Best final fantasy game coming through.
Best final fantasy game coming through
IXfags are coming OP
VIIIfags are coming OP
Who else /IX/ here?
but 9, 6, and 10 are my top 3
I like some final fantasies like 9 and 7 more but I still like the game. It's too bad they brought the linear design into 13, but I think 10 did linear design in a good way. It's one of those games if I don't play it in a long time I think it's shit but when I go back to it, it's amazing.
>linear as fuck
>no world map with secret areas to explore that also makes the world feel "incomplete"
>No airship to fly in
>super long boring cutscenes
>awkward pauses between voice acting samples
>cringy voice acting
>music moves away from a soundtrack with various musical styles and electrical instruments in favor of a more orchestrated sound
>sphere grid doesn't provide enough customization freedom, and was made to look complex by putting the skill paths in circular patterns
>cliche anime stereotypes
>muh serious drama
>Blitzball is fucking shit gameplaywise
It did take a right direction with the combat. Those were mechanically impressive. Various limit break types were also interesting.
XIIIfags are co-
>on a pilgrimage
>expect to be able to travel anywhere
>plenty of secret areas right in the middle of the map
>not liking yuna and tidus underwater sex scene
>not liking HAH HA HA HA HA
>It is based on South East asian music
>Sphere grid is one of the more customizable paths. You can also teleport around
>It invented the cliches
Truly a good game
>linear as fuck
like all FF games
>no world map with secret areas to explore that also makes the world feel "incomplete"
world map is irrelivant, there are a bunch of secret areas/optional dungeons
>No airship to fly in
>super long boring cutscenes
like all FF
>awkward pauses between voice acting samples
right on this one
>cringy voice acting
>music moves away from a soundtrack with various musical styles and electrical instruments in favor of a more orchestrated sound
flat out false
>sphere grid doesn't provide enough customization freedom, and was made to look complex by putting the skill paths in circular patterns
expert mode
>cliche anime stereotypes
like all FF
>muh serious drama
like all FF except maybe 9
>Blitzball is fucking shit gameplaywise
shit taste