leaps across the counter into my arms and kisses me
>"let's get out of here," I say, she just nods.

I called gamestop and asked them if they had Senran Kagura Estival Versus. Had to repeat it a couple of times before the guy said they had it.

Then called the mom n pop video game store by me and all i said was Senran before the guy on the phone was like "oh, the latest one? yeah we got it, want me to hold a copy for you?"

Turns out they were selling the preorder version too. Go the artbook, ost, and trading cards without pre-ordering.

today i had some gift card there bought god of war collection with the 5 games, two i have to download. i bought a $20 gift card too.


There aren't any GS in here but when I've gone to Orlando the people treat you nicely and they seem to know what they're talking about.

>Like two weeks ago
>Despite my PowerUp Rewards membership being expired for like four years I still get sent discounts, got a coupon for a pre-owned game
>Wanted to buy the new Kirby game anyway so that works out I guess
>Realize there's nothing I particularly want, just settle on Ico/SotC HD Collection
>Go to ring my shit up
>Cashier takes notice of the HD Collection, talks about how great it is
>Asks if I have a PS4 due to The Last Guardian finally coming out
>I tell her no but talks about how it's supposed to bridge the stories of Ico and SotC
>Asked if I ever played Ni No Kuni, told her I was hesitant since I heard mixed things about it
>Said I should try it if I like JRPGs, suggests buying used in case I don't like it
>Say I'll consider it
>As I take my shit and leave she assures me how much I'm gonna love the game
>Pretty glad she didn't ask me to renew my membership since that's always awkward
It was fine.

>Go to Gamestop to purchase a PS3
>Cashier asks me if I want any games with it
>Say "Nope, I'm gonna pirate them as soon as I get home".
>Another fucktard cashier pops up and says "Sir, you know we could report you for saying that"
>Give the fucktard a stare and say "We live in America, I have the right to download my games if I want to, If Sony actually put the effort into making a larger library of games with QUALITY as the PS2, I wouldn't need to do this".
>Cashier says "But these companies are losing money"
>I begin to laugh, "Then they should stop being lazy and make better games, I'm suffering as a college student and worry about my money each day, these companies can survive from a few pirated games and if they can't...then they can just fuck off."
>Cashier stares at me
>I stare at him
>Cashier sighs and says "Look, I won't report you...I understand your situation but just don't go around saying that stuff, you'll get in trouble.."
>I grin and say "I'm a pirate, we love trouble, it just makes life more exciting."
>I walk to my car feeling proud of what I did.
>Go home to pirate Demon Soul

gotta get that China somehow

I buyed 4 ps4 games at 200$

>ps4 games


I went to buy a game. I picked it off the shelf, paid for it, talked about an upcoming release and my doubts about it with the clerk, and left.

>Bought sonic 06 for 50 cents
>good chat with the only employee in the shop
>had a kek playing it for awhile

pretty nice actually.

>For having bad internet that's capped?
Why is it legal in the US to get capped by ISP? that's fucking insane

I went in looking for Vita games.

I found a case full of the cases. And since I wasn't interested in the fighting and JRPG games there, I had left.

I did spot a case for Murasama: Rebirth. But since I had the game, I didn't buy it.

>go to gamestop to look for used games
>occasionally will find something cheap that'd not too bad
>they do the mandatory greeting as i walk in
>little bit tired so i just kinda grunt in response and they just leave me alone
>browse around for a while and eventually find a couple games
>go to register and they ask me about pre order stuff and pro membership
>not really thinking about it
>say " it doesn't matter" and kinda lift my hand up
>they kind of look at me then just ring me up
>walk out
>only realize later how weird of a response that was

Fucking gamestop

>mfw I replaced the overwatch dvd with a blank cd-r and kept the blizzard note pad
That's fake and transgender, the staff that accepts the returns always have to check the disc before accepting the return

Did a site to store for Persona 4 Golden. Waited in line for 30 minutes while the one GA tried to reset/remember his password for the register. Boss comes out sees line and goes into the backroom to hide.

I never run into this shit with my mailbox.

Many years ago, I think my little brother wanted some Pokemon they were giving out on their wifi or something for Diamond version since he always wanted to catch em all.

>walk down to the neighbourhood mailbox
>when i get there, there's a long line
>the mailman is there
>he's trying to remember where the key is for the mailbox
>postmaster comes from behind the nearby delivery van
>sees the line
>jumps in the van and runs away


>Went to the double midnight release of GR Future Soldier and Dragon's Dogma
>about forty guys there for Ghost Recon
>Less than ten of us for DD
>Each group is huddled around a small television showing off their respective game
>majority of the GR group can barely see shit, they all take turns doing splitscreen matches or something
>Our little group gets a clear view of the game
>Employee hands the controller off to me
>Go through the beginning of the game
>Every five to ten minutes, ask the others if they want a go
>They all decline, apparently intent on watching me play
>Proceed rather quickly since I've unwittingly become the entertainer and don't want there to be a lot of dead air
>Get to the barracks, take out the ogre and hydra, able to get all the way to Gran Soren and then go exploring
>All the while, hear the GR group constantly groaning and complaining, several times the game locked up and they had to hard reset
>Bunch of GR guys wander over to us and watch me play
>Once they finally call out for accepting preorders so everybody can go, I realize that my neck is in severe pain
>I had been standing to the side of the TV with my neck at a 90° angle for roughly an hour and a half so everyone could see
>Get the game and get out