Another weekend ending

>another weekend ending
>have to go back to the weekly grind of work again
What games did you play this weekend, Sup Forums? I played GitS: First Assault and Civ 5.

>tfw weekend starts tomorrow
Fucking meme schedule. Who the hell has Monday and Tuesday off?

I wish the government provided a universal income to everyone so I wouldn't have to work anymore.

Also a provided studio apartment would be nice. I just want my own space to live comfortably and help improve myself.

And I wish we could discuss videogames on Sup Forums

Imagine someday not having to enslave yourself at some corporation just to survive.

>Tfw working 4:30am-5:30pm mon-fri and 5:30am-3:30 on saturday.

At 23/hour the over time makes the money really good, but I haven't gamed in months.

my nigga

Taiko no Tatsujin V, Trails of Cold Steel II, and IA/VT Colorful.

I'm weeb trash, I'm aware.

>I wish the government provided a universal income to everyone so I wouldn't have to work anymore.

it's called military benefits.
serve your country for 5 years and the government will pay you to literally be a NEET for the rest of your life.

No! I do not want to be your brother of african decent on this one. Terrible schedule imo. Save me.

Yooo looking forwards to my Tuesday and Wednesday off.

That'd be great but not in this overpopulated world and this decadent generation.

That is called socialism. If you are American then I am baffled. I thought you guys got it drummed into you for generations that socialism is bad. The government is failing you?

Eternal Crusade. And I had fun, which is kind of hard when you play this game.

Swooping Hawk best class

I only work three nights nights, Friday to Sunday, with the occasional Monday overtime. I've also got next week off, so in a few hours I have 11 days off.

As soon as robots reach Wall-E levels of automation, life will be great for us meatbags.

>I'm weeb trash, I'm aware.
Jesus, have some self confidence. You're on Sup Forums. We weebs own the site. You don't need to scrape and kneel to japanophobe outsiders.

>Don't work, but have to get up early in the morning to take my sister to school every weekday
>Once a week she pretends she's sick AFTER I drop her off (otherwise my parents would call her out on her bullshit) so I have to go back for her when I just get home
>The school staff knows it's bullshit too, get dirty looks all the time as if I'm enjoying being her personal cabby

It's like all the negatives of being a wagecuck with no pay.

Until RoboRevolution.

I bet you're a nurse, fag

>11 days off
Please enjoy it. I can't remember the last time I had that much time off.

>tfw my days off are Wednesday and Friday

Socialism combined with Capitalism is inevitable.

The rapid acceleration of technology and robotic automation is set to create skyrocketing unemployment all due to Capitalism.

Sooner or later people will be without work and will need food and a place to live.

>tfw can't enlist because of a physical ailment that isn't bad enough to get disability money

I fill the fruit and veg in the local supermarket. I do 3 days because the guy that does weekdays works 4 days. The times I do overtime I fill the yogurts.

Will do. Not got anything planned yet.

>supposed to find out last week if the Army accepted my waiver request
>it's been five months
>sergeant just keeps saying "sorry dude, I'll let you know"

If I miss my turn in the sandbox, I'll be very upset.


Shit game.

Played GTA San andreas on my ps2, just finished the meme mission FOLLOW THE DAMN TRAIN
First time playing the game too
Gonna toke up in a bit and watch some malcom in the middle, then go back to school tommorow
I cant believe GTA SA is actually making me like gangster rap and poppin ballers

If you are American I am massively impressed. I too think the combo of socialism and capitalism inevitable.

>Mfw the colonies weren't a mistake

>said I'd wait a year after graduating highschool before I got a job or went to college
>mfw that was almost six years ago and now I'm a neet living off of life insurance money

At least I have time to play video games.

Bloodborne, and Europa Univeralis 3

Spent most of the weekend watching Kenny vs Spenny and reading books.

>6 years

You should be given money as a reward for doing that for so long. Massively impressed how in the fuck.

Friends got me into Dota 2, even though I really didn't want to try it.

It's actually pretty fun. Gets a bad reputation it doesn't really deserve, though.

Doing this atm

Good money management and agoraphobia.

Disgaea, got the normal ending finishing it for the first time. I am now on the first episode of Etna mode.


>tfw been waiting a year for a security clearance to go though

Did you serve overseas? Did you see action? Kill people?

Seriously that is an achievement. Genuinely impressed.

No just mm in the navy so I could at least have some sort of skill to fall back on

I'm American.

My father and his father's generation do not comprehend the trend of technology and it's impact upon civilization. The economy won't improve for the job market, and Obama's explanation is that there are more jobs since the recession.

But taking a FULL TIME position and cutting it in half for 2 people isn't creating more jobs, it's just giving people less and less.

At least you had a weekend, I only get Thursdays and Fridays off while everyone else enjoys their weekend

you both are on your way to being leeches.

Played some overwatch, tropico 4 and a bit of usf4.

>Mfw America overthrowing the British Empire was worth it

If there are more like you then you guys then America is actually gonna be okay.

mm? My grandad was in the merchant navy.

>Finally, a couple days off, gonna catch up on my anniemays and finish the last part of that game I've been putting off...
>Open up Sup Forums for 3 minutes
>Realize it's already time to go to bed early on Sunday again and you didn't do shit

Overwatch: I kinda liked it but I already play Halo 5 so I don't need another FPS in my life.
Halo 5 and Kirby Planet Robobot

Also got a ROM for Billy Hatcher but haven't started it yet.HD Remaster / sequel when?

and just who is going to pay for all of this

hint: the 1% isn't going to pay for shit. they're going to make the middle class pay for it. the middle class will become so stressed it will cease to exist and then your social classes will be, elite, and poor. it'll be like brazil. no middle class, just poorfags and richfags.

is this what you want? i dont want to live in a place like europe or brazil where you are born into a certain class and die in that certain class.

at least in america you can move on up from poorfag to middle class. in europe, there's zero social mobility.