Do you Think pic related is worth playing with mods (1st time runing)

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Any that let you take the knot



Look up the Reddit modding guide.

It really is worth playing if you haven't, but at this point the graphics don't impress anymore so gfx mods are essential. The gameplay...I don't really do much to alter the gameplay, but there are some things that are definite needs, like fixing level scaling (game is easier/makes more sense if you don't ever level up because all enemies are scaled to your level, eventually you see regular bandits wearing fucking ebony armor at the higher levels and it's a big wtf).

The quests are good but I think moreso it's a fun game to get lost in and explore. I liked the main story cause you are not the chosen one, you're just some nigga who was in the right place at the right time and had insane potential.


>oblivionfags literally come from reddit
This explains everything.

The guide is solid. I'm not saying "don't ask on Sup Forums xD". I'd provide a list of mods if I had my harddrive with the game installed.

> the graphics don't impress anymore so gfx mods are essential.

I feel like this could almost be bait

? What the fuck are you on about. Go back to Sup Forums with your stupid attitude. It's a website, who gives a fuck.