Anybody else looking forward to Camelot Unchained?
Anybody else looking forward to Camelot Unchained?
what's so good about it?
fuck yes, it's the saviour of MMOs
No bullshit. No quests, no epic story line, no instances just 3 factions and HUEG open world battles.
what if I like quests and story? is there really no downtime activity?
if I want nothing but combat I'd go play counterstrike or streetfighter
I pledged like 250 USD but I'm not really expecting much.
I expect it to play like a shitty kikestarter game and have the creative depth of an indie title designed by nu-males, not the Dark Age of Camelot I knew and loved.
I'm already tired of hearing about updates via email since they're so verbose.
>quests and story
you're new to the genre or what? everybody just rushes through weeks of shitty content
anyway, there's crafting, trading and you can build fucking cities block by block
Well, there are monsters and shit in the game and killing them grants you resources that help your faction in the war, there are just no NPCs that tell you to collect 15 turtle dicks.
design-wise it's superb, technology is okay with stuff like server side physX, large battles and long draw distances, they're taking their time but that was to be suspected
I mean it can totally end up being fucking horrible but it's too soon to tell
This game could be to DAoC what ToS was to RO, but I'm carefully optimistic.
Where is the gameplay?
at least they said no cash shop ever
they're still building it, even run animations are placeholders
ok second question, what was so good about DAoC?
open world solo to small man RvR
So would it be safe to assume that the world is constant PVP enabled? Or would it be limited to certain war zones?
>Most funded MMO of all time.
>First time I hear about it.
Well, their marketing sucks for starters.
Each faction has 1 main city and 1 main outpost, where they are safe, everything else is PvP enabled and can be captured and defended.
DAoC was one of my fave gaming experiences. I was young and it was my first MMO. There was something special about the RvR that I could never quite find in other games, and truthfully it was probably the last online game that I really cared about. I don't have time for MMOs so I'll have to pass on this one.
Thread theme:
Probably only the starting city is a safe-zone, the world consists of islands with player made structures for which you fight over.
They have this idea that conquered islands slowly connect to your starting city and lands.
The game is still a WIP engine. They will advertise later in the development.
So, just to get a general idea here, it's like Mount and Blade except with player made villages and designated safe zones?
It won't be mount and blade combat. It's tab target with custom skills/spells.
>PhysX based combat in an MMO with large scale battles.
Sounds like a dream game if they can pull it off.
I dunno, man. It sounds almost too good to be true.
Kinda similar idea but obviously a completely different type of game.
It's DAoC with no PvE but with territory control and player made everything.
We are going to play Sup Forumsikings, right?
I would recommend watching this playlist if you`re interested in learning more about the game
Real question is though what kinda model are they using for the game
F2P, P2P, or a buy once and play forever model ?
looking forward to it, but not trying to expect much
>you will never go back to the summer of 2003 fucking shit up with your 8-man in Emain Macha
That game had THE WORST fucking PvE, but holy fuck the PvP was something special even though the engine was total garbage
i know i am boy
>Sup Forumsikings
I'll pick something within vikings most likely
If there's a skeleton race though fuck the vikings I'm going full spooky
>Sup Forumsikings
Arthurian is where it's at
Its gonna be P2P but they wanna keep it lower than the current standard price wise, and they want it so that there are no microtransactions of any kind
Patrician detected
That being said, i really fucking hope this game delivers
>le western fantasy meme guys
>gnome faggots
>glorious Germanic warriors
How's this even a question?
>hurr le fierce warriors xD
>only attacked unarmed people, niggers of their time
>only cool races are dorfs and berserker spirits
>rest are shitty and look boring
>arthurians get fucking gargoyles, golems, dragon people, cat people, and more
Though it sucks that they have 3 fucking human races, arthurians are looking pretty sharp right about now
Yes. Úlfhéðnar master race.
>all three factions are uninspired dog shit, even a fucking mercenary rabble would be better
How to even pronounce this
fuck off RPing a loli faggot
git gud
my only complaint about vikings is that their mage is fucking water and not lightning bolt
Granted that was a questionable race decision on their part, but bitch im not gonna play the furbait race, gargoyles and golems are where its at
>He doesn't want to rape and pillage with his fellow Sup Forumsikings
It's like you hate fun
What racials do you think these so called "gitguds" will have?
I'm looking forward to being massively disappointed and knowing I will never ever feel the way I felt playing DAoC ever again.
Game sounds way too good to be true.
>Tfw this will be most viking players since its their only "cool" race
Cant wait to see your 25 man ulf parties
It was so magical bros.
>( Heavy Fighters )
>The Mjölnir, and the first “true” hammer, were born from the collision of the two moons. New Mjölnir are entrusted with a tiny fragment from that collision, which is then used by crafters to imbue into their iconic weapon. Mjölnir are reputed to focus on causing destruction rather than on the more protective aspects of their occupation, and that’s just about right as far as they’re concerned. These men and women have a long tradition of taking their anger out on their enemies.
Found my class.
>Meme class
Enjoy your shit taste
Post yours.
Not him but im looking at either black knight, or one of the arthurian magic rogue classes
>not playing the Blackguard
Ever herd of the British longbows faggot?
Ever heard of not being an Arthurian fagboi?
Come and be viking like the real human beings.
>Britbong Huntard
I'll hammer the shit out of you.
Medium/Light Fighters when?
Mjolnir is cool af and all but I really wanna be able to go around shirtless with a huge fuck off twohanded axe, and atm no viking class kinda appeals to that. Maybe Winter's Shadow if you don't use any of the ranged stuff.
>Arthurian fagboi
Boi ima bend you over that round table
ded game