If SRPGs are so good, why hasn't there been a good one in over 10 years?
If SRPGs are so good, why hasn't there been a good one in over 10 years?
- Stella Glow
- Devil survivor
I can't say for Fire Emblem games since I haven't played them yet
what game
Hyperdevotion Noire
It's shit
Valkyria Chronicles
Why are you saying a bad one?
Is Banner Saga considered a srpg? Is it good?
Has anyone played Eternal Poison?
I made the mistake of buying it instead of Suikoden 5 when GameStop was getting rid of their PS2 games.
I wish they would make another Final Fantasy Tactics on the scale of War of the Lions.
I've tried getting into other SRPGs, but they just don't feel as good for some reason.
They aren't. They're just a digital boring tabletop rpg genre.
Sort of. I enjoyed it.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky
>Both shit games
Have some FFT or Tactics Ogre you pleb
Good game, shallow SRPG. It's the atmosphere, setting, and story decision making that I liked. Pretty as heck, too.
Wakfu and Dofus.
PXZ and PXZ2
Fuck you beat me by like 30 seconds user
>10 years
disgaea 5 came out last year. Damn you for baitin.
I did, don't remember much but i picked it up because i liked the artworks too bad the actual game looked nothing like it
I don't have a psp to play these games m8, but thank you your patrician suggestion, i guess.
have you even played devil survivor? i dont know why you say it's shit
The only good thing about it was Conquest's gameplay. That's it.
>enjoying this game because it's basic as hell
>can't properly enjoy it because it feels too easy
I can't find the fine line for srpg difficulties, and I'm shit at Devil Survivor. FFTA2 is my favorite srpg but I don't have it or a flashcard anymore.
X-com:EU, get your chink shit out of here
>The only good thing about the game is the gameplay
Have you try emulating them?
you need to look harder
>Disgaea 5
Because SRPG isn't a real genre and PC games have had RPGs with tactical grid based combat for more than 30 years.
Everyone fucking knows these
Also FFT sucked. Story is great tho
I also bought it because of the sweet artwork, then I realized I made a huge mistake.
The game is slow, voice acting is weird, and it loads too much.
Not even good for its own franchise and fire emblem is mediocre as SRPGs go to begin with unless we're talking 4 and 5
Man, it's so obvious FFT fans have literally never played another SRPG in their lives. Tactics Ogre doesn't count since it's shit.
I made the same mistake. Game froze three times post mission before I could save, gave it up. Looked neat, but not worth the headache.
>tactics ogre doesnt count because IIII SAY IT DOESNT
Hohohokay there buddy. What the fuck do you think counts then? Vandal Hearts? Because that wasn't anywhere near as good as FFT or Tactics Ogre, despite actually being a good game as well.
Cause the PS3 and PS4 releases are still not on PC
true, people on Sup Forums think games are shit until they get a PC port.
Look at Neptuina
the forced you/them/you/them combat is retarded
Came here to post Stella Glow, thank you user.
I'm laffin. Disgaea 5 came out just last year.
what year is it
There's literally nothing wrong with Disgaea.
Balanace issues.
I played a SRPG game by the team who did Adventure Bar story. And while it worked as a basic SRPG, I lost interest when I tried a no grind run of the game.