Anyone else fucking pissed off with Sony for denying Fallout 4 mods?
Holy shit their reasoning is awful. So no Skyrim mods either.
Probably going to end up getting an XBone cause of it. Lemme hear your opinions on it
Anyone else fucking pissed off with Sony for denying Fallout 4 mods?
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If you want them so bad why don't you just get a PC?
Yep still pissed.
Fuck off. Get a PC you filthy peasant. Xbox doesn't even have script extender.
Bought a ps4 first and currently don't have the cash to build or buy a pc.
Personally, I'm enjoying the fireworks.
Sony ain't giving you mods because Bethesda doesn't moderate their Mods they have become so rampant that they brick xbones.
Sony is preemptively nipping that shit in the bud because Bethesda won't take responsibility for being lazy fucks.
I don't care.
Whole thing is great for chuckles though
Nope, since mods on consoles are way too limited anyways.
but you have the cash for thinking about switching to Xbone?
No, because you should just get the PC version.
I will never understand why people continue to buy the console versions of games that are also available on PC. Unless the port is so fucking shit that it's unplayable (like Arkham Knight), literally every other situation has PC being the clear winner.
More importantly how are you not bored to fucking tears of Fallout 4 already? There is no fucking content in that game compared to 3 and New Vegas. They improved the shooting aspect but shit all over everything else.
based sony keeping loli and waifu trash off of my console
I can get an xbone for 200 from people selling them in my town. But at this moment no, by the end of the month maybe
I Play on PC and I can see this is pretty stupid from sonys part
Mods are starting to become a standard now and sony (as always) is refusing to admit it
>Playing Fallout 4 on console
>Playing Fallout 4
Mods can't make Fallout 4 a good game.
>Buying a Bethesda game on a console
You deserve this.
if you cant get a few hundred bucks together you shouldnt be playing games at all
Are the mods that brick systems the standard for mods?
Because if that is true than I don't give a fuck about mods.
>on a console
>on a closed platform were everyone has to adhere to fixed standards
hahaha they will never ever allow sex mods to reach the console. even with paid mods you would never get anything good as it would need to pass $ony/m$ standards
Bethesda are terribly lazy but I don't think Sony cares, they're more scummy than lazy.
>A multimillion dollar company dosen't give a shit about it's customers
More news at eleven
>used to have a decent paying job
>was laid off after having bought stuff
>decided to go back to school
>have part time job to pay for phone, gas, etc.
>works maybe 3 hours a day if i am lucky
>paid weekly
So yeah i can play games.
Not at all. Fuck console kiddies and mod support was badly mangled with the Xbone. 2GB!
Yet Atelier is a Sony exclusive
so get another job you shit
Xbone has mods for Fallout 4 though.
Sony exclusives is literally only loli and waifu shit you retard
>expecting mods
>on a console
Nigga, you dumb.
>Lemme hear your opinions on it
it doesn't matter. no amount of mods can fix fallout 4.
Honestly I would love to, but classes cut into my morning schedule and a lot of the jobs in my area are "you need experience, to get experience work at a job that has this experience, and for that job you will need experience" and i have mostly been getting the run around.
>people getting this upset because Sony wont let them download power armor skins for Fallout 4
fuck no. mod support for xbone singlehandedly killed modding for fallout 4.
>allowing Bethesda, the gold standard in functional and reliable software creation, to regulate the installation of nigh anonymous third party software on your closed system
Sony would have to be retarded.
>shit excuse
What did you expect
Do you think PS4s are high end PCs? A lot of mods are graphical overhauls or tweaks that straight up brick consoles.
Sony don't want to deal with the backlash they will get for "Allowing mods to brick consoles".
You know damn well that is the going to happen.
People bitching and moaning that thier console is fucked because they downloaded a mod and they would blame Sony for it and not bethesda.
I had to learn from a friend like 2 months after he bricked his xbone that the culprit was a fallout 4 mod. Not one word from an Xbox fan about it for months until the problem could arise for the PS4.
Nobody making a big deal about it for the Xbone but people still want that shit for the Ps4.
It is be the same shit and nobody will blame Bethesda or Microsoft for it but Sony when and if it ever happened on their platform.
Could Bethesda get in trouble for not giving PS4 mods?
They said every version would get them. Could they be sued by people that bought the PS4 version as didn't Sony get in trouble with something with the Vita?
>you need experience, to get experience work at a job that has this experience, and for that job you will need experience
that is why you need to lie
>he spend 500 buckaroos for a bloodbornemachine
>he wants to play Fallout 4
>he wants to play a bethesda game on console
>bethesdrones upset Fallout 4 is shit
>i-it's Sony's fault for not allowing mods!
you can't make this up
>We want an approval system available before we can make mods available
How would i explain needing training for the job then?
Bloodborne was fine but i paid 250 for my ps4.
Nice false flag shitposting faggot.
>he doesn't want oppai lolis with futa horsecocks
even if it did have mods literally all of the good ones require framework mods like extenders which consoles will never have. all you're missing out on is power armor paint jobs
Textures and meshes. That's it. And there will never be anything else because they will never get a Scriptextender on consoles, and without that, literally no mods that could fix bethesdas turds.
They haven't gotten in trouble yet for bricking Xbones with mods.
Sony would get the backlash for the bricking.
Because people are always looking to blame them for something.
Except Unreal Tournament 3 on the PS3 allowed mods, you jackasses.
>yfw sonycucks bragged about their shit console having mods as well, mocking PC users
>yfw it turned out there won't mods for sonycucks after all
I have no doubt some retarded burger kid will sue them for false advertsing. It's what burgers do after all.
>Bricking consoles
The Xbox might be a turd but I'm sick of hearing all this misinformation. No, these shitty mods will NOT brick your console. Can they prevent the game from launch? Yes. Can they corrupt your save? Yes. Can they damage your system in anyway? Possibly, but I'd sooner trust Microsoft with software and hardware regulation/protection than Sony anytime of the week.
$ony is being a couple of fags and M$ is still gay.
Except literally not a single xbox was bricked. Consolefags just got trolled by a modder and Clickbait artists exacerbated the issue.
-raises paw-
err, if it prevents your game from working and corrupts it and damages your console that like bricking it
anyone who bought fallout 4 is a fucking fool
>they don't brick it
>they just fuck EVERYTHING ELSE up
>this is a good thing apparently
At this point i can't even tell anymore if this is bait or if consolefags are really this retarded.
Raises paw? I honestly hope you get gassed
>fuck give we dark
>you us waited for
>sony mods in the more
>than shit
>this excuse
what did he mean by that?
Did it allow mods, or did it allow custom maps and skins?
Op. Jesus christ. That was hilarious
Why would even mods be on consoles? What the fuck happened to this world? Consoles are not built for mods and shouldn't be.
This is the end my friends, universalization of software as well as hardware is the final step. Prepare for everything being available on everything. The ultimate mainstream audience becoming the target audience of all. When was the last time you played a good mobile game? When was the last time you played a good "PC game". This is the future we're hailing. All hail Fallout 4 on apple devices!
>When was the last time you played a good mobile game?
Never. Dumb Neptunia poster.
>Prepare for everything being available on everything
This is only bad because devs aim for the lowest common demoninator, which means console parity.
Besides that there's literally nothing good about platform exclusives for the consumer.
That Final Fantasy Moebius game was alright at first but then came the micro-transactions.
PC nowadays serves as a low common denominator. Seeing how some devs went from applying themselves to "lol we just sell 200k copies during steam sales" makes me feel feel nostalgic about the good old times when devs not only tried harder, but could focus on a single platform that proved most profitable.
But what can you do, the r/pcmasterrace meme is too huge nowadays. As a sidenote it also killed good old PC gaming as we knew it since the 00s, nowadays it's just console gaming for memers.
If you bought the console version just for mods you're fucking retarded. Playing Beth games without the dev console is like playing Russian Roulette, you never know when something is going to break.
That's getting harder and harder to do anymore. In 20 years, they'll be able to check your résumé and references before you even send them in.
What happened Sonyggers? I thought Sony was super bro gamer cool company? Not like that evil Micro$haft, right?
>It is be the same shit and nobody will blame Bethesda or Microsoft for it but Sony when and if it ever happened on their platform.
Oh boo-hoo, poor Sony.
This image has never, ever been more appropriate
>Mods they have become so rampant that they brick xbones.
don't worry sonycucks maybe your master will change thier minds after you suck their dick some more
I'm fairly convinced they will announce mods for the PS Pro, for the low low pice of 400 shekels.
I'll trade you mods for Bloodborne
if you wanted mods you should have gotten a PC
consoles have never had mods before
>playing fallout 4
>playing falllout 4 on ps4
>can it brick your console?
>can it damage your system?
Mods are fun, but thats not the reason why I cant stand Sony.
Too retarded to know what sandboxing is? Apparently.
It's okay, sonyponies, at least you still have Bloodborne
I legitimately can't tell if this is a joke thread or not.
Literally mods can only change, add, or remove files that a game draws on. If a mod were to have any adverse effects they would be contained within the game. A mod can't brick your console because a game can't brick your console. It can fuck up your save file or make the game not run properly, but it won't turn your Xbone into a paperweight.
For fucks sake, do you think that an improperly coded DVD menu will make your Blu-Ray player stop working too? It doesn't work like that.
Exactly what kind of damage can it do? Genuinely curious here. Do you have a link?
Oh no, now I can get access to incredibly buggy mods ported over by thieves w/o the original creators consent.
The mod creators on PC don't give a fuck, so who the fuck cares.
Nope I'm just Loving Every Laugh
Maybe if you cry enough Todd will steal another popular mod and sell it to you for $10.
>buying a console for mods
What is wrong with you?
>playing moddable games on consoles
Its your own fault.
Who's got $700 fucking dollars for a gaming computer? The fact is that Fallout 4 was gonna be a game changer in terms of console mods. That's half of its selling point. And then all of a sudden after months of bullshit Sony decides no? Fuck that. Jap bastards.
Do people even know what "bricked" means anymore? Crashing your game, corrupting saves, failing to boot, etc., is not bricking.
All the mods suck anyways compared to PC mods. Waste of time to have mods on consoles.
The only mods you are missing out on are textures, because consoles don't have access to scriptextender. Do the people who are bitching about this actually think they were getting any of the good pc mods for fallout 4? Because that would explain alot.
People who aren't idiots
>$400 for a console on release
>$200 to swap to a new one later
of course they do. thousands of them flooded the fo4 nexus crying for every mod to come to console and then sending the creators death threats, or stealing their work, publishing it on, and *then* sending the creators death threats after it ruins their game and/or crashes their console. they're what ended the fallout 4 modding community before it started.
>not already owning several desktops and monitors since 2000
>not spending that 200 on a vidya card
Are you some pathetic phoneposting faggot?
Get the fuck off my board dumbfuck normie.
>Anyone else fucking pissed off with Sony for denying Fallout 4 mods?
How is it just sony that is denying you mods, and not bethesda as well?
If they really cared for you as much as your omission of acknowledging their fault in this suggests you believe, why would they not budge that much for sony to give their beloved fans their mods?
Cant tell if serious or joke.
>thread is contaminated