Which one did Sup Forums like more?

Which one did Sup Forums like more?


I cant fucking download any of these
Theyre too fucking big

Wolfenstein has a better plot, level design, art design and worldbuilding. Doom has better gameplay. Both are good.

What third world country do you live in?

I could maybe understand Doom 4, but Wolf TNO was less than 30 GB

>no "Hated both" option

stop being poor

typical Sup Forums

Where's neither?

Didn't like Wolfenstein. Too many interruptions in gameplay and the story didn't grab my attention.

Doom plays and sounds fantastic and they nailed the pacing.

>and they nailed the pacing.
more like the pacing was the final nail in this shit's coffin.

I liked both and while I think DOOM is the better game of the two, I preferred TNO

I'll have to say Doom 2016, but I really did like Wolfenstein TNO. Both are shockingly good pseudo-reboots, but Doom gets special praise for being the one with the terrible development cycle that had no right being good at all.


I mean, I actually loved both but Wolfenstein truly got annoying with the cutscenes.

No it wasn't.

>enter room

>nailed the pacing

>implying Painkiller is a bad game

I made the mistake of playing D44M first.
And honestly, as much as I liked the "Man in the High Castle" world of The New Order and what a step it was in the right direction from the dreary console gimick dominated fps of recent years, the gameplay was still too console/cover/corridor dominated for me to enjoy it much when it came to the shooting side.
Furthermore, the weapons weren't that great, I hated the dual wielding and the control system was a bit too cluttered.
Games like Painkiller, Hard Reset, Shadow Warrior and now D44M have sort of ruined the "cinematic" FPS for me and when I play these type of games, I sort of tend to wish they were just adventure games instead since that way I'd get to enjoy the setting more.

>Being mad about being locked in rooms with demons
>In a Doom game

yeah okay

>hitscan: the game

>I don't even understand what the word means

But why does it have to be every 3 minutes?

I will never not laugh at these scrubs. Glad id software took a big fat dump on you dumb head.

wolfenstein was fucking horrible, barely managed to play it for 2 hours before refunding it the hell out
did two full doom playthroughs and though it has its flaws like spawn limit, it was a much more satisfying experience

I think he means that the set encounters themselves were well paced. It's all up for debate, but I agree that the game had good arena shooter pacing. Whether or not you wanted it to be an arena shooter is up to you.
Doom 1\2 weren't arena shooters. For the most part, The demons were placed in the environment without being spawned in, and you didn't need to kill everything to proceed.
Here's a more shit version of that pic

Oh wow bro you're soooo cooooool hating on everything like whoo man I wish I were as radical as you.


Thank you carmack for your shitty megatextures that make environments look worse than 2000s games up close.

As expected of Xbox 360 generation; they're edgy, wannabe dudebro childen, who cannot type nor take criticism towards their favorite flavor-of-month title.

Combat is the primary gameplay, so of course you'll be doing it most of the time.


Both are pretty cool single player games, I guess. Both I torrented and only played like 2 hours of.

So, a tie I guess?

>enter level
>kill all enemies
>door is locked
>fuck around to find key
>door is locked
>fuck around some more to find another key

excellent pacing. Can't understand why this shit got canned

You have clearly not played THE DooM in your entire life.

Oh wowzers bro there you go again just hating on everything whoooooooo soooo coooool I bet you wear sunglasses in door cause you're just so cool whoooo man just awesome.


I can understand why you wouldn't like either of the games, breh


Sweeney's engines were better

Doom for sure, I like the guns, the gameplay and even the theme more than Wolf TNO, which is pretty good in its own right.

That's certainly Doom 1 and 2, but what's the point you're trying to make?


That you have not finished either, if you think their gameplay revolved around being locked into tiny rooms, to kill tiny waves of enemies, until they run out.

Or looking for RPG-like upgrade points to make you move around and carry shit like a proper DoomGuy, to that matter.

Nightmare sort of makes it better because you're constantly fighting instead of just running through a sea of corpses.

the biggest problems with TNO is that most of the levels have a long introductory walking sim/cutscene and also the lack of gun variety. NuDoom had a good selection of guns but TNO had like 3 viable ones.

I wasn't the guy you were originally replying too, and I have played the Doom games. Many times over. I do agree that the game isn't a classic shooter in the vein of the old games, but the image you used was one made to criticize the new game's colour palette (before they removed the piss filter), so I was a bit confused.

yeah, they just replaced it with RED filter instead.

Honestly, the only non-viable guns in DOOM were the combat shotgun and the assault rifle, but only once you got the super shotgun and chaingun respectively. Even once I had every weapon, I used everything except those two frequently.

My gunfus were definitely the supe and the lawn chair. The latter especially with remote detonation.

>regular pump shotgun
>not viable
What? The triple shot is Godlike

TNO was all "walk here, cut this, fight in this corridor with these three guns plus knifes and maybe a grenade or two until you clear the area for the next checkpoint, repeat".

I can understand D44M seeming a bit more limited because of the area lockdown, but in reality these areas are much larger than the zones TNO confines you to with a much more hectic pace and weapon/play style variety to get you trough, with a much better exploration initiative in between.

The combat shotgun was amazing though. I pretty much beat the game with it.

Pop pop tube

This, when will people understand.

48 gig actually

Later areas in TNO actually have some pretty open combat environments.

Which version of hard reset should I get?

Only played Wolfenstein but liked the crap out of it.

Well, maybe it's viable, but definitely suboptimal.

New version, from what I can tell.

I heard redux fixed the absolutely horrible movement of the base game but I didn't try it myself.

No it's not. Doom rarely ever locked you in a room with no escape until you killed all the demons. This is a thing Serious Sam did and the misconception that classic shooters like Doom did it causes shit like the Shadow Warrior reboot to just be a lame Serious Sam clone instead of a game with well thought out level design.

Redux by far, and before you ask I own both.

They added a dash ability and made you switch weapons faster, which really helped the game.

The game also runs better, in case you have a toaster.

>play Doom 3
>waaah mama it's too dark and full of monster closets and teleporting behind you

>play nu:Doom
>waaah mama they locked the doors on me and I have to clear a wave

>play classic Doom
>wall closet slides down and 8 imps pop up
>and another from your side
>levels so fucking dark they put in nightvision goggles into a Doom game
>"purists" jerking and cumming to kill box wads where it's a million enemies placed on a flat plane

Yes, but usually you don't really move much around them in combat. The enemies are placed in a way that establishes a very limited zone of control for you if you want to survive. You mow them down and walk into the next fray. It's a very relaxed, console friendly way of doing things.
Stealth friendly sections are actually where you get the most freedom of approach, but I'd argue they usually aren't that satisfying or the reason you're playing this type of game in the first place, but they're presented as being the more efficient and satisfying way to move forward.

And Serious Sam could because it had hueg arenas. I'm not saying D44M is bad though, it just works.
Ironically enough Serious sam 3 did that much less frequently, while Shadow warrior 2 is now Diablo.
Serious Sam > Doom


>They added a dash ability
Might as well rename themselves Dashing Wild Hog.

DOOM 4 was just forgettable, and didn't make me want to replay it, not to mention that level design only had 3 variations: Hell, surface mars, labs.

To be fair when a shitload of your enemies are kamikaze robots that bumrush you a dash is pretty useful to have.


I voted Doom, but they're both winners.

Shit, man, I actually want a sequel for either.


Wolfstain. The Old Blood was a kickass dlc too.

old blood got less boring part

I don't know what difficulty you played it on, but when it gets to the harder ones, you've got to keep moving to stay alive. You get momentum, and have to take advantage of momentum when you're overcharged.

>he says as he stabs a nazi in the head for the billionth time

I really like and enjoy both games. I picked doom because I prefer the theme more.

Even on harder difficulty levels I often found it payed off more to just take cover and maneuver ever so slightly to trick the enemy taking a path most favorable for you to pick them off one by one. And overall, in comparison to Shadow Warrior and D44M (or more classic games such as Duke Nukem 3D or the Quakes), attempting a maneuvering strategy generally just felt clumsy and more likely to get you killed rather than offering a suitable risk/reward. Then again, I played it with a keyboard and mouse and not a controller, but felt as the game was more geared towards that.

>tfw I miss playing commander cuck

I haven't played the new Doom but I loved TNO

should I buy Doom?

At least the way I played it I was always on my toes. There was always that place between being in cover because it's safe and moving around to take out enemies because they will overrun you. When you get dual wield assault rifles and the assault shotgun you get the capability to take them head on, if your reactions are fast enough. Also I played on console so there must be a difference there.

its cracked

its way better than anyone expected it to be

I imagine there is. On PC the dual wielding felt clunky and often a hindrance to getting things done. But I have an Xbox controller, maybe I'll try it out that way to see if there's a significant change in feel and preferable gameplay strategy.

I really enjoyed it, especially coming from TNO. The narrative is less "complex" but I really like the characterization Doom's characters.

The gunplay felt really good, and I would say play it on hard, otherwise it doesn't feel as punishing as I felt it needed to be.