GTX 1060

>better than RX 480 Polaris in DX11
>PS4 Pro has less TFLOP than even RX 470

This alone kills the PS4 Pro.

Other urls found in this thread:

A decent PC with a 1060/480 would cost at least $600. No one bought a PC for $400.

Then ask yourself why Sony chose to make such a thing by pairing a Polaris with AMD Jaguar, which is inferior to any core i3 offering today.

>better than RX 480 Polaris in DX11
>in DX11

what's the point? every future game is going to use DX12 or Vulkan. Deus Ex, Tomb Raider, DOOM, Halo Forge, Gears of War Ultimate, Total Warhammer, and Battlefield 1 already use em.

consoles do tend to have better optimization you cannot simply match tflops and expect same results, some devs have admitted that on PC they rely on its raw power

A CPU running a minimal OS and very well optimized code can rival a better CPU that has to run a whole fat OS and less optimized code.

I can show your PC games that really don't run on an i3 or AMD X4 or FX 6300. Check system requirements.

The point is that if PS4 Pro couldn't even match an RX 480 in pure TFLOPs that it shares the same Polaris architecture, then what hope does it have? It will lose out even more in GTAV or BF4.

What other APU option do they had that didn't break compatibility?

Nothing until Zen.

How does it handle DX12?

I didn't know I could play games with that thing alone.

Put it into your toaster and you're done beating PS4 Pro.

like shit, Nvidia can't even do hardware level async compute. It's all done by a slow driver.

TFLOPS aren't everything retard, that's like falling for the Ghz meme.

try again

what's up with all the 1060/480 threads now on Sup Forums? did you fucks get bored of shitting up Sup Forums?

It handles dx12 worse than amd but calling it shit is a stretch. So far in most benchmarks it's either slightly below or even on the same level. The thing with nvidia is that it doesn't see much of a performance to dx12 from 11 because it already performs very well on 11.

For modern and near future gaming an fx6300 its pretty shitty.

Flops are a meme

they're not an accurate way to measure performance between different architectures

many cards perform better in game despite having lower flops than others

>$600 to match a ps4 pro

i love this maymay

Sup Forums is just too slow but there a few active threads with mexican standoffs between GTX 1060 / RX 480 / R9 Fury since they all seem to be similarly priced now.

Sorry, but it's the same architecture with PS4 Pro to RX 480/470, so the comparison actually stands.
Now with Pascal, you have a point. GTX 1060's 4.4 TFLOPs mean something different.

Are you going to just throw all that shit on the floor or what? You still need at least a case.

Some people just enjoy beating up the disabled kid that is PS4 Pro. R9 Fury, RX 480 and GTX 1060 all can take a piss on the PS4 Pro, never mind the GTX 1070/980Ti and beyond.

>hurr durr shitty CPUs one PC work totally the same as the PS4's shitty CPU

You know that isn't true

He's right. I remember some Nvidia GPU with less flops managed to beat the Titan in game benchmarks.

It's too easy to beat a PS4 Pro when you use
>AMDoofus Poolaris
>AMDead Jaguar

He's only right regarding different architectures.
The PS4 is using the same Polaris arch as the 480/470, comparing their FLOPrate is perfectly valid.

Guys what should i upgrade to from a 750 ti

Havent upgraded since i built it

You also have to keep in mind the CPU in the PS4 is a piece of junk.

Yes, that being the GTX 980Ti. RX 480 doesn't reach the level of the 980Ti/1070 unfortunately.

Well you didn't account for optimization, Driver overhead and Non Explicit APIs. TB won't be complaining about the latest games running shit on his 10k PC if those things didn't exist.

Yea, and despite the memes people spout, a large portion of PS4 ports use the high-level GNMX as opposed to the low-level GNM since GNMX basically just functions as a wrapper for GNM and is easier to work with if you're used to D3D.
So basically, a decent amount of games will likely still be kept back by the PS4's weak CPU.

Well you didn't account for the fact that even Sony admitted that the gap has shrunk since the 2011 comment has been made by Carmack that you've posted right there.

>60% at best
>with weaker CPU and weaker GPU in the first place

i fell for the hype and got myself an rx 480 and to be honest im pretty disappointed to be honest, cant play gta v on very high setting without getting frame drops, it even crashed on me. dont think im getting a very good frame rate on rise of the tomb raider either it hasn't crashed but im not getting a stable frame rate. been thinking maybe my cpu is a bottleneck but im not sure i have an intel i5 3570k.

Is this even a fresh installation? Did you dun fucked yourself by not totally removing previous graphics card drivers?

I was thinking the same when I moved from 280x to 980Ti, but I reinstalled windows and I can 1440p like nobody's business.

Having a PS4 ensures that you don't have to deal with PC Munster Race retards. That alone is worth owning a PS4.

That comment was made in 2011 retard, both consoles and PC APIs have changed since then. The gap has shrunk to the point where you can consistently compare PC and console performance. I really wish retards who don't know anything about tech would stop posting that picture.

I'd rather deal with the most annoying mustard rice fag than any Sonygger.
By far, it's not even close.

How much do you want to spend?

Something's wrong with your computer bro, uninstall and reinstall your graphics drivers. Are you overclocking? Unstable RAM overclock is usually what causes games to fuck up for me.

>it okay when the PS4 uses it

i have 8gb of ram and nah im not overclocking

i uninstalled the amd driver installer before i put the card in, then went on to the amd site and downloaded the latest drivers, did i fuck up somehow?

MS uses it too so it's a-ok!


Well you don't really need a case.

i already have a PC retard, all i need to buy is the video card lol.

So is the 480 the better choice for the long run since everything is switching to DX12 and hopefully Vulkan?

vulkan rekts shit, i get 120 fps on highest settings 1080p with my rx 470 on doom lol. hopefully it becomes the industry standard.

Never go AMD.

t. just switched from AMD to Nvidia.

AMD drivers are still fucked up. Even if you uninstall them it usually leaves files in the system still that will fuck things up.
You have to use a special driver removing program to completely erase them all before a fresh card install.

>can play games multiple gens back
>free online
>can do things besides gaming


I have had so much fucking problems with AMD drivers that I almost ripped my hair out.

I will never purchase another AMD product unless they start over with a new driver from scratch and I find substantial evidence that the drivers actually are good.

Riddle me this faggot, when are prices for Rx 480 gonna drop? MSI non-reference version costs $50 fucking dollaritos above reference card. That's like 1/4 the price on a $200-239 price range.

That shit is already obsolete.

All these oligophrens pushing the market into monopoly on a brand loyalty basis

>>better than RX 480 Polaris in DX11
>>PS4 Pro has less TFLOP than even RX 470

First of all you're retarded, console games are optimized to run using all the console has to offer so DX11-12 doesn't change things that much.

1060 being good only in dx11 should be frowned upon.

Second, TFLOPS mean nothing

Third, your card is like 300 dollars by itself

Some current games use dx12 but its implementation is pretty crappy so far and it's still at least a couple of years before its the standard. Dx12 is something you should keep in mind but don't let it be the main factor when picking a card.

>samefagging this hard

Jesus christ the shilling is obvious you retard at least try.

anyway it's commonly known that nvidia deliberately enables amd to have their products gain popularity for certain periods of time in order to avoid becoming a monopoly

GPU performance is basically the same between PC and consoles. CPU performance is difference.

Oh no, their GPUs are fine, but AMD CPUs are absolute trash.

Not always the case with the recent releases, and with multiple console versions is only likely to worsen
> Troops
Obviously they are relevant. It's not a simple linear relation too fps, but for chips from same generation / family it is often a fairly good estimate of fps output if you compare tflops. And ps4 pro is said to use Polaris derivative
> More like $200-$300 range depending of how game you wanna go in cooler/led/bells & whistles department.
And that is the only thing you need, if you already have a decent non-gaming PC. Plus a controller if you fancy that.

And if you eliminate amd CPUs, there is only one other company who provides x86 compatible chips. Hence it will be Intel monopoly

Then AMD should start releasing CPUs that aren't trash if they want someone to buy them.


Black Friday. AMD must somehow compete. I think $200 is gonna happen, but Nvidya can fuck up AMD by pricing the 1060 6GB at the same price too.

No, this isn't evn brand loyalty, no one likes Intel, but AMD CPU's are literally garbage. Even if they weren't the last series is 3 years old. They're out of date period. Zen may or may not be good, but waiting for Zen is better than buying AMD right now.

>commonly known
Proof please, cuz if that were the case I suspect that would already be enough for anti monopoly committee to look into


>no case
>no OS
>no monitor
>no keyboard
>garbage ssd

No, YOU try again.

>no monitor
Holy shit, a PS4 comes with a TV?

it still outperforms the 480 polaris in dx12 in most games though

PS4 $400
PS4 Online $60 Per Year
Average Life of Console 6 Years
$400+($60*6)= $760

>Source: My ass


literally the only thing sonyggers think they have over PC is price, and they don't even have that if you really do your research

Where's the monitor user? And the speakers? I own a laptop, so I don’t own those things. How much would a 1080p monitor capable of 60fps run me extra?

How much was your tv / speakers?

Most 1080p monitors are a hundred bucks.

Is there going to be a 1060ti or should I just pick one of these up now? Been wanting to replace my 660ti for a while now, 1060 seems perfect for 1080p/60fps vidya.

Idk senpai, I've always owned a TV because everybody is born with a TV

Help me friends what should I upgrade my GPU to
I was thinking 970

I don't own a tv, just my monitor.

True masters utilize cardboard, foam, paperclips, and aluminum foil as their cases!

I'll sell you my 970 for $230
I overclocked it via v-bios flash and it out performs stock 980s. I'm looking to buy a 1070

will this be enough for 144hz even if it is on medium/low at 1080p or should I get a 1070.

John Carmack said that in 2011 high-end PCs were 10x more powerfu then consoles. That you could easily buy a pc is that is more then 2x the power of a console specs.

Why did you give up your birth TV??

Not the guy you are talking to but in 2011 the then current console generation was 5-6 years old.

Obviously a 5-6 year newer PC would be vastly superior in most cases.

>1060 seems perfect for 1080p/60fps vidya.

for games released last year maybe. not for anything current.

Running synthetic benchmarks that AMD used for the PS4 on that slide is different from game optimization which Carmack pertaining to

>600. No one bought a PC for $40
Traded it in for a monitor.

It's like being adopted into a richer, more attractive family.

>sony threads set to appear at the top of the catalog
>nothing but pictures of gpus

pcucks get over it please. sony won.

this is bait


>costs more than two PS4's
>still need $2000 in parts to play anything at slightly better than Xbox One.

Yeah master race strong. Autists.

Does Sony have any exclusives coming at all for this second half of the year? Seems silly to just have old games upscaled with some HDR patch.

I want to get a Pro (because my smart tv software sucks) but theres not much point when Sony has no games. I could technically get a nvidia shield for less.

You can make a pc with an equally shitty cpu but that would give you the same bottleneck the pro gets. Either way sonycucks will pay over 500 with paid online within 2 years.

>a 1080p monitor capable of 60fps

>This alone kills the PS4 Pro.
No shit.
What sort of complete fucking idiot thinks a home console will ever be more powerful than upper-mid range hardware?

People buy consoles for the games which are marketed on them, not for their hardware. You've average consumer doesn't even know what a video card is, for starters. These threads are fucking ridiculous.

Because is fucking CHEAPER. Their aim is to make MONEY.
Do you have any idea how fucking expensive it would be for Sony to try and strike up a deal with Intel to use their CPUs?

Link one smartass