Does anyone else hate youtube video game reviewers? They're almost all interchangeable, unfunny, Jontron derivatives.
Does anyone else hate youtube video game reviewers? They're almost all interchangeable, unfunny, Jontron derivatives
Does anyone else hate e-celeb shit on Sup Forums..?
No, I love them all.
If we are specifically talking about caddy, then I'd say he's honestly gotten stale
His jokes are all the same in every video, and I can genuinely see his jokes coming seconds before they even happen because he reuses the same jokes so much.
He's alright, but I honestly only have ever liked his Top 10's
>zooms into face and and adds deepened computer voice and red filter
>bravo caddy you did it again
>Does/says things like a retard on purpose to make a "joke"
>10/10 caddy amazing job
I fucking hate this shit
Honestly some of his reviews are decent but I really wish he didn't try to joke constantly, especially when its the same joke over and over again
I like the info he covers, but fuck him when he tries to be funny and I always need to skip his intro shit. Only watched his retrospectives anything else would be annoying as shit.
I only ever watch his shit when I can't think of anything else that can kill my time though.
This guy really needs to keep the attempts at jokes down and actually talk more in-depth about the game he's "reviewing".
inb4 500 replies
When exactly did Sup Forums turn into an e-celeb discussion forum?
>his retarded sister shows up and does some retarded shit with her stupid fucking hair
woo lad
Why the fuck is he still using that art for his thumbnails? It's ugly as fuck & looks like it's from one of those Girls Games flash games and it's that's supposed to be the point then it's certainly not funny. Otherwise he's fine I guess, I found the last few videos annoying though.
becuse nip moot can't just make /celeb/ and make Sup Forums and Sup Forums just that little bit less shit
I can still enjoy that on a small scale like in a gif but when I see youtubers do it I just see it as bandwagoning and uncreative at this point.
It's video games
Despite how much you want it not to be
he just does it EVERY FUCKING EPISODE and it stopped being legit a year ago
>Profile picture is an idealized cartoon version of themselves
It's too late. Sup Forums let e-celeb shit be welcomed in the first place.
Most youtube reviewers whether it's movies,tv or games usually employ some shitty gimmick the most common is the angry dude. They use same recycled jokes if you can even call them that, they often do a poor job at actually dissecting the medium, and overall they are very derivative of each other. PC game reviewers are the absolute worst.
I've wanted to make a game channel for years, mostly so I could talk about the games I love, and weird Japanese games that never got released in English. I don't bother because I'm not entertaining, though, and I refuse to bandwagon behind the same tropes that every shitty game youtuber does.
That hair cut was the worst thing to happen to him. Or is he balding or something?
This is the issue.
Every viewer wants someone funny so you have a lot of copy/paste people with the same personalities.
This is your fault.
why did his sister get fucking dreads. thats the real question
Say what you will about Caddy, his weekly output is actually pretty fucking impressive. Being able to pump out three edited videos a week isnt anything to sneeze at.
Its a shame Film Fridays is garbage because he has the shittiest taste in movies.
Just do it. Worst case scenario you make 2-3 videos that do shit so you stop and go on with your life. You don't have to rely on those tropes I'm sure if you went out of your way to avoid them you might end up making something that's different enough to capture an audience. If you enjoy talking about the games it shouldn't really matter how big that audience is.
>Channel defines itself as giving a retrospect of early 90s PS1 gaming in the perception of a British kid
You know, he's actually enjoyable to watch when he's actually talking about shit he's played. But his quality just takes a fucking dive whenever he tries to review anything other than his own nostalgia.
Also, why the hell does he present himself as some sort of show for kids, but constantly uses swears mixed with WACKY COMMENTARY.
He's either confused on what he wants to be or just trying to latch on to whatever recognition he can get.
Brutalmoose is the more competent guy anyway.
Do it.
Be "our guy".
>Brutalmoose is the more competent guy anyway.
Love him, consistent and solid
I'd argue that uploading videos weekly makes content feel more derivative and viewers would be less interested in watching, similar to how big youtubers like Pewdiepie or Markiplier upload videos 3x a day but a slower process. It is an impressive feat, but viewers will eventually get bored unless Caddy does something fresh once in a while, which doesn't seem like it'll be the case anytime soon.
It seems like Caddy is just a one-trick pony.
All of his jokes are fun the first time but then he does the same joke in every fucking video
Brutalmoose is stone cold commentary and dry humor.
I love 'em.
Then...just don't do that. My next piece of advice, may make you retch, but based on the game you're reviewing, you should promote the video to a subreddit centered around the game. (Most of them have rules dictating you should participate in discussion it makes. Meaning, that when you post a video, if someone comments on it, respond, or add to their remark, or question. Even if they comment something like 'Wow, 0:58 was fucking hilarious' say something like if it was improvised, or how long it took you to write/come up with the hilarious thing.)
Reddit is fuckin' awful, but it's one of the best ways to get out there, without begging. Present your video as 'just' a video. Not as 'woah dudes check out my radical cowabunga channel' but as just posting your video like you've done it forever.
daily reminder that his gf has 3 kids that arent his
>his weekly output is actually pretty fucking impressive
Its not when its low effort derivative crap that heavily recycles stuff.
What is the story behind Caddy's gf? I just assumed that some snob left her pregnant and Caddy took the opportunity to make her his gf.
If he wants to get big he'll have to make some sort of character that people will latch onto and define him as. Unfortunately it's always the "angry reviewer", the "wacky guy", or the "cynical douchebag". As well as showing yourself in front of the camera.
Unsubbed to him around a year ago
he just forces too much to be funny
also his thicc sister is unfunny in any skit they try.
That's probably it. She's white and has dreadlocks which probably means she's a skank.
Shit, my 18 year old niece has the same and she's pregnant.
Best thing about Caddy was introducing me to Scarfulu.
Scarfulu is best Youtube
>I SUCC U :3
>OMG U HAVE 3 brown babys that is so diverse plz let me pay for them and raise them I mean theres too many white people anyways xD
I honestly find it hard to watch his content anymore knowing he's a cuck. Sup Forums has ruined me
I honestly find it hard to watch his content anymore because he looks like a huge fucking queer these days
close enuf
I stopped watching him, but I'll go back and watch a top ten if I see he's uploaded one
Are you so autistic that you believe that "Am I the only one" or "does anyone else" are literal statements?
Why are half of the Hidden Block members complete shit
>Caddy: devolved into derivative shit after the "forcing his kids into his show" debacle and after the "reboot"
>Jimmy Whetzel: a tumblrautist
>SpaceHamster: PBG try hard
I can see why a lot of people like BrutalMoose, even though I'm not a fan of him being monotone. I like Yungtown's voice, and he's pretty level headed from what I've seen. My favorite is Balrog though, even though I feel like his content is slowly getting worse over time. I just wish he'd stop going on Twitter constantly and just finish editing his fucking videos.
brutalmoose is pretty comfy because he reviews old shitty pc games like the ones i played as a kid.
That to.. the red mohawk is ugly and he's got some seriously bad tattoos
lol what a fuckin idiot
>tfw when spacehamster is shitier rip off pbg
>tfw when pbg is already LE RANDOM XD jontron
I like RebelTaxi. Pan's ok.
>the scream-into-a-webcam Let's Player
>the guy who used to make funny and interesting videos, and instead now focuses on a "gameplay" channel
>the guy who used to do video game-unrelated videos before he realized he could cash in on the Let's Play meme..
>mfw Egoraptor is 2/3
Pan has really nice editting in his videos.
Gives it a real professional feel when he isnt being a cringelord.
Also his podcast is pretty gud. Jim is the best.
NitroRad is probably my favourite out of all the video game reviewers I've seen. His content is pretty chill and he doesn't go over the top to be funny.
Why hasn't anybody attempted to kill Arin yet
>showing gameplay
>game breaking bug or hard part occurs, character dies
>LP'er records his face smiling silent for 10 seconds
Top cringe
Dashiexp def the 2nd one
>tfw spacehamster and pbg joined forces to make Gameplay Commentary Channel #14872134957813
I actually like both of them, individually, when they produce scripted videos, but their PB & Jeff videos are holy shit bad.
This nigga knows whats up
Gamesack > Mike and James/Bootsy > Guys that give a legit review without being wacky > everything else.
ProJared was always bad out of his comfort zone.
Which was snidely shitting on peripherals.
Imagine if he stuck with a gimmick of being the reviewer of old shit like the Superscope.
The black dude who screams into a cam, like literally screams at all times? The epitome of black rage gamer?
PBG's gameplay channel used to be good, I liked his hardcore series.
But PB & Jeff is unwatchable.
im really glad someone else recognizes SpaceHamster as a shittier PBG
I think I watched about two of his videos and was baffled at how hard he was trying to be like PBG
Jontron post Grumps has been shit too.
Youtube channels have a history of getting shitty when they start having good budgets.
Who knew other people here had good tastes. It's gonna be a sad day when those fucks stop making videos
Please go back to redit
He's fine, but as a video game reviewer he only has two under his belt. I'm also pretty sure there's only two reasons why he did Cel Damage.
I bet he'd make a great Blasto review, though. Something else that's cartoony but mostly unrelated to cartoons, and kind of shitty to boot.
ProJared's taste and opnions on videogames is abhorrent. He is also kind of a narcissist.
How can he be a narcissist when he's so ugly?
Apparently SpaceHamster actually does the entire editing process for PBG.
So essentially speaking, they're fucking clones and not ripping off one-another.
When is he coming out as the crossdresser he obviously is?
Game Sack is legitimately the only video game channel I even like nowadays. I've been watching them for years and their videos are always consistently enjoyable. Always a good day when they upload something new. I wish they'd do another console modding video.
I used to like Barry and Ross' steam train stuff but then they started having even faggotier people come on the show as guests with them, and I just had to jump ship.
I honestly can take Arin and Dan one off eps just to watch them dick around, it's kinda tolerable.
I'm not surprised honestly. They live together sand their editing styles are similar so it's to be expected.
>the guy who used to make funny and interesting videos, and instead now focuses on a "gameplay" channel
Honestly afaik the only guy who managed to make a successful secondary gameplay channel without it being shit is Joueur Du Grenier, which won't ring any bells here since he's French.
Almost none of this gameplay videos are just raw generic gameplay. Like for instance with games like Civ he'll do a voice-over like it's an episode of The History Channel, he's currently playing some sort of Political Simulator and he's narrating it like it's an autobiography of his life as president, him and his friends do tabletop RPGs, he does mini-reviews in the same style as his main channel, etc.
It definitely feels more like a second channel then just a "let's make easy youtube money because editing videos is hard work" gameplay channel.
Caddicarus in particular is stale as fuck. Every video is basically the same with the same "jokes" and same delivery. Same with Brutalmoose. The only thing that's changed with either of them since they started is that they look faggier now, with Brutalmoose's numale beard and Caddicarus' red fag-hawk.
All her kids are white tho, and blonde
We Dunkey reviews hw actually takes it seriously and I think has some good opinions. His newer "funny" videos leave to be desired though.
listening to the podcast rn
Probably around the time Izzy settles into her girl voice.
>PBG's gameplay channel used to be good, I liked his hardcore series.
oh damn I remember that, I was really invested in like his hardcore minecraft series.
He should've made a third channel for PB & Jeff instead.
oh yeah, difinatly
at least brutalmoose is gay so he has an excuse for being faggy.
I know Caddy's British, but I'm not good at discerning between their dialects. Is his what you'd consider a "northern" accent?
>says something
>2 second pause
>exaggerated reaction
>quick cut
Every fucking time
I never thought that Brutalmoose's videos were tryhard hilarious, just always comfy and entertaining and sometimes funny.
B..but I need fat fuck nobodys who do nothing but play and review games to validate my opinions
I entertained the idea of doing a SMT: If... playthrough on youtube using the annotations to subtitle the game. Will probably wait until my Japanese is better.
thats becasue most of the time he just tells the joke and keeps going
>t. Pirate
Exactly, no ADHD-stimulating hyper-editing.
The content of his videos too is pretty unique, it's almost never just WOW LOOK AT HOW BAD THIS GAME IS HAHA IT'S SO BAD it ends up being like "well this game IS bad but it has some good elements to it" or "this game was actually surprisingly good!"
I like how he also started a series about old TV shows and VHS movies.
Ian doesn't overact or tryhard, though. His style is dry with the occasional sprinkle of surreal, which is a welcome change from all the overreacting "more skit than review" types like Jontron, PBG, and Caddicarus out there. They all have the problem of doing a joke and then basically shouting "DIDJA GET IT?" at you afterward. Ian just drops his joke and keeps going.
I especially hate it when animators do it, or when it's in the vid. Cause it's usually inaccurate and they're ugly as shit
Putain arrête mec, sa seconde chaîne pue le cancer, il est pas marrant et est devenue teeeeellement générique.
Par contre ses épisodes de joueurs du grenier sur sa chaîne principale oscillent, le dernier épisode était sympa je trouve. Les épisodes les plus pourris sont ceux où ils se concentrent plus sur la réalisation d'un court métrage bidon à la place de rester sur des tests.