What's your ideal survival game Sup Forums?

What's your ideal survival game Sup Forums?

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A piratable one

damn, you made me check his channel for something new

Something to fucking do.
I don't want to struggle to survive just so that I can continue surviving.

permanent death
massively multiplayer
no hackers
not free to play, standard paywall
one server, planet

A game where I play a hot lesbian, and I have to survive in the hot lesbian forests, building defenses from other hot lesbians so they have sex with each other instead of me.

Long Dark

As long as they dont fuck it up with multiplayer or some shit

but thats what happens in real life

This. It's what killed Ark for me - you literally spend 90% of your time gathering food or supplies to make shit instead of actually playing the game.

The guy that does that shit is awesome.

Permanent death and massive multiplayer will never be a thing sorry

but you are playing the game

you don't play games to do like real life retard, if you want real life just go outside.

DayZ if it actually ran properly

The Forest, but you know like actually good


Although I think having cool stuff or secrets to find would help a ton too. Procedural generation might be hugely to blame for how boring and bland they feel to me, now that I think of it.

You can't really decide why people should or shouldn't play a game.


I have to ask why you would be interested in the survival game genre.

If anything that's more applicable to 's post

none of these are feasible

How do we make zombie/survival games good? As of now its a rush to get the best equipment and promptly shoot each other. How do we make it feel like real life ?

the forest tho


when will this fucking meme die already.

still rampant with hackers and some minor latency issues

also, XP is a good idea executed poorly

these videos are so fucking relaxing

single player
linear with some alternate routes
emphasis on atmosphere
extremely scarce ammo, like exactly the right amount to finish the game

that's it

unreal world

cataclysm dda if it didnt crash randomly

>permanent death
Pretty easy to impliment
>massively multiplayer
Can be done
>no hackers
Lol, good luck.
>not free to play, standard paywall
>one server, planet
No, and no.

1) You'd want multiple servers at least to do some things regionally and not have people who just happen to be physically further way to not suffer lag, but there's a lot of reasons you'd want multiple servers.

And also, although a very large map would be nice, planet sized is far too big.

I'd say having something like 50 to 60km^2 would be good, but size is going to be based around how many players you'd want per server.

Project zomboid is my favorite so far, but the beginning of the game is the only fun part and the endgame either ends in farming simulator or running out of non-renewable resources

Don't Starve

>How do we make zombie/survival games good? As of now its a rush to get the best equipment and promptly shoot each other.

You'd need to make the zombies a much harder threat to manage.

Like, if you want the good shit that's in say a military camp, you'll need to clear zombies to get to it, and the zombies need to be reasonably tough individually and work well as a horde, and do good damage.

Like, 3 people with melee weapons only vs 10 zombies would have a 50/50 chance of working in the zombies favor.

And have like 50-100 zombies on a base. On top of that you need roaming hordes with hundreds if not thousands of zombies, enough to where even a fully armed military squad (~11-13 dozen soldiers) just doesn't have enough bullets to deal with it.

but remember you WILL DIE :^)
really hated that about the game devs and in the end their game is so piss easy that you actually do die all the time because you kill yourself after years of boredom

Being able to build a mobile base, be it a spaceship, or just an all terrain RV of some sort, no game has done this right ever. Space Engineers I had hoped for so much, but it's just shit, there's no survival, just 'lolnpcenemies' that have hax level aim and damage, but you have no need of food/water/anything to survive, not to mention the game itself is absolute horse shit.

I just want a zombie apocalypse survival game set in a city, with barricading buildings and whatnot, and proportionally more loot and danger as you go further toward the city's center.

>hunger system so you can't ever do anything fun and are always grinding for food
>weight system so you have to stop every 3 feet to dump crap
>crafting system to further complicate things that didn't need complicating, and compound the amount of menu-sitting to near constant levels

I don't like survival games, they're boring, this genre is stupid grind.

I don't like survival games but
>Single player
It's a survival game not a mmo
>no monsters/zombies/aliens
It's shit
>no retarded crafting shit
seriously the block building shit are retarded
>choice between, jungle/forest/island
But well, survival genre is boring

Dead Frontier

although the unity version sucks ass and it's very pay-2-win now

This nigga recently made himself a working FORGE out of DIRT

Also he's super handsome

Lost in Blue

Has this game progressed anywhere? Is there a story mode? I played it a long time ago, ended up killing all the wolves on the map. Survived until I got bored with it.

I heard wolves are infinite now.

I'll let you know in 4 months when I have to start paying for my own health insurance.

One that pits both sexes against each other, only there is no outside influences. Link related:


A mix of unreal world and dwarf fortress

That's ideal for you?

>You'll never be this alpha

I hope he keeps producing iron until he has enough to make a knife or something.

One that's not in early access.

He doesn't even act like a Chad despite having all the physical characteristics of one.

He does a lot of research and posts in his blog in his spare time, and even turned down an offer from Discovery to star in his own show. And no one really knows who he is.

Those stone shards he uses seem adequate enough. All he's cutting are reeds and tree bark.

Something that lets me build and expand my base

I'm pretty sure I saw him reply to someone saying he was australian

This reminds me of Haven and Hearth, but I tried playing recently but they fucking redid the game and made it 3D, along with wiping the entire world and making everyone start over. The game used to have great 2D aesthetic but now it looks like absolute ass.

I'm also mad because I used to have a pretty great fort and I was working on getting high quality trees. RIP, that game was fun as fuck.

Yeah he's definitely Australian. Most of his research is on the survival techniques of the Aborigines.


"Crafting" in games fucking sucks.

NEO Scavenger

the long dark, best survival game out there

The best crafting I've seen in a game was from a MUD called HellMOO. High-end crafting resources were frequent points of PvP, and to craft endgame items you had to journey to special workbenches scattered across the most dangerous areas of the world. If you went to go craft a portal gun you'd be just as likely to get raped to death by some passerby abomination as you would be to succeed at crafting.

>running out of non-renewable resources

Like what tho

NPCs are suppose to fix that, the next update brings the new animations/combat/movment overhaul and probably after that is the NPCs update.

>Tfw he hasn't posted anything in a while

The Long Dark is already my ideal survival game.

Feels good that for once my perfect game for a genre is already made.

I don't usually like survival shit but Subnautica is really brilliant for me. I guess the fact it's singleplayer prevents it from devolving into Rust-tier garbage.

the long dark but with multiple biomes in a giant world. Multiplayer and with the creature from the Thing.

Subnautica is fun but the survival aspect of it is pretty meh. Once you make a breeding aquarium and even hanging fruit to plant you never have to worry about eating again. The hardest part to deal with about having to eat and drink is that you can deplete areas of the ocean of fish because the dev is a stubborn retard who doesn't want to make fish slowly respawn, so on my first play through the shallow waters of where you start were completely devoid of fish and looked awful.

MUDs already exist

Isn't that the whole point of survival games? I think it's their biggest shortcoming too

>struggle for survival
>get better tools
>survival is no longer the top priority
>can get more interesting tools to explore/kill
>keep expanding and upgrading stuff
>eventually run out of stuff to do

Instead of having to survive in some sort of post-apocalyptic wasteland, I'd like for once to try and survive while the world is actually crumbling around me.

>gravity shifts
>all kinds of miscellaneous awful shit

>Has comfy house
>has back up straw hut
>has honey
>has potatoes
>has a god damn forge
>has been experimenting making woven fiber from bark

If he had livestock he'd be pretty set.

My issue is that getting to the point where you never have to worry is easy as fuck, and there isn't much to strive for and the game loses the survival aspect and becomes more of an exploration experience and making sure to not die to underwater creatures. Hell, even when you start, surviving is fucking cake. Peepers restore your hunger by around 40 I believe, and water is currently bugged to where you can purify one bottle of water forever, so you just need to collect salt and corals to have unlimited purified water that replinished your thirst by 60, and even when it's fixed, Airsacks are still horribly easy to find. The survival is more of an annoyance in the game than it is challenging, I encourage you to just disable it.

what channel is this?

Primitive Technology.



>mfw watching this guy working his way through the Civ tech tree
>In a few years he'll launch his own satellite


>tfw there will never be another Lost in Blue game thank to Survival genre shitstorm that flood the market

well the third one was already on its way down

Literally all I want is The Culling but with a big playerbase.

An actual progressing story and an end goal.
Survival games inevitably get boring after you get the hang of it and you need something to both keep people going and a good hard stop so that the game doesn't just peter out over the course of hours.




He also needs a gf/wife who shares his interests

Not any of that early access survival sandbox. Survival game doesn't have to be about building a base. Something like Dying Light with less RPG, more surviving.

there's already a bunch of games that do this,

WC3 Wilderness Survival

Pretty good graphics. What engine do they use?


Underage please leave

when will we get the perfect survival game Sup Forums?

I also play the game of Life.

The Long Dark is the best "pure" survival game there is right now

It's called life. We already beat it well I say we but I really mean those of us who live in the developed countries or 1st world countries.

Primitive Technology is the fucking best, new video when?

>We already beat it

That's like being born into a rich family and telling your friend you already earned that new BMW you drive.

Fuck off and go outside yourself.


I want tumblr to leave

More server space for the roam god

I fix the problem of hackers by playing on smaller community servers. Hackers won't bother with a server if it only has 50 - 100 people.

I can't find anything like that channel. I've only found weirdos making glass arrowheads.

Sounds like Zomboid alright

I always found that game interesting, but I could personally just never deal with the controls. Zombies in that game is everything you just described