What went right with Gunvolt that went so wrong with everything else Inafune's doing?
What went right with Gunvolt that went so wrong with everything else Inafune's doing?
>one-dimensional weeb characters
What do you mean went right? nothing?
Inafune has barely any involvement with Gunvolt from what I can tell. He even said so himself in one of their web programs.
Gunvolt is made with one console in mind and properly optimized to it, didn't resort to crowdfunding, also a better visual style and art style
Other than those aspects Gunvolt is almost as underwhelming as MN9, GV2 looks nice though
Not when striker pack releases, PC has fixed translation
How shocking that a 3DS game is240p, right?
The PC version still has those issues though. I'm unsure if you're even aware of how ironic you sound right now
Not that user, but what are ya talking about? Name changes or something? I wouldn't call that censorship, but it s a weird localisation choice.
When the fuck is the original 3DS game getting that fucking patch to add in all the dialogue back? I genuinely think it's never coming unless you get the Striker pack or something.
Gunvolt has the same base problem as MN9 does though, tying killing enemies to an obnoxious gimmick that limits what platforming can be done in the game.
For GV that's tagging, for MN9 it's the dash mechanic. Two different mechanics but the same end result, a platformer with hardly any actual platforming in it.
You're not talking to me. A megaman clone that's not even fucking 60fps is by idea already a failure hence Inafune did exactly what was expected.
It's like 3D Mario World being the worst 3d mario game because it controls like a 2d game. The exact same thing happened here
Oh shit nigga a Gunvolt thread.
I just played the first again to get more excited for the sequel.
Which Elise is the best Elise? You can only choose one.
The dom one.
Moe snek girl is best one
they blocked midriff
If they manage to fix the problem with the flow and level design, this could be a really good game.
Gunvolt was designed to be a good game, and turned into a good selling franchise when it succeeded.
Mighty No 9 was designed to be a good selling franchise, and churned out an awful game when it failed.
This game looks good I might get it
The submissive one then?
Why doesn't anyone chose the third one?
Too crazy for most people.
>level design
>modern inti creates
Not gonna happen.
Why do you think IGA decided to get help for Bloodstained?
>m-muh censorship
I KNOW it's going to be something retarded and absolutely inconsequential but indulge me, what was censored from this?
The kind one. Curahzee one and Dominating one would be a pain in the ass to be around
Gunvolt is a great game considering it's price tag. As a fan of the Zero and ZX series, I loved how similar Gunvolt played to them while having its own feel. Getting 1k Kudos in a stage to hear the J-pop and getting a high rank in said Stage is very satisfying My only complaints I have towards the game are the reused enemies and how swing and a miss Gunvolt's ability is for both newcomers and Megaman vets. It's weird and hard to get used to but it's very fun once you get the hang of it (it's not for everyone sadly).
There's none in the Steam version other than GV's midriff
>one-dimensional weeb characters
The Drama tracks and fleeting memories solve this issue to a lesser extent, while MN9 adds nothing even close to that.
And this matters because? For MM games gameplay>>>graphics.
Expect that one of two actually implemented their mechanic in a majority of its stages so it doesn't feel like a tacked on gimmick. Datastore's magnetic fields, Conserving energy for the flies in Stratos stage, powering the platforms while lighting the area in the Stratacombs etc. Compared to how slapped together the dash mechanic feels in almost all the levels in MN9.
Have you even played the game? I've played for +50 hours and I have barely suffered from any drastic slowdown (Only Merak's stage with the flooding section might cause some slowdowns) other than that the game played just fine.
They gave him his midriff back in the Steam version as well.
>name 4 (FOUR) things
>single out a single thing and call it inconsequential
kek have a good one user.
>that's none other than
First of all learn English. But you literally just said
>you're wrong except you're right
So just stop it. Jesus fuck user
>well but MN9 has one dimensional characters too
not an argument
>240p matters why? gameplay >graphics
you say this while ignoring that the game caps at 30fps? I doubt you've played a single Megaman game in all honesty.
>have you even played the game slowdown I have played it for 50+ hours
Nothing I've said has anything to do with this, you're just virtue signalling at this point,
>My only complaints I have towards the game are the reused enemies
Yeah. I would have liked more varied bad guy minions.
>Not wanting the psycho one
>Not wanting her to keep riding you even when you cum, milking your cock until you're completely going
>And she still keeps going anyway
>Keeps going even when she orgasms too, her twitching pussy as she fucks you pushing you over the edge you have long left
>Not wanting a mix of pain and pleasure as you cum without anything coming out as you literally emptied your balls a long time ago
>Not wanting her to bite at you, scratch you and hold you as tight as she can in the most wild, animalistic sex imaginable.
Fleeting memories? What's that? A manga or VN or something? It better not be some Steam only bullshit, I really feel like I bought the wrong fucking version of this game.
It's a short story they original read during their web program but it's completely translated on their site's blog.
The 3DS patch is still coming out, they still don't have a date yet and if anyone is wondering if Inti is at fault for this, I think you should know that when the Steam version came out, they fixed all the problems it had within a week or so. I really believe that the delay for the 3DS patch lies on Nintendo's end. I've heard of similar stories from other developers with getting patches through the eShop.
Got a source it's still being worked on? It's been like, ages now. A year or longer right?
Half assed localization =/= censorship
But censorship = censorship.
I've completed the game and to this day, I still can't do Elise's boss fight well. I can curb stomp anyone else but she will curb stomp me instead, I have no idea why I find her so goddamn hard. Goddamn kunai and snakes all over the fucking place
Gunvolt didn't have any "problematic" content, 8-4 just wanted to shit out a translation as fast as possible.
They mentioned it at PAX. Sorry I don't have an official statement anywhere.
Which PAX? The latest one?
Yeah, over at PAX West. No panel there but I heard it at the booth.
I don't really understand why you're trying to deny censorship as censorship if it wasn't a problem why did they censor it?
>as fast as possible
Then why did they censor it?
I think you two aren't talking about the same thing.
Just to clarify, localisation isn't the same as censorship but both of you keep talking about one but calling it the other.
I think the only censorship Gunvolt has is his midriff right? And they removed his long hair, or something. I think that was added in later for the Steam version though?
How the fuck do you even manage Daytona's SUNSHINE NOVA of touhou rape?
They didn't change things other than changing the color of few pixels on Gunvolt sprite. They downright removed huge chunks of dialogue from the game. Slice of life stuff.
> Caring about grammar on 4 chan
I not sure what to say other than how desperate you are to belittle someone on Sup Forums....
>you're wrong except you're right
The only thing that got censored was GV's midriff (which is back in the Steam version), you're acting as if they resigned his entire character or something. If you really care that much of such a small difference, then I don't know what to say.....
> not an argument
Congrats on dodging my entire point. The Drama tracks and ASG fleeting memories gives you an origin story for some of its characters while providing explanations of things that were never explained in the game. "How did Asimov obtain Copen's gun? What's with Copen's hatred for adepts? etc."
"It also showed some interesting interactions with characters. For example, Nova will only let Adepts join Sumeragi under their own free-will, to show that their not the same as the ruthless hunters who strip the freedom of those with powers that will benefit the Mega Corporation."
There is nothing even remotely close to this in MN9.
> you say this while ignoring that the game caps at 30fps?
The game (from my experience) runs smoothly other than a couple of hick-ups (the flooding section in Merak's stage). Which is why I couldn't care less if the game caps at 30fps.
> I doubt you've played a single Megaman game in all honesty.
And you have no way of confirming whatever or not I've played a MM game. But go ahead, kept holding that ridiculous assumption.
> Nothing I've said has anything to do with this, you're just virtue signalling at this point,
Well if you actually know to fucking read then you would know that it was for this user
>A megaman clone that's not even fucking 60fps is by idea already a failure
Really small steps.Watch an SS playthrough.
Isn't this the game where they censored the MCs hair and some other stuff for no good reason.
If on PC it's uncensored I will buy it.
If not then fuck them. I don't support censorship so I won't buy it, maybe pirate it if the gameplay look cool, but not buy.
>I think you two aren't talking about the same thing.
And you're not talking to me either, you're talking to yourself.
So if it was no problem why did they do it? Youre so contradictory it's pathetic as if you had stakes in the company.
>Caring about grammar on 4 chan
Because I play Touhou? But yeah, that can be pretty hard. Honestly for that I just try to do that thing where you get hit but it draws from your EP gauge instead of your HP. You could always power through it with a skill, since you're invulnerable during some of them.
>why did they do it?
To save time.
They showed a digital stage and it honestly looks better. There's platforms where using your power will make you sink through the floor so it's no longer "hold attack to cheese".
Striker pack more than likely has fixed everything and both games, I'd wait for that
I've seen videos where they basically graze the shots and they don't hit. I tried to do it myself. It's pretty hard though.
nip game is out, game is MUCH better. Not holy, but a huge improvement
How does changing something that they had no issue with save time?
You're not makign any sense
The braid is in both versions. They did think about removing it because it made GV look too feminine though.
>how does removing text from the game instead of translating it and putting it on the localized version would save time and money?
That's not me you're quoting, please stop putting words in my mouth because that just results into you talking to yourself
user, you're asking questions with obvious answers.
I'm pirating all future stuff until they fix the digital version of Gunvolt.
If the answer is so obvious why are you making up lines I haven't uttered? You're not making any sense. You're delusional also you've still yet to answer. Pro tip: you can't
They didn't change the text, they removed it.
PLEASE learn how to follow a conversation.
STOP talking to yourself
DONT butt in if you don't know what's being talked about
It's not that fucking diffcult
It began as a game, it succeeded as a game, and only then were extraneous things like drama CDs, music performances, and other cool stuff produced.
It was not conceived as a game and then while festering in development hell, given plans for a movie, sequel, cartoon, and other bullshit.
Inti-Creates just put forth an honest effort to make a fun game, and built on the success that came with that effort. Inafune tried to cash in on something that wasn't even finished.
user 1:
>one-dimensional weeb characters
>What do you mean went right? nothing?
user 2:
>Half assed localization =/= censorship
user 1:
>But censorship = censorship.
user 2:
>Gunvolt didn't have any "problematic" content, 8-4 just wanted to shit out a translation as fast as possible.
user 1:
>I don't really understand why you're trying to deny censorship as censorship if it wasn't a problem why did they censor it?
>as fast as possible
>Then why did they censor it?
user 2:
>They didn't change things other than changing the color of few pixels on Gunvolt sprite. They downright removed huge chunks of dialogue from the game. Slice of life stuff.
user 1:
>So if it was no problem why did they do it? Youre so contradictory it's pathetic as if you had stakes in the company.
user 2:
>why did they do it?
>To save time.
user 1:
>How does changing something that they had no issue with save time?
>You're not makign any sense
user 2:
>how does removing text from the game instead of translating it and putting it on the localized version would save time and money?
Ok, and from here it's pretty much the same, we can deduce 2 things, first, user 1 is being really sensitive and agressive, second there is a clear misunderstanding, user 2 never even went to the midriff/pixel censorship, he always stayed with the translation "censorship" while user 1 looks to be talking about the pixels, hair, midriff censorship.
This means that both of you are correct since neither of you is talking about the same freaking subject, one is going for the fast localization (less lines to translate means faster translation) while the other is talking about removing/repainting things from the base game, so, more work.
What the devil is even going on here
Your typical localization shitpost war.
Just replace FE with Gunvolt.
The hair wasn't "censored", it's the same in all versions of the game.
>ad hominem
stopped reading there
Have you pre-ordered it yet?
I'm thinking about it.
Already did. May end up picking up two copies so I have an extra for a friend's belated birthday gift.
Yep. Also just got my limited edition Japanese one in the mail the other day.
Nice. It comes with an artbook, right? I hope that gets scanned someday.
Yeah, I wouldn't call it a full-fledged art book but it's 100 pages and has a variety of promotional and concept art in it.
Gunvolt is an Inafune game?
Does this have the original cut dialogue and scenes from Gunvolt 1?
Also, any word on if this includes Mighty Gunvolt? I so, done deal. If not, then I may just buy Gunvolt 2 on eShop like the others.
Yes, it's all back in there.
It does not. I will tell you that if you have Amazon Prime, it's only $24 if you pre-order it.
He's listen in the credits as "Executive Producer"
>Does this have the original cut dialogue and scenes from Gunvolt 1?
Actually. Yeah it does. They specifically said it will.
>Also, any word on if this includes Mighty Gunvolt?
No idea. I don't think it does though.
Is he just an artist and ideas guy on Gunvolt like he was with Soul Sacrifice?
Cool. Thanks broskis. I didn't know there were so many Gunvolt fans. I expect they'll be updating the old one then, so the original butchered version will be a classic.
>Gunvolt 2 true ending
>Mytyl and Joule fuse thanks to Zonda shenanigans and she forgets all about GV
Man, he can't catch a break.
He's credited at "Executive Producer" and "Action Director" I believe. He apparently critiqued the gameplay in it's early stages and that's how we have the tagging system now. I don't think he has any further involvement with the series other than that.
>almost no Lumen lewds
>no Joule lewds
Maybe the OVA will help spread awareness.
I think they'll still let you choose the original translation.
I don't even know how the OVA is going to be distributed.
>no Joule lewds
You're not looking hard enough
Oh yeah? Show it.
>Playing censored games.
>not playing the Steam version
Why does Copen look so much more fun to play?
Because he is. That air dash of his feels so nice.
>goes fast
>copies enemies' abilities
>gets swords halfway through the game
Well. They wanted him to look more stylish then Gunvolt's playstyle. I guess they did well if you're wondering that.
Concussion-resistant skull
Pretty funny how Inafune cocksuckers still cling to his dick and defend this garbage.
I hope he becomes homeless for making so many shit games.
Doesn't help that all of Gunvolt's skills in the trailers stop everything from moving.