Those fucking MW2 feels are coming back:
Those fucking MW2 feels are coming back:
Other urls found in this thread:
What specific feels are you referring to?
The presentation of these games now baffle me they look great.
That trailer is pretty hype, and even though the normies hate this game I'm kind of hype for some space shootan
bot going to lie, while linear the space segments look really cool, and the plot is giving me gundam vibes
maybe I just like scifi space settings with no aliens
why do normies hate this so much?
I don't get why call of duty gets a hard time for having iterative multiplayer whilst battlefield, the new titanfall, halo, heck basically any other multiplayer focused franchise is much worse in this regard.
wew lad I swear I'm not shilling the game
This feel right here at 0:23:
You explained it. Too scifi for them. They're scared that they'll be labeled geeks or nerds for liking it
not really mw2 feels
But still; I'm liking how crazy the games are getting. As someone who actually liked Advanced Warfare, I can't wait for the faster speeds. Probably not going to buy day 1 though,
It's because people like stroking their hate boner for cod, it makes them seem more credible if they say "yeah fuck cod lmao, that game is shit" but ironically it makes them look like retards without opinions of their own.
WTF is wrong with me that actually looked fun.
Oh god can you imagine how CoD would depict a colony drop? I don't think my dick would be able to handle it.
Song name?
aww man I totally forgot about the 1899's or whatever the hell they were called
also miss a lot of these maps
The Prodigy- The Day Is My Enemy
>Sup Forums """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""taste"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" in vidya
absolutely abhorrent
>MW2 feels
I hate how fun this looks.
>MW2 feels
found the cancer
Its weird seeing FPS go full circle. Cod used to be slow as shit and now they have decided to speed it up and add maneuvers.
Can't beat the classics :')
>Am I fitting in yet, guys?!
>That gun that makes the ragdoll fly way back
Please tell me I'm not the only one who got rockhard from this
It's like the memes turned the cancer around or something.
>Robot turns into a fucking robot dog and chases someone down.
This looks fun
If you fall for the COD meme you deserve to lose your money
cool black ops 3 reskin. so innovative.
I'm kind of looking forward to it since I haven't bought a CoD since Blops 1. I'm probably gonna wait a week or 2 after it comes out to see if they're delivering on the single player or if the ship parts are on rails/ lies. If so i'll wait to see if remastered is gonna come out by itself.
>absolutely, literally nothing new compared to Black Ops 3
This is hilarious.
Americans are brainwashed to think that the millitary is the coolest shit ever, that's why CoD sells, the further it goes from that idea the shitter the normies think it is.
>This+COD4 remastered this year
Hype af desu senpai
Be ready for the hourly Infinite Warfare shill thread, prepare for
>I haven't played COD in a while, but i'm going to preorder this!
>wtf this is fun!!
>this is completely new, it has cool as f*ck spaceships!
>wow, you dare hate COD redditor? All of Sup Forums plays the latest Call of Duty™!
I'd give the multiplayer a try at least. CoD campaigns are notorious for just being bland run n guns with a few QTE's thrown in so no hope for that.
I think they need to have an open beta for the multiplayer to get their target audience back on board, otherwise it's gonna bomb and the board will cut sci-fi for future games.
Yeah, i'm really hyped for Black Ops 3 v1.1 but with a gray and dark color palette and the downgrade of COD 4.
Seriously, i'm baffled that in that 7 minute compilation they haven't shown absolutely not a single, one new element.
The RDS really reminds me of MW2, plus they're remaking Terminal.
Looks like shit, like every IW shooter since MW
Fuck off underage MW2 shitheads
>you will never be back in high school, spending your afternoons javelin bombing, care package glitching, and sprinting around with akimbo 1887s
>plus they're remaking Terminal.
MW3 did it and it was a horrible game too.
Health bars are a neat addition
Glad Infinity Warfare doubled down on including more vertical combat in the series.
FTL is cool but isnt as interesting as glitch.
I hope the weapon upgrade system isn't P2W.
Maps look nice.
Customization options seem pretty good as well.
Hopefully they do an open beta like they did for BO3, but this is looking to be a pretty decent CoD all things considered.
You've never played Black Ops 3.
Define "slow as shit".
It legit looks good, MWR is just the cherry on top. First COD ill get since Blops 1.
It would be perfect if it had AW movement system though, played it at a friends house and it almost made me want the game
>unironical Cowadooty threads in Sup Forums
>unironical Battelfield threads
This is fucking pathetic.
Congratulations Sup Forums, now the only place with a worse taste than you is Neogaf.
I'm amazed Prodigy still exists
Unironical isn't a word, first of all.
Second of all, I'm sure your taste in games is the most generic bandwagon opinions ever. Let me guess, your favorite FPS is quake 3 arena? And you have about 3 hours of duels under your belt too, right?
>tfw I kind of want to play this
I'll give it a shot at a free weekend or something.
>You've never played Black Ops 3.
Go ahead, shill, name a single one thing that IW does new.
>that trailer were the majority of the kills when they board the enemy ship are just smashing visors, depressurizing rooms, and at one point ripping a guys face mask off and watching him wriggle
>I'm sure your taste in games is the most generic bandwagon opinions eve
Sup Forumseddit,r please, we all know your opinions depend on whether the evil normies like it or dislike it
And you are much better by liking the franchise that's basically the embodiment of everything wrong with videogames, right, marketeer?
Real gamers like Sup Forums play Call of Duty?
My fucking sides, you are so bad at this.
Name your top 5 in random order to determine whether you actually have a taste
omfg this, that was epic as fuck o____O
Looks good. Why the hate?
Because it's the same as Black Ops 3, there's not a single new element.
This COD looks alright but i wish people would die so fast.
The yearly releases and no complete edition also keep me away from the franchise.
In another note do people still play MW2 on steam? if so where can i get a cheap copy?
More non-cosmetic customization options
Maps better designed around vertical gameplay, less 3 lane garbage.
More boost, actions take less boost.
I think its cute you think I'm a marketer. I'm just someone who can actually form their own opinions instead of blindly bandwagoning the opinions Sup Forums tells me to. You think I care if some retard on Sup Forums calls me a casual for playing a CoD multiplayer? I'm more skilled than 99% of this board in FPS games, I could not care less.
But it has spaceships and you can fly them.
I'm sorry, why should I want the judgement of a guy who unironically plays post-COD2 Cowadootys?
Are we really defending Infinite Warfare? CoD has been the epitome of shekel grabbing, shallow money-machine games. On top of that, Infinite Warfare is the pinnacle of the shit. C'mon.
Exactly, nothing new, $60 for tweaks.
>less 3 lane garbage.
How do you know this, do you have the maps?
Post them please.
Ignore that guy who replied to you. He has no life.
>not understanding how Sup Forums works
Now that the mainstream hates COD we have to defend it because we are contrarians to the fullest. Lurk more newfag.
because people is sick of the same shit again
funnny considering this has been happening for years since cod mw 3 i guess? or bo2
right now people are more vocal for whatever reason, so it gets more noticeable. And the dislikes on the reveal trailer are just memes
>I'm more skilled than 99% of this board in FPS games
My fucking sides, the kid who thinks he's hip and cool because he's against the masses by liking probably the most cancerous franchise in videogame history.
fuck off dude, this is going to be pure kino
Sup Forumsirgins pls
Think about that.
The game isn't out. What's left to discuss?
Marketing department needs to leave Sup Forums
Btw thanks for basically holding MW Remake for ransom.
Oh wow, gimmick vehicle sections in the scripted campaign, what an innovation.
The words of someone who can not defend his scam videogame.
This game has tons of gore too, looks sick. In the that ship assault gameplay Reyes blew that guy to bits with a nade. In fucking space.
this, i am a sucker for space shit, and I avoided the future combat shooters for the past 4-5 years so this honestly looks tempting, but I just cant get into cods multiplayer.
i guess all I want is another 2142.
Don't forget the
>huge list of "new" "features"
New guns
New killstreaks
New maps
New perks
New weapon attachments
New textures
New models
New voice lines
New melee weapons
New emblems
New titles
New barracks challenges
I can sit here all day and list whatever is fucking new in the game. I listed the biggest changes which result in the game playing literally nothing like Black Ops 3.
>How do you know this, do you have the maps?
Watch the video?
I do not think I'm hip or cool for playing videogames, especially as often as I do.
Well, before bo 3 release, there where a ton of threads on Sup Forums about it, saying the "huge" amount of content it had and how fun "zombies" where (which in fact it was fun after all)
I dunno, it somehow happens
>In the that ship assault gameplay Reyes blew that guy to bits with a nade. In fucking space.
Man, that's fucking epic as fuck.
those frames are absolute kino
I think it looks good but I am not buying this for the same reason I do not buy Battlefield games anymore. The amount of paid DLC that fractures the online community is too much.
Holy shit, they are giving us new maps for only $60?
I was ready to play the ones from Black Ops 3, Activision is really so generous.
its a gif you retard
Na, that's actually how it plays.
>pwning scrubs montage set to shit music
Jesus, it's been a long time since I've watched something like that.
Nope. That is the PS4 pro version with improved framerates.
Because it was shilled to death too.
Thing is, Treyarch puts, or used to, put effort into their games, so they could have a point.
Now that the worst studio is making these, look at what they have to do to try to sell their cashgrab
>new weapons
>new maps
>these are reasons to buy the game
They are already desperate as fuck.
Wow you are so right, I actually thought that was from the game and wasn't just pointing out how shit that gif was
the way people die reminds me of district 9 with the alien weapons
call of duty always runs great on pc fag
>Actively, unironically playing Copypaste of Duty
Faggots like you are why this fucking garbage franchise will never suffer the death it deserves.
Na, look it up.
>New textures
Somehow I doubt this.
Had a good laugh with the rest though.
only three things matter to me for the multiplayer:
Is there a Riot Shield?
Is there a one hit kill melee weapon?
What level do they unlock at?
You're too new to know that we had pretty much daily threads about CoD before the announcement that MW2 on PC won't have dedicated servers, which was the turning point for Sup Forums starting to dislike CoD as a group. I can remember the hourly fucking hype threads for MW2, and having the whole front-page flooded whenever a new trailer for it released.
Newfags nowadays just hate on CoD without actually knowing why we started disliking it.
Stop trying to fit in so hard.
>halo bubble shields
>Kill people with bulletproof shoulder charge
Going to die a dozen times before I get a sick montage/10
Also I missed what was going on with the robot. Did he turn into a fucking robot jackal or some shit?
>Activision shills think that because people here shit on BF1 they are going to force their shitty game in here
BadCo 2 did this shit right, if I remember correctly all map DLC was free aside from Vietnam.
oh yeah I remember those threads
even a cyberpunk thread got BO3 in there somehow
>Destiny tier character models/weapons on CoD MW tier maps with doot doot dub step tier music
You millennials are so fucking GULLIBLE.
Kinda pissed coming out at the same time as TitF2. I only played MW1, so getting to replay that with some new space shooting will be fun.
>MP has literally the same robot from BO3 MP
And they might even wonder why the entire industry is laughing at them.
Google "Webm For Retards"
there is no reason to use GIFs anymore unless you are some dub faggot stuck using safari and are too dumb to set it to download and play webms in your phones gallery.
COD has become a parody of itself.
I was playing COD2 a few weeks ago, and this is just sad.
it turned into a dog, because nothing says "super accurate combat fighting drone bipeds" like animorph shit