Any other PC bros finally considering making the switch to PS4?

Any other PC bros finally considering making the switch to PS4?

Not really. Sure you can't make something for the same cost but you can sure as fuck make something that will last much longer than something still using low powered Jaguar cores.

Wow, that accurate and well-sourced chart makes me want to purchase a PS4™ Pro™.

>shit CPU
>shit GPU
>Paid online

Hell naw.

Why are you putting the trademark text in? Haha.

memes and shitposts aside it doesn't really seem like a bad deal for 400 bucks assuming it can deliver on it's promises

>AMD Jaguar, worse than core i3
>AMD Polaris @4.2TFLOPs
>Less TFLOPs than Polaris RX 480 and RX 470


I know right hahaha

The PS4 is better than a 780ti? Thats pretty damn good.

It's going to run everything at 1080p30fps still (with plenty of drops on anything new)

>It's going to run everything at 1080p30fps

It isn't. The 780ti aged like milk.

No because I use my PC for more than just games.

>paid online

why, that just ends up completely not worth it. you are literally paying to "unlock" your internet on the device. On top of that, it can't do as much as a PC can, little software support. I don't see the point.

is this image actually real ? i bought 3 years ago a i5, r9 280x and everyone said that is too much better than ps4, now people say that is shit compared to ps4 pro is almost the same and they say that ps4 pro is just a bit better than ps4 so wtf what is real ?

See: The PS4's cpu

How many times are you going to make this same thread you falseflagging faggot.

Literally noone is falsflagger, have fun buying a $2000 HDR Sony™ TV just to play selected few games at upscaled 4k 30fps

anyone can answer me this please?

No, you idiot.

no, the IGN tag was shopped on it's just a random bait image someone posted when the pro was announced

a vanilla ps4 isn't anywhere close to a 380x, a 780 let alone better than a 960

Your 280x is inferior to the Polari, but your core i5 Ivy Bridge is superior to the Jaguar.

You should move up to RX 480. Sell your 280x for about 100 bucks.

of course not

>bought a 970 a year ago
>I'm back below consolefags again

What Is "Real"?
Are Our Eyes Real?
Are Mirrors Real?
If Images Are Not Real How Can We Say We Are Real?

>below consolefags
Please. Your 3.5gb meme card can hold its own against RX 470. PS4 Pro doesn't even reach the same kind of TFLOPs. You will win in DX11 stuff such as GTA V.

Well Majority of the latest PC games have poor optimized and API calls is not that direct as compared to the Xbone's also PC drivers are doing too much state validation and dependency tracking as compared to the Xbone's process loop. It's amazing that devs still manages to the latest games on cheap NETBOOK APU!

>People will still fall for this bait
Oh god my fucking sides.

I can either spend 400 euros on a console I own no games for and which requires periodically spending shekels for multiplayer or I can buy 8 AAA preorders and a couple season passes (which means 12+ games if you pick the right sites for keys and wait sales) for a platform that performs better and I already own with free online play. What do you think?

>Carmack 2011
Not even 200% now. Here's Sony's own words in February 2016 Sonygger. They claim only 60%.


Considering I play on 1440p@96hz, going to PS4 would be like going to the stone age

>Once TB passes away nobody will call out shitty ports of computer games

This isn't even shitposting. I'm honestly worried of what may happen to pc gaming once he passes away.

Can your PC do this?

60% is still a pretty considerable number and as new pc hw comes out, devs only get lazier and lazier in optimizing.

>cant torrent
>cant hentai
>cant shitpost
>cant keyboard
>cant strategy games


Yeah I can permanently remove and destroy a vital component of it if I want, why would I though?

Why would I buy a ps4? To play heavily scripted Hollywood blockbuster wannabe games? To play dark souls clone number 1296? Or to play edgy weebshit and stupid fighting games only niggers and fat losers like? What else madden and FIFA? Fuck off with this trash machine

that's a big dick

Sure and my PC is not mutilated as well.


>Those nerves
>That desert dried dick


Yes I installed a dildo that ejaculates on my case and every night I give my PC a nice blowjob.

No my PC can't remove the part of the penis that gives the most pleasure during intercourse because I'm too lazy to wash my dong once a day.

>PS4 more powerful than a 960


Nigga, the 750 Ti outperforms the PS4.

Can't spell IGNORANT without IGN.

My 390 can get my 60+fps on any game I play at 1440p, so no I would never downgrade to a console.

>cant torrent
Stopped reading right there.

Being cut is actually disgusting

What the fuck is wrong with people

>cut betacuck
He could fuck Megan Fox all he wanted without feeling 1/5 of the pleasure I feel when I jerk off. What a loser.

Too busy giving the SMS library a chance to play bloodborne and nothing else.
And well, i come to some conclusions:
1) the SMS sound is as bad if compared to the NES than i was thinking it is... but it gets worse when they use the FM expansion because they make a lot of really awful sound effects with it

2)the only good sega games for it are the sonics, outrun and phantasy star. The whole rest of the good games are third party because sega fucked their arcade ports by drawing the characters on the tile background which makes em very, VERY choppy, even if they look great on screenshots

3)SMS is consistently prettier than NES graphically wise, probably using several tricks to overcome the bigger sized tiles

4)The CPU is definitively, DEFINTIVELY slower than the nes CPU, with several games barely hitting 30 fps, while the crushing majority of the nes games did 60 with drops

There's something I don't get about this. Can a cutfag educate me on the matter?

Isn't the brown tone supposed to be skin? Why is it fused with the pink tone?

As in, aren't they supposed to be 2 different things instead of one?

>A high end PC is nearly 10 times as powerful as a console, and we could unquestionably provide a better experience if we chose that as our design point and we were able to expend the same amount of resources on it

A reminder that that Carmack never said that console match high-end pcs.

I was uncut for about 16 years but then I had phimosys and had to remove kebab. I can confirm that a 2 inches uncut dong is preferable to a 9 inches piece of wood without sensitivity

I want to grab a needle and poke that vein

Thats where the part of your dick that protects the head and has most of the sensitivity is cut off mang

I'm in second place and will never buy a console again:*

Was the procedure painful?

I know...

That's not the question. Allow me to badly illustrate it.

Isn't the brown part supposed to be separate from the pink part? As in, isn't it supposed to be like a sleeve of skin?

Because during circumcision they cut the pigmented skin away

They sting your dick with a needle for anesthesia and you're awake while they're talking about what they're doing in detail while you are strapped to a bed naked. Wouldn't recommend it.

>make a console related thread
>pcucks instantly shitpost

why are you guys so insecure? serious question.

No, because that sleeve (the foreskin) is what was cut off at birth, as to why the color looks so different from shaft to head, beats me I am only an amateur dickologist

i hate thinking this

This is a myth btw

I was circumcised at 14 and had been jacking off for years

After getting cut there was no change in feeling

That sensitive skin shit is propaganda

Why bother on a shit thread with blatant lies?

Anyone with 2 braincells know that a 750 Ti outperforms the PS4 and yet the image claims the PS4 outperforms the 960.

Shit thread to begin with.

If we have not considered buying the ps4 when the price dropped down why would we now? Just because it has slightly better graphics? Tough shit, our pcs are still superior performance wise.

So funny you neets commenting on stuff you can't afford

still playing cs1.6 on your 8 year old pc haha

I have ps1,2,3,4 + preorder pro,Xbox,360,bone + Slim

I have an alienware laptop worth 2.5k
65inch tv worth 5k
desktop with a 10 core intel cpu 128gb of ram 4TB SSD and 2 titanxps just for lols

you poor fags are funny xD

Clearly you've never had a girl run her tongue around in between your foreskin and head


Top fucking kek

Good to know I was lucky to get parents who gave me the choice instead

I imagine the exposed glans toughens up over time due to friction and enviroment, causing a further loss in sensitivity and change of skin color

ye I want my bloodborn machine

My uncle works at Nintendo I'll ban you

Yeah but where is the point where it was cut off? Even if they cut that much skin you should see where it was cut.

As far as I know, the entire penis should be pink.

But in the image we don't see that.

I am trying to understand what happened to the line where it was cut.

Nice try, Sony. I might buy a PS4 near the end of it's lifecycle when it's like £190 just to play some of these exclusives(When the exclusives are £20), I spent £800 on my PC, so no. I won't buy it now.

>The israelites and even the jews before them got there dicks cut in a far more painful manner with even worst tools for the procedure and you cant handle it in 2016 with modern medicine

Doesnt matter if im strocking my dick the skin shouldve given me more sensitivity when stimulated regardless.

It didnt, and since my physiology is no different from any other man i can confirm its bullshit.


Nope. Still waiting for a decent console exclusive game to play on this piece of shit. My PS4 is just a netflix machine at this point.

Ive busted a nut as both, feels same brah.

>consider getting circumsized a few years ago
>ask doctor if I can keep it in a jar afterwards
>he says no
>I ask why not, I've been able to keep other stuff removed during surgery in a jar
>says there will be a $400 additional fee
>tell him I know my legal right to keep any part of me removed during surgery for free
>he start sweating and asks me what I would do with it
>ask him the same thing
>he panics and says runs out of the room

It's all propaganda so pharmaceutical companies can have a fresh supply of foreskin cells for anti-aging product. FACT.

The question still stands: why undergo mutilation just to save 20 seconds in the shower?

He was pertaining to game optimization and not the AMD's benchmarks that your slide used.
The 970 has less teraflops and scored slightly lower as compared 290x when they did the synthetic benchmarks and yet the 970 run majority of games better. Also who do you are think are? Carmack made the current DOOM RUN AMAZING on my 2013 toaster PC.

I was circumcised and my dick has some pieces of skin stands there like here

what do it looks gross

I'm the literal god of destruction of this universe, and i find your taste shit.

I bet you hate ramen too.

I love how the topic of circumcision can universally derail a thread on any board into a heated argument.

>doom 4
pick one

>The 970 has less teraflops and scored slightly lower as compared 290x when they did the synthetic benchmarks and yet the 970 run majority of games better.
Probably because they're two completely different architectures that are both good at different things.
For instance, AMD's GCN has been all about pushing compute performance, hence why they usually perform better in compute heavy workloads found in synthetic benchmarks.

Also, Carmack didn't work on Doom 2016.

>can't expose glans
>refuse to cut dong
>have sex
>dong gets rekt and bloody
>doctors are forced to cut dong
>now pleasure comes from stimulating the glans and not my foreskin as I was used to
>I don't like it
What do

Is it bad if I don't get morning wood any more? I can barely get hard when I jack off too.

Become Jews and rule the planet

>cutting off your foreskin to making cleaning your dick easier

Maybe you should cut off your cheeks to make brushing your teeth easier too.


This happens when you jerk off too much. Try not doing it more than once everyday and stand near a girl you really like for some time. You'll see.

Blowing money into sony's ass for crappy noob games, must be fucking kidding me

>Any other PC bros finally considering making the switch to PS4?

I'm actually just going to kill myself and get it over with.

>he fell for the PC gaming meme

Are we nowadays restricted to only one gaming platform?

>Sony recently did shitty decisions
>I wanna switch to PS4!

Bait or contrarian?

>Still weaker than my PC
>$60 to use my own internet
>No mods
