Is Pharah black?

Is Pharah black?


I agree
As a african american
My black pharaoh ancestors are proud of me

She's brown
Blackwatch reaper would be black

Egyptians are blacks so yes.

She's Egyptian, which is a country in itself and also has a variety of races, none of which are technically "black" by definition.
She's more of a Caucasoid.


There are only 3 skin colors possible on this planet


If you are not white, you are either black or yellow. If you're are mixed with white and anything else, you are whatever you're mixed with, but not white. If you are brown, you are black. If you are Asian you are yellow. If you are Caucasian you are white.

Reaper's hispanic though.

Now that I think of it, is there any actual black characters in Overwatch? Is lucio black?

>Los Angeles
Nah hes Hispanic

Then she's white since Arabs are far closer to white than black or yellow


>is there any actual black characters in Overwatch?

So Indians are white?

>Arabs are far closer to white
dude, she is literally from AFRICA, how can she be closer to white?

As a proudly white alt-right Trump supporter, I am proud of all the things my race has created. I mean it basically makes me a genius to also be white.

Therefore I deem people with darker skin to be black and people with squinty eyes to be Asian. I am superior to them because I'm white.

poor bait

Gabriel Reyes is American-borne mestizo. He has dark auburn non-wool hair and caucasoid facial features.

No. Show me a black girl with features similar to Pharah

>sandniggers are white?
no sandniggers are niggers who live on dunes

so by your definition everybody in the American continent is American, including the Brazillians and Cubans.


>everyone in africa is a negroid
Behold, American education

>non-wool hair
is straight hair more of a white feature? Because explain asians.

But Indians are Caucasian

What are you talking about, East Asians do not have the woolen hair of Negroid people.

but they are user, last time i checked Brazil and Cuba are on America
anyone who is born in America is an American

North indians are whites, south indians are blacks.

>Sand niggers
>Not curry niggers

First time saying nigger online Hm?

checkmate, atheists

Not so much a white feature as it is an anything-but-black-african feature.

I am white then

But the japaneses are whites.

I tought reaper was a beaner because his mariachi and sombrero skin
>tfw beaner edgelord


>Los Angeles
>Mariachi skins
He's Mexican

Lol we wuz kangz XD

i wish we had a better representation of a Hispanic

She's African.

>he actually thinks Egyptians were black

replace white with jew and you basically have judaism in a nutshell to be honest

She's African American.

He's a beaner you moron. His last name is Reyes.

She is a delicious brown lesbian

>Egypt is in africa
>not black
O.k. go back to

>Egyptians are brown not black

is funny because you are one who belongs in Sup Forums
is ironic humor

>having this retarded thought process
Well then I guess Junkrat used to be a scarecrow, Zen used to be a genie and Genji has Arabic descent due to their skins

>people actually believe Egyptians were niggers

The memes have gone too far.

Lol how come
You stormfag think that egyptianz were not black

It's what democrats actually teach to blacks in school.

I'll never understand this, americans are the most racist assholes ever.

because you're about as retarded as them

You are mad because they teach them The truth?
Fuck you rightwing cunt

literally what they call themselves


What is context you sperglords. Egyptians are african as in live in Africa but they look and have looked more middle eastern than anything, contrary to niggers' pupular bullshit believes.

The egocentrism of africanamericans is crazy.

I'm leftist though, but american blacks and democrats in general tend to bend facts in favor of feelings

Reaper is Latino

Lucio is Black

>le everyones a ebul racist meme

mfw I thought it said "back" instead of "black" and I thought she got buffed but instead it's a trash thread that should get deleted

sucks to be brazilian
all characters on video games are black for you guys kek

Reaper is Hispanic

Pharah is Arabic-Egyptian, Ana is the same

Lucio is literally the only black character in the game



She's sexy.


>check twitter for some reason
>see an american say "you can't be racist against a majority lol"

so this is the power of american education, can't even understand the definition of racism


From Brazil though

Is it just me or did Pharah get whiter? She now seems to be whiter on her model than she appears on her icon

There's tons of niggers in Brazil, so what?

Just to be sure, what counts as "black" here?
When most people want a black character they just mean a brown/dark skinned character while every thread similar to this on Sup Forums wants a pure african character like from fucking africa

Modern egyptians do not have haplogroup E
Therfor not native to north africa
Ancient egyptians were black
And african americans are their descants
Prove me wrong

And where do you think most black skinned people in Brazil get their skin color from, the african slaves dumbo

Nobody cares about """white""" huehues.
It's visually more interesting to have a black Brazilian then another fucking white person on a cast with different countries represented.

nobody here wants a black character, they just want a brown skinned white person

like how japanese animation designers do it

It's not that they can't understand the definition, it's that they absolutely bent it to fit their political climate. Now you'll see people unironically say racism is prejudice + power, rather than thinking races are unequal, it's a way for them to justify their racism against whites while crying victim.

Most people accept that the Middle East and North Africa contain a distinct ethnic group from Sub-Saharan Africa.

>The Truth
So you were all kings? Each and every one of you?
Not slaves to the royalty right?

Do people even think about this horseshit. Let's say you really were kangz, only very few of you would be descended of these kangs, the rest of your people would be slaves, to these kangs, you're essentially celebrating slave owners while at the same time whining at all whites who weren't slave owners, for being the 2% of white slave owners.

Crazy as fuck.

Let me break it down to make it easy for the cavemen.

There were less than 60 important egyptian kangz n queenz, each one had a very specific bloodline. There were thousands and thousands of slaves that were used and exploited under those kangz. Guess which one you are likely descended from, if you're part of the poor lower classes right now due to your ancestry?

What a fucking age we live in when black people celebrate ancient slave owners.

mixed carioca

what about winston?

another brazilian

Lol dude
Royal families were big
Like thouusands
Sure through years they became much more
So, we are deacants of royalities
It is simple you white dumb cunt


Wrong. I know you're memeing but even if you were right you're still celebrating slave owner heritage.

>truth is a meme
Everything you stormfag hate / dislike is a meme because it is the truth
That we are superior and royalty
While you are inferior and not a royalty

It's a meme because you're celebrating being a slave owner.

>hurr ur a stormfag
I'm actually Indian, lol.

But you're immune to sense because you're a retard.



>I'm actually Indian, lol
Did you seriously admit that like river shitters aren't ten times worse?

>Says sciencetfic facts
>Immune to sense
Ok stormfag
And le "i am indian" lie wont hide the fact that you are white stormfag jealous of black people


I'm glad memes about my homeland are about poo though and not deluded kangs shit



>not a royalty

Education a thing white man made 2 keep blacks down
we wuz slave owning kangs n shit!!

I feel like we don't have enough race bait on Sup Forums.

Last time I checked blacks were enslaved by egyptians?! O.o

stay mad
White stormfag

stay bad
bad trollfag

the place where jewish people live now were black back then but egyptians considered them JEWS