Would you get this for $5
Would you get this for $5
Even though this isn't /toy/ Pop! figures will have some form of value in the future. Maybe not a lot, but some value due to rarity.
Oh I forgot that /toy/ was a thing my bad
considering it's not as unrelentingly ugly as the rest, I'd consider it
I'd probably still say no on principle because it's a Pop fig.
if it aint a cool mech fig whats even the point?
So much detail
I grew out of collecting toys.
Not bad desu. You can barely tell it's a Funko figure when it's out of the box.
t. Beanie Baby and Pokemon collector
These "gaming" figures and toys are cancer.
i give u tree fiddy fo it boi
Every Pop figure that doesn't show their shitty, stylized faces is decent
Cause it's a toy of a game?
>available at walmart
Pick one(1) and only 1(one)
5$, yeah sure, it's one of the few that doesn't look retarded and kind of cute.
This thing is bigger than my hand
Your hand is gross my dude.
Well yeah you know cat fucked me up and I been working so I didn't get my nails repainted or anything for awhile
Either way the bobble head looks in context rather than some googly eyed design.
I legit would think it would look amusing.
hotglue it and put it back on the shelf you fuckin faggot