Final Fantasy XV will be a disaster

The movie's plot was an aimless disaster with random backstabbings that came out of nowhere, unclear motivations for why characters are doing things, and nonsensical action scenes.

Was this game designed by committee? Is that why its universe is a massive clusterfuck, just like FFXIII?

Square seems to think throwing money at a story makes it good.

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>Was this game designed by committee?
Yes. The movie's story, the intro, the reason for the story, was changed drastically to fit into a film. Instead of having it in the game the way Nomura wanted it.

Reminder that the king is an important character in the game but he dies in the movie.

And this shitty film will be a required watch for anyone playing the game, which means the plot in-game will be barely comprehensible at the beginning if a player isn't willing to slog through that shitfest of a film.

The Japanese have no idea how to make films so when they try and turn games into films its an immediate disaster.

The gameplay is already borked, as the E3 demo showed.

Explain the plot of FFXIII

Explain the plot of Kingglaive

And after its release, explain the plot of FFXV

You won't be able to. Square is an embarrassment.

Did you expect anything less?

Square has been shitting the FF bed for awhile now. It would take a miracle for XV to be half way decent. I'm still going to buy it and put over 100+ hours of my life into it (provided they do a pc release) because I have a problem (pic related).

>Instead of having it in multiple games the way Nomura wanted it.
Fixed that for you


He didn't want that.

pretty sure Kingsglaive was suppose to be a prequel game ala Ground Zeros

yeah, not gonna buy that crap, doesnt even remotely look like a final fantasy game, looks more like a total sell out