>grenades unchanged
>weapons unchanged
>perks unchanged
>gun sound effects are weak and plasticky
>voiceover is bland
>does not have all the maps from the original
>bounces removed
>elevators removed
>M40A3 ACOG no longer a one shot kill
>Sniper scopes have blurred peripheral view rather than black
>XP bar gone
>XP multiplied by 10
>Medals added
>can see gun attachments on dropped guns
>no scope tricks likely removed
>killfeed is tiny
>headshot logo changed
>guns can be 'inspected' like in CSGO
>all guns can be made gold
>Have to buy Infinite Warfare to play it
COD4: MW Remastered Changes
Other urls found in this thread:
don't like the medals
Oh hey it's this thread again
I will post this everyday until you buy it
But user, I bought it NINE YEARS AGO
delete this
>Sniper scopes have blurred peripheral view rather than black
>" bad "
are you mentally challenged?
or is this copypasta?
explain why this is good? I like the literal tunnel vision so I don't get distracted
but is it still a linear, pro-nationalism babysitter that can be played with a handheld controller?
old cod games are anti-war
Really this remaster seems to be good so far. The only issue is the plastic gun sounds. The rest of the maps will be added later, assuming for free, so thats not a problem. Medals are also annoying but not a big deal
Oh no there won't be any acog faggots, what a shame.
it will be dead in a week mate
>no mods (so no promod)
>no server browser
It looks tacky as fuck. Blurred peripherals is also more "real" but that shot doesn't matter. Black edges on your scope view is awful.
more "real" doesn't matter in a multiplayer shooter. If the same happened to csgo and couldn't be turned off, there would bre outrage
>I've never played COD4
All Call of Duty's pre-Black Ops (with the exception of W@W) are extremely anti-war. Learn what subtext is you fucking millennial.
Delete this
Nigga I just said it didn't matter. It looks tacky, that's my reasoning. I hate the way scopes work in cs too.
doesn't make it a not shit game
>people are already wearing nostalgia goggles for a game 9 years old
Untrue faggot. Even normies love CoD4.
Jesus dude kys
no. all maps are available, the last 6 will be free in december,.
Grow up.
>Have to pay $80 for it
Fuck that im waiting, I give it 6 months before they start selling it digitally. R-right?
learn about the real world, gramps
>the last 6 will be free in december,.
What about Killhouse, Creek, Broadcast, Chinatown and Winter Crash?
Holy shit dude
>>no scope tricks likely removed
>this is a negative
Of course.
Activision won't say no to money.
This, fuck zzirGrizz for ruining CoD4 by telling the entire world how to exploit the hip fire resets.
but bundling it to infinite warfare is money
So is selling it to the people who werent dumb enough to buy it bundled in with IW.
Yes but they will peak early in the holidays. Give it half a year when the Infinite Warfare sales slows down and you will either see a discount or separate release.
>World at War not anti-war
It has dismemberment and NPC's criticize the player for being cruel. It was just honest about the realities of war.
the only negative is the last part.
No you don't.
>Blatantly racist depiction of the Japanese with heavy metal in the background
When has the M40 EVER been a one hit kill?
Even the fucking 50 cal cant one shot body shot.
not sure. i could be wrong about how many maps but they are 100% coming for free
I dont wanna cuck myself by buying the dead version from 9 years ago.
>>elevators removed
what elevators?
Original CoD 4 is still active on PC and you don't have to pay $80 for a game with less content and worse visuals.
>>Blatantly racist depiction of the Japanese
another japanese war crime
I'm not denying the Japanese war crimes at all. I'm just saying that World at War is racist as fuck.