i have never played this game
so i'm going to play it now
any tips before i get shit on

Its not actually hard thats just a meme

Get the master key.
Don't go through the graveyard.

have fun with it, nigger

Heater Shield is best shield.
Also noob shield but still.
Learn how to parry early on, and you can't backstab with your shield up.



thats pretty good

hey, i just beat sif. where do i go to get into the DLC?

1. The "git gud this is the hardest game evur" mentality is a meme. Just don't be a fucking idiot and you'll (eventually) do alright.

2. If you've never played before, Sorcery and Pyromancy make a lot of the game easier to get into at the cost of skill development, and you'll spend less time in areas overall. In dark souls this is actually a bad thing; area's are meant to be occupied and experienced for longer times, not immediately digested and thrown away.

3. Read item descriptions, and don't be afraid to overthink some of it. They give some context to the game that sometimes seems random or unexplained.

4. Don't read guides, and don't be afraid to just restart.. I wholeheartedly recommend that you just give it your best guess going in and discover the game bit by bit, maybe over a few characters initially. Don't forget; you can only play this game for the first time once. Period. Make it count; you can read up on the ultimate pvp build or some bs after you've experienced it yourself.

4. You only lose when you give up.

Have fun. It's got faults, but it's truly a great experience.

> Don't read any guides on first playthrough
> Beat the game through trial and error, exploration
> Read all the guides once done
> Go for every armor, weapon spell using guides on second, third playthrough

Best way to play souls games

I wish I could but I didn't even get past the Asylum Demon when I first played it in 2011.

So pick pyromancer or not
i don't understand what your trying to say

pyromancy = easy mode to cheese enemies

A shit tier port

It takes a while to get used to the controls and they feel wonky at first. You get used to them quickly though and then it's a blast. I bough it in 2011 and put it down because I was going the wrong way and I wasn't having fun. In early 2012 I gave it another go though and it was incredible, my mind was blown. Don't be afraid to use a guide when needed, there are a lot of hidden mechanics that aren't overtly explained.

and you get to use heal early on since starting faith is kind of high

use controller on pc and scale those textures UP

If you're playing on PC download DSfix.


>using Miracles

Estus Flask is more than enough, no need to waste a slot by equipping a talisman

>not wanting to be holy in favor of MUH META

I'm saying that pyromancy will be easier on you, but it will change how you play the game to a large degree.

It's not a bad thing, but you'll likely have no reason to practice things like parrying, or you wont have to pay a lot of attention to how enemies fight. Then, if you're ever in a place where you can't rely on your spells, you'll feel sudden change in required skills.

Or you can do it like me and just pick it because it looks cool. It is your playthrough, user.

i forget this shit exits. i went through DaS1, BB, and DaS3 like this. haven't played 2 yet

so i started playing and there is a fat fucking demon

Don't bother reversing your hollowing, it provides no benefit, and the only few people left who participate in online are cheaters.

Go to the graveyard, grab some cool weapons, don't go back till you meet the snake

but i spent so much time making my character attractive


Get to the area where you can do a plunging attack and FUCKING DO IT FAST. He isn't that hard once you know what the fuck you are doing.. If you picked the class with the bombs, use them...

>kill the dogs first.

I remember back when this game came out and everybody was complaining about the Capra Demon being so crazy difficult, and nowadays it's rarely ever even brought up as a difficult boss. Weird how that changed.

i killed it
got a hammer i can't even fucking use

> Dying means absolutely nothing. You'll only lose souls or humanity which is easily regained.
> Shields are easy mode and bosses attack slowly and leave themselves open for a long time so learning attack patterns will make the game a joke
>making your self human allows you to kindle a bonfire which makes it permanently give five extra estus (potions) each time you rest at it
>the more humanity you have active (top left corner) the higher your item discovery will be. If you never lose your humanity you'll pick up a lot of extra shit on the way
>you naturally gain humanity by killing lots of mobs in each area
> Every weapon in the game (sans broken sword) is easily capable of clearing the game

and probably the most important thing
>improving a weapon>being a high level
leveling still helps a lot but you should focus on having a weapon that is well upgraded

Ok, actually. I'm not op, but I've been meaning to ask.

I've already finished the game twice and am playing through again, and I've never seen a point of covenants besides PvP.

What covenant matters for PvE, besides the Chaos Servants? What am I missing here?

Kill the dogs first

None of them. They still offer spells and equipment.

>Dont read guides
fuck off a lot of shit in DaS games are very hard to find endless you read a guide


Do not use it past a GPS system or you will fuck yourself over for a unique experience.

OP here
I'm under ground
now what

I use this really good guide on youtube. Yes, it sounds quite autistic but he knows his shit. I wouldn't have gotten past Undead Parish if it wasn't for him.. Let's be honest.

Maybe for you. Try to argue why it's objectively difficult to find your way around. Items such as keys are very rarely hidden and each non linear path is severely different from each other in terms of monster stats

It's only hard if you consider dying to be losing.

After you killed the Asylum Demon, you should've opened the door that leads you to a nest, and you'll end up in Firelink Shrine. Talk to a few people, explore the area for souls and chests, and find stairs that go upwards towards what looks like a bridge. BE CAREFUL!

play the game taking into consideration the general tips you were given and don't ask for help every 10 steps.

Because he's an underage casual. I didn't even like Dark Souls, but he's a fucking retard.

i think i went to far under ground
im in a canyon or cavern or some shit

Oh and yes, avoid the Graveyard unless you think you can pick up the near by items. The normal and giant skeletons are not to be fought until much later. Probably until after Blightown.

I feel even an underage casual should not struggle just because the game doesn't have a giant arrow saying GO HERE HERE AND HERE

You most certainly won't find everything on your own, but you can pretty easily find all of the main areas just by reading item descriptions. A lot of bosses drop keys that pretty much tell you where to go next.

there is a dragon corpes
i'm gonna loot it

Lol what?

>New Londo > Valley of Drakes

Does it really sound that unfamiliar to you? Why are you guiding people.


there's like 3 items there though
im right next to it

First of all, I didn't even think it was possible to access the valley of the drakes that early..

Okay, pick them up. :')

It is with the master key.

Sounds like you're in the same group as OP. You should play Dark Souls some time.

okay i looked around and found some baby dragons so i guess i'll get ganged banged it i pick it up

Fuck you. I didn't know he had the master key, you twat.


Nah, you're fine. They are just random dragons. Pick the items up. I was thinking of a different area.

That is way too kawaii

you also didn't know it was possible at all

Escape to the cave back towards the start!

Well ex-fucking-cuse me for not deep throating the game every single second if my playthrough.

>in a thread where the OP is looking for advice
>not knowing basic shit about the game
Cry all you want, just noting the stupidity of it. Have a nice day

play it like people did when it first came out, without guides and 'pro-tips' to hold your hand. Discover how to play on your own. you know, like it was intended to be played. it'll be much more rewarding.

I fucking told him where to go......... I'm confused on what I did wrong. I mean, since you know so much, you can help him, you conceited cunt.

Don't believe this shit

>I'm giving directions in a game I know little about
>I'm confused why not knowing about how to traverse the game could matter in telling someone how to traverse the game
What a help you are being. I must go now so feel free to rage by your self.

>asking for tips on souls
FUCKING casual

The dude calling you out is right. You're not helping just stop.

> Shields are easy mode and bosses attack slowly and leave themselves open for a long time so learning attack patterns will make the game a joke

Am I just a dumbass? When I fought O&S I could barely find any openings that wouldn't let me get punished

Demon's Souls question for anyone here:

I've cleared 3 areas and am at Maneaters and Allant, but I've barely met any of the NPCs on the loading screens after like 50 hours.

Is it something to do with "World Tendency"? How does that mechanic work exactly because no one has said shit about it in-game.

You just have to draw them away from each other and use the pillars. There's still some rng to it though, multiple boss fights are generally pretty annoying.

play DeS first.

This, buy a ps3 in order to play it if you need to, it's that good.