

>Superb voice acting
>Appropriate charming/endearing/goofy scenes
>the trio feel like real group of kids about to get into some serious shit
>Characters with personality
>An actual relatable protagonist
>Girl with a fun personality
>Rival with a great arc
>element of exploration in worlds
>Repetitive combat with depth, stagger and parrying and an emphasis on timing dodges and attacks
>nice weight to the keyblade swinging animation that makes it feel like a blunt object
>intro/exit animations
>great RPG presence
>Simple but effective plot

>Bland to horrendous voice acting
>Awkward scenes forcing the idea that these three are super tight friends
>boring characters with horribly written dialogue.
>It's literally star wars prequel syndrome.
>no real protagonist unless it's aqua who has zero personality
>ventus is incredibly bland compared to sora
>terra is a stupid ape
>repetitive groan-inducing monologues
>Repetitive combat with little depth, stagger and parrying gone. Emphasis on mashing the dodge button during the only hard bosses in the game. Otherwise spam triangle because the keyblade won't ever be worth a damn.
>swing keyblade around like it's a plastic trinket with no power or satisfying blows behind it
>bosses are ruined
>Plot is literally star wars with somehow even worse writing.

what happened? Is it because it's a handheld game?

Other urls found in this thread:


you did this yesterday, fuck off.
But I kind of agree that the first one is the best in the series and has charm like no other, the rest of the series is a 13yo anime fanfic dream.

The first one was actually good and as you said, had an effective plot and was full of ''heart'' no pun intended.

The rest is much worse in comparison, atleast in feeling, the rest aint Kingdom Hearts.

2 was better

Is Venqua /ss/?

>this thread again

kill yourself

No it wasnt, the only thing it had better was the gameplay, nothing else, and even then it wasnt that great, FM was amazing though on the gameplay aspect.

KH1 was better in atmosphere, story, world, design etc.


That is pretty autistic.

>superb voice acting

This isn't even worth of being called bait.

Considering you're a KH fan it's not like you don't reek of it everytime you post.

Honestly, I agree the first game had a certain charm to it that the others lacked. KH2 took it into the shonen anime direction, which as a kid I thought was the coolest thing ever but now I don't think so anymore. The first game felt more like a tribute to Disney with a splash of final fantasy. Traverse Town feels like just another Disney world and the plot feels like it could be some obscure Disney flick. It feels that way up until Hollow Bastion which draws some elements from Final Fantasy. After Ansem's reveal it really starts to feel like a Final Fantasy game and I think it worked really well, it was a good blend of the two.

I also really liked the idea of sealing the Keyholes it's kind of a shame they just dropped that plot all together in the sequels. I mean there are things that were similar to it like the gates but the keyhole was more neat in my opinion. It makes for a better plot device because you know there is one in every world and the main goal is to find it and seal it. The gates just randomly spawn from items so there really is no point to them other than being an omage, it doesn't even work as a signal for when they need to leave because it always happens when they have already wrapped everything up, some of the keyholes in KH1 were actually hidden and optional.

Same applies to you faggot, nice argument there.
Nice arguments on how 2 is better, you're just a faggot.
I like your post, I agree with you and thats what I meant with the charm and the magic of the first entry.

I want to /ss/ with Aqua.

I'm not the person who originally argued with you idiot, I just saw the autism in your post and decided to call you out on it. You fucking KHfags are the worst posters on Sup Forums, even worse than DMCfags and that's hard to top.

Why do you feel the need to post this shit in the general and on Sup Forums? Are you that desperate?
This is the second time today that I've seen this thread.

DMC is fun. FUN.

KH1FM is the more consistent cohesive package. In many ways it was the most polished.

You made this thread yesterday

If you're an aspie

KH1FM was very good, I hate when people shit on KH1 because "KH2 did everything better gameplay wise." KH1FM added a lot of abilities that completely changed the game and improved the gameplay a lot. I do think KH2FM has better gameplay but like you said the package as a whole wasn't as good as KH1FM.

best mickey voice

Everyone who played these games when I was a teenager was a massive faggot.

That's all I know about them. That it's some cringy disney/final fantasy mashup and every person I knew who touched this stuff became an overweight nightwish fan and wore fingerless gloves.

I mean, here's the facts of the matter you waifufag

Aqua was in one(ONE) game, and Kairi was in 7

Yet despite this, Aqua is LEAPS and BOUNDS more popular than Kairi. It isn't even close.

So complain if ya want, but Aqua will always get more attention and focus because popularity sells.

Same reason why Axel came back to life and got a keyblade - he was popular

Well it helps Aqua's case that she was playable.

>triggered waifufag: the post

the ironing

>kh fanbase is complete garbage
we've beent known this

it sucks to want to discuss the plot with normal people

This is what I don't get in KH fags. People who are fans of the series know what it is. Saying fans are faggots, autists, or manchildren is old hat at this point. I doubt anyone gets legit triggered over it anymore.

You're clearly part of the problem you fucking autistic shit, literally a piece of shit who thinks its gold, no KH fan is anything other than a degenerate


>I dun geddit
>proceeds to explain it

I don't why people feel the need to keep repeating the same stuff. That's the gist of what I was saying.

>blah blah listen to me put words in your mouth
>I decided every single person in this fanbase is autistic, everyone listen to me

@OP, not even going to reply to all your fanwanking posts, you're a faggot.
>I have a opinion.
>HAHAHAHAHA!!1!, git real m80, shit taste nigger!!1!
>What? Why are you acting like a child?
>Eat shit cunt, you aren't a fanboi like meeeeeeeeeeee!!1!
Wow, what a joke.

Could a degenerate beat Lingering Will level 1 Critical mode with the Kingdom Key?

>baiting so hard with a bait image

Clearly you're a fucking aspie considering you like cringedom hearts
Considering all KH fans are overweight pieces of shit and spend all their time on fanfiction.net, yeah

>cringedom hearts

The only thing KH2 did worse was the exploration. Everything else was better mechanically or just optional ways to approach a situation.

Not liking the plot is subjective, but if you didnt like it you likely didnt play COM and should just fuck off

I didn't hate it but I do think it just wasn't as good as the original. I love the ending of it, it just gets so ridiculous it's impossible to hate it, Sora fucking hits buildings at Xemnas like they are baseballs and it is just insane. I actually think COM has the second best plot next to the first game. The organization is great in that game.

>"lets make him return to all the same worlds again because forgot memories lol"
>second best plot

The Disney worlds were boring but the stuff outside of it was great.

>All it had was better gameplay, nothing else
Well I guess that's why they call it a Video GAME

Not him but I enjoy some games for their plots as well and if a sequel has a shitty plot I will be disappointed. I even like Super Mario for it's aesthetic as well as gameplay, it's not just the gameplay that matters.

not really. The best part about it is it properly establishing how important Kairi/Namine is to Sora, thus giving us scenes that highlight his more serious nature and giving him some great lines in the process.

The other characters were poorly explained as far as new characters go. Some of them die as if you're supposed to care? Even though they have no character? Marluxia and the entire plot about overthrowing the organization that you don't know or see about is completely retarded for a self-contained story. It's a mess of details for future games without even being presentable.

>Osaka Team is in charge of KHIII

I just liked how bad the organization was, they were basically mind raping Sora and it was kind of fun seeing him gradually become more and more delusional with the org members watching and commenting on it the whole time. That's the main reason I like it. I also liked Riku's plot because it wasn't about saving the world or anything it was about coming to terms with his own mistakes and it helped Riku develop a lot as a character.

The game was good for both Sora and Rikus' characters, but the actual plot was retarded

>shotlock looks like garbage
>disney attractions all look like ass, especially the boat one
>buzz lightyear one is cool though
>weak hitstun
>aqua gameplay was a snore
>literally first playable demo of something on the kh3 engine and I almost fell asleep with how bland the gameplay looks
>any scene or teaser with the rock titan feels like it's intentionally trying to underwhelm

im at the point where I might as well just hope for a fm+ remake on the luminous engine

>luminous engine


Gameplay looks great, don't know what you're on about, fucking bandwagoner

Why do people STILL think Luminous would do this game good? The only gameplay we ever saw of KH on it was full of bugs and glitches and looked subpar

Birth by Sleep > KH 1
>actually talking shit about the KH series voice acting

Does Riku still like Kairi romantically? Did he ever?

No and no. Iirc if you talk to him after the race in Destiny Islands that had sharing the paopu with kairi as a prize, he said he was just messing with Sora.

>liking Sup Forums disney trash
>implying you even played kh1 remotely near its release

not him but I did and I like Star as well.

Why is the voice direction in Kingdom Hearts so spotty and we get weird deliveries for lines or all-around bad voice actors for some characters?
I feel like Kingdom Hearts consistently has one character in every single entry who has a distractingly bad voice actor who delivers lines horribly compared to the rest of the game.

I like 1 and COM.
2 is just a bad game. Its design is horrendous, gameplay improvements be damned.

Are you kidding? The voice acting cast for the first KH is easily among the best ever gathered for a videogame. Disney might be an evil conglomerate evil, but those motherfuckers know quality control. The first KH had a great cast of talent behind it. Its simple but effective story was speared through with anime/rpg bullshit the moment KH2 arrived. The shitty voice acting appeared then.

It's because while most Disney VAs are talented, they don't have much to their careers but being the voice of their character. Meanwhile they get shitty anime VAs for most of the other characters, with the occasional decent one. Leonard Nimoy was a real surprise and Mark Hamill always does a stellar job in his vidya.
tl;dr: anime has low quality shit for actors

>It's because while most Disney VAs are talented, they don't have much to their careers but being the voice of their character
Further clarification, they aren't busy so they can easily come back and do a good job on even things like video games. Notice how Robin Williams or Eddie Murphy didn't come back to voice their roles because they tend to be busy.



williams never voiced genie iirc

>The only gameplay we ever saw of KH on it
We never saw gameplay of KHIII in Luminous.

Literally 100% of the Luminous footage we have for KHIII is a mock-up video of what gameplay could look like.

None of it was real.

Then why did shit like Hearltess "landing" mid-air or large bodies glitching into walls happen?

This is the first time I've ever seen this brought up.

HJO had the disadvantage of going through puberty and not being anything above decent level voice talent, meaning unlike some superb talents he can't raise his voice an octave.
That said he'll probably sound much better in KH3 since he no longer needs to strain himself trying to sound younger

Yeah but at that point Riku was still in "that kid" mode where he acts like a complete douche if he wins but then just says "well it didn't matter anyways" if he loses.

I finished KH like a couple months ago.

Should I hop into KH2? I got a little bit into the intro part of it, but I don't know who this Roxas faggot is. Him and his friends are fucking annoying and I honestly can't believe they somehow made an introduction that was worse than the first game's intro island. Been here for like 3 hours already and it's lame as fuck.

>skipping CoM

thats because the one where he fires off fire in twilight town IS gameplay. You're all just too fucking stupid to tell

But Nomura said in interviews from like 2014 that none of the footage up to that point had been real gameplay?

And then the next trailer after that was after they had switched to UE4?

I think it's a combination of bad directing, frequently switching the voice actors for characters (and in particular, hiring random anime VAs to impersonate extremely distinct Hollywood actors that they couldn't get back), and many of the actors only having a small number of lines per game so they never really get a chance to understand the story or even the context of the scene they're in.

Why would you want to discuss an awful fucking convoluted plot that shows clear signs of shit being made up as time goes on? The only people who still care about the poorly written story would have to be autists at this point. Everyone else casually enjoys it and only really need to care about cameos or gameplay at this point.

The story fucking sucks, and is probably the most messy clusterfuck that exists right now in a popular game.


I never said I didn't think the story didn't get into asspull territory. I enjoy the gameplay especially on bosses first and foremost.

I think this is it but I can't remember khinsider.com/news/Nomura-Interview-in-Famitsu-Kingdom-Hearts-3-and-2-5-Detailed-3455

>Remembering the Alice in Wonderland boss
>Remembering the Riku fight with unskippable cutsene before
>Remembering the Maleficent Dragon fight
>Remembering the shitty combat

No, KH1 was a mess. It's basically "hit twice and cure until you deplete the boss' eleventh health bar."

that's talking about the luminous trailer


Is Aqua going to be inseminated by Ventus?
Or will he run with his gay lover like Sora?

>giant boogie boss
>giant ursula boss

You sound like a game that forces you to only attack twice before retreating isn't tense and fun. KH1 is all about timing.

>KH has the best difficulty curve, and disney/ff balance
>KH2 has the most satisfying gameplay, as well as gameplay style
>Birth By Sleep has the best finale
Seeing Xehanort fuck everyone up was a good payoff, and because it was a prequel.

I liked playing KHII the best but after replaying all the final mix versions, and seeing how easy the LHII was to beat on Critical, there's a fine gap. The only trouble I had was with Roxas, and that's because I didn't have any growth abilities, and his homing bullets would instantly kill me.

>youtube screenshots

>the keyblade won't ever be worth a damn
Mega casual


On the topic of voice acting, I gotta say all of Organization 13 had great voice actors