>"Over tha course of several playtrous, I heard the word negro a few toimes. But never tha word NIGGER!"
Was BioShock Infinite racist enough for you Sup Forums, or would you have preferred more racial slurs?
>"Over tha course of several playtrous, I heard the word negro a few toimes. But never tha word NIGGER!"
Was BioShock Infinite racist enough for you Sup Forums, or would you have preferred more racial slurs?
This wasn't an actual complaint, was it?
Matt is boring to me now and takes too long
I like this guy more
Negro is a specific term for American blacks who are ethnically (mixed race) and culturally different than the negroid races elsewhere.
The issue was that the game had pretensions about its message regarding race, but couldn't even take itself seriously enough to use the common slur of the time. It comes across as childish and even insulting to its audience.
Yes it was, and he has a point. If you're gonna do the racism thing you may as well go all the way.
BioShock Infinite didn't intend to show how racist the Founders were. Everyone knows racism is bad, everyone.
In fact, I believe that the developers intentionally made Columbia not that bad compared to many parts of the US in that time period.
BioShock Infinite's intention was to show that "anti-racism" was just as bad as "real" racism. It was practically prophetic of the Black Lives Matter riots.
"No one gets lynched and thar's literally no whipping or beating. Oi found the whole thing wholy unsatisfying, as Oi was expecting much more racial violence."
Matt was really mad about the lack of violence against blacks.
To be fair, he also complained about the lack of cruelty towards Irish immigrant workers. So...
he also said, and I quote
>"Oi couldn't even shove niggers in the oven on have them execute tasks for me - how am i supposed to ever take this game seriously?"
You're giving Ken way too much credit.
>Three videos, first one released over a year ago
But Matt takes too long? Otherwise I agree with you. Noah Gervais, Superbunnyhop, that new guy doing the Naughtydog series Novacanoo or whatever, Matthew is getting to be old hat really fast.
It was dumb that they needed an ethnic underclass to do the hard work anyway since they could literally pull anything they needed out of thin air and they had advanced robotics that could have done menial labor.
Noah Gervais fucking sucks.
See: The devs didn't want to portray Columbia as the deep south. If the people in Columbia were all horrible racists, they wouldn't have let blacks on the flying city in the first place.
Before the Vox Populi militarized, Columbia was a great place to live. Instead of tar-and-feathering or stoning interracial couples, they just throw baseballs at them.
Once the Vox get their hands on weapons, they totally ruin the city. It's not just any city, this is the most advanced and important city in the world, and they wreck and vandalize it, and then even start executing white people, something that whites are never seen doing to blacks.
Am I? Booker says "...at the end of the day, Fink and Fitzroy are just two different ways of spelling the same thing."
Booker realized that they're both horrible racists.
I just moved on I guess
>taking things out of context to rile people up
Millenial detected
What? He's the only guy to do hour long plus videos on the Half-Life series, Doom, Wolfenstein, Mass Effect, Call Of Duty, Baldur's fucking Gate, WARCRAFT, etc.
And you are how old?
It was part of a whole rant about how Infinite is basically doing a PG-13 version of racism and never actually makes the audience uncomfortable enough to make the setting work
Again, you're giving them way too much credit.
It's supposed to be a "hate both ways" thing, but they didn't actually bother to go full-hog on the affluent whites hating on the impoverished.
They pussied out on actually showing racism because it would make the audience less likely to understand that they were talking about racism from both the people in power and the proletariat. It's not omitted because they wanted to use that to help their point; it's omitted because they didn't want to rock the boat by having a game where white people say "nigger."
His analysis is so bad though. And his editing makes watching anything of his such a slog. He needs to take a note from Matthew, MrBTongue, or SuperBunnyHop and craft an actual thesis for his videos.
Instead his videos feel like I'm just reading the Wikipedia page for a game.
That is your interpretation and I disagree with it, John.
Infinite sucks anyway.
He's not bad, but he never edits his mistakes out when he's reading off his script and the guy seemingly can't help himself and brings up GOOBERGATE whenever it's tangentially related.
BioShock Infinite was so fucking weak. Ken Levine made Elizabeth then fell in love with her and forgot to make a decent story.
>Mathewmatosis takes 6 months to make a 20 minute video, usually on something boring
>Super Bunnyhop is a contrarian hipster who ignores his community
>Fungo is too busy shilling his patreon to make videos
>Joseph Anderson is smart and articulate but drags on too much on simple subjects
Joseph Anderson sometimes has this problem as well (even though I like his channel a lot)
>This extremely corporate product with absolutely no soul refused to say "nigger" because it was their ARTISTIC VISION not to do it! It had nothing to do with the sales!!!
3 shekels have been deposited in your account.
That's a perfectly valid complaint about a game that tries to be deep and thought-provoking, yet shies away from actually comitting to its ideas.
>His analysis is so bad though
How so? What did you expect from e "thorough looks" and retrospectives. Big difference, huge. Reviews tend to have theses, but these aren't reviews.
For sure. He seems really stubborn on not editing mistakes for some reason. Only hurts him really.
>I'm just reading the Wikipedia page for a game.
But that's not true. His Baldur's Gate video for instance is mostly purely from his own experiences and insight. It's just really nice to have a centralized hour plus video on Baldur's Gate, I don't see the issue.
I don't know why but it feels good to hear someone you've only heard talk in a monotone manner laugh like a mad cunt.
I'm a millenial too but I don't take things out of context to piss people off like SJWs and shitposters do. Is there a word for millenials to call annoying millenials who act like faggots?
>Great place to live
>Get baseballs thrown at you for fucking some negro poon
Fuck off.
>you will never be an alcoholic Irishman who derives joy from garbage video games
>Super Bunnyhop is a contrarian hipster who ignores his community
It's contrarian and hipster to hate on The Witness? It's contrarian and hipster to love The Witcher and Souls series? Do you actually know what you're saying or are you being stupid on purpose?
>Joseph Anderson is smart and articulate but drags on too much on simple subjects
Like what?
>If the people in Columbia were all horrible racists, they wouldn't have let blacks on the flying city in the first place.
Then who would do all the cheap labor? Fuck off with these mental gymnastics, the game is written like complete dog shit.
I forgot that Infinite had a racist background 1&3 into the game.
So no. Infinite wasn't racist enough for meƱ. I don't think they ever did anything with the "racism" thing.
He hates Bioshock Infinite but likes this shit game? Matthew has no credibility.
honestly the racial caricatures featured in that game appeared controversial enough that it seems strange that they'd decide not to use the word nigger for fear of backlash, i mean this is the game that featured depictions of black people as monkeys, not to mention all the shit to do with chinks, injuns and even irish. and the game lets you engage in this racist behaviour initially with the ball-throwing thing, though i'm pretty sure booker says some things to the effect of him not being racist anyway if you hang around one of the black servants/slaves long enough, also he felt bad about the wounded knee thing
>Look at me I love Metal Gear and Dark Souls, I hate AAA titles
Well, it was, and it is a good point to make.
It is a bit retarded to go so far as to make a hamfisted statement about racism, but never actually present the ugly side of Racism (such as never actually using the word Nigger).
I don't think going further was necessary in infinite. Having blacks segregated and the interracial couple treated the way they were implies the world racism enough. It doesn't need to be in your face and if they did have NPCs say "nigger" they stray into the territory where the risk inst worth the reward. Totally understand it.
nice bait
But Metal Gear and Dark Souls are AAA games
Metal Gear is one of the biggest series of video games on the planet you fucking moron. I've seen people wearing FOXHOUND jackets at my college; Kojima has over 1 million twitter followers and he's a fucking VIDEO GAME developer. Stop being stupid.
I like those things and I largely hate AAA titles. Well it'd be more fair to say I don't like western developers, but whatever.
he hates the damn game, halfway he wanted to stop but kept going for the stream
Move over Matty, there's a new accent in town.
>for the turd toime
>Super Bunnyhop
>"stop watching E3, you fucking sheeple"
>Shits on Mega Man Legends, can't play it for shit
>not a contrarian faggot
hold your tongue faggot
>- Matthewmatosis
>Weeb shit
>AAA title
It's okay that you are a hipster, you are on Sup Forums after all
Being popular =! AAA title
>calling black people niggers is a thing exclusive to the south
Dude, cut the shit. You know damn well that they omitted from writing the use of the word "nigger" because its a video game and it needs to make millions and millions of dollars to justify its existence, and a video game that has that word in it would be a media shitstorm.
Films can portray racism because they're a universally accepted medium and because they can be used as Oscar bait, which itself is a marketing tool. Vidya isnt and probably never will be on that level of "artistry" because video games, to normies, are just toys.
>That wheezing fucking laugh 20 minutes in
Holy fuck, this is better than The Kamiya Dream.
Would you prefer "largest?" I'm not sure what you're saying.
>"stop watching E3, you fucking sheeple"
How is that contrarian? People only watch E3 for entertainment anymore. It's a shit show, been that way since 2010, but at least 2010-2015 E3 was entertaining as fuck.
>Being popular =! AAA title
MGS2 wasn't a AAA title? MGS3 wasn't a AAA title? MGS4 wasn't a AAA title? MGSV wasn't a AAA title? Dark Souls III wasn't a AAA title? TW3 wasn't a AAA title? Are you people this fucking stupid?
He likes those series. If he was contrarian he would DISLIKE them do you know what it is to be contrarian? Am I on bizzaro Sup Forums?
Being popular doesnt make it a Triple A game.
>Before the Vox Populi militarized, Columbia was a great place to live.
What the fuck
Obviously it was not a great place to live for the lower-class citizens getting fucked over, who felt the need to revolt.
And I agree with the other guy, you're giving them way too much credit. It's pretty much;
-We need a bunch of enemies
-These are getting stale, instead of adding more enemies lets recycle them all but make them wear red this time
When the Vox became the new default enemies, the message just changed from "Extreme nationalism is bad" to just "Extremism is bad."
>Everyone knows racism is bad, everyone.
You'd think so, but this board consistently proves that wrong.
>He thinks Metal Gear and Dark Souls are normie titles like COD, Battlefield, Watch Dogs and Halo
He only likes them because they aren't popular.
>Matthew got me into Wonderful 101, Dustforce and Spacechem
Thanks, man!
But Megaman Legends is shit. Are you people that blind to your overwhelming nostalgia? Or is it the contrarianism? Or both? You people are so desperately trying to stand out from each other in an anonymous imageboard that you've reached uncharted levels of retardation. Fuck off.
>Everyone knows racism is bad, everyone.
Yes but a very common misconception in Burgerland is that a depiction of something bad in media means its an endorsement of it.
Metal Gear and Dark Souls are not weebshit. Why would you even think they are? Because they're Japanese? Next you'll say that Mario is weebshit.
>watching this live when he was stuck on that one boss fight and got legit angry
I was so scared
>Pick up Dustforce
>Absolutely hate it
Oh so you don't actually mean AAA games:
>In the video game industry, AAA (pronounced "triple A") or Triple-A[1] is a classification term used for games with the highest development budgets and levels of promotion.[2][3][4][5]
Just whatever arbitrary definition you can come up with. I see now.
>He only likes them because they aren't popular.
Right. That's why he has dedicated a multitude of videos jerking them off.
Nigger, MGS and Dark Souls are multi-million sellers. What are you talking about?
>Literally "I liked them before they were cool"
>Not a hipster
I'll bet he shitposts.
What do you dislike about it? Controls and movement? Because, I'll admit I was thrown off for quite a while before learning how to properly play it, at which point the game became immensely satisfying to play.
It felt really stiff and awkward at first, but once you get it down, it's smooth as cream and fast as the diarrhea I get from it.
>Mega Man Legends is shit.
As someone who thinks most 5th Gen games suck dick, this is wrong and you should feel bad for having terrible taste in video games.
It's a damn fine game. The sequel, not so much, but the first one is good.
No? MGS was never not cool. Neither was Dark Souls. They were instant heavy hitters. Dumb frogposter.
>The sequel, not so much, but the first one is good
holy shit fuck off, the first game is so damn awkward. i rather play the damn X games on ps1 than Legends 1
>Dark Souls was an instant heavy hitter
It wasn't even popular until it got ported over to mustards who spammed it with epic maymays. Metal Gear has always been a niche series
MGS has always been cool you fucking moron. You must be 17.
Dark Souls was an INSTANT hit. It was ported BECAUSE of that fact.
Now you're just baiting. Nobody could possibly be this imbecilic. Not replying to you anymore.
It just was not a fun experience. I didn't know what route to take with which characters, there always felt like there was a few second input delay on all my moves which made it feel sluggish.
>As someone who thinks most 5th Gen games suck dick
And I'm the one with terrible taste in games. Go spew your filth on Sup Forums or somewhere else that will appreciate it, you sad bunch of brain dead hipsters.
>a video game that has that word in it would be a media shitstorm.
I watched a gameplay video from Mafia 3 yesterday where I'm pretty sure a cop called the protagonist a nigger. Maybe he said negro instead, but they keep harping on about how they aren't pulling any punches when it comes to racial tension in that game so if they aren't cowards that word should come up plenty of times. My point is, don't give Levine an excuse. You said it yourself, they didn't want to risk losing sales; there isn't anything more to it than that. I mean, shit, a media shitstorm wouldn't even necessarily be a bad thing. Any publicity is good publicity and such.
you need to be better
this was such a treat to sit through live, the anger, the glitches, the zombies.
so much fun
rip bob
Are you seriously going to argue that at least 51% of the 5th Gen library was good?
Think carefully, now. Most rational people wouldn't say that about any generation.
It plays like a slightly less polished OOT with a jump button. You just target and strafe all day. I don't see what's wrong with it.
The real strength is in its design, though.
It literally was not popularized until it got ported. It only got a sequel because it got ported.
>that ad hominem
We are clearly done here.
I think he's dead for real this time, some random angry irishman probably socked him when he was walking in the street and he never woke up.
You can beat any stage with any character and you could always view replays of top times to get an idea of how to be more efficient. Granted, those strats require some crazy good execution, but it's still valuable to try and copy some stuff.
Input delay may actually be some genuine issue. Don't know how to solve it. Either way, it was a shame you didn't enjoy it like I did. Maybe you'll pick it up again some day and change your mind.
It was ported to PCs because it was popular. This is the last (You). Savor it.
It sold pretty well originally, but they're right that its popularity didn't explode until the PC release.
I think the problem was I was playing on Vita
>It plays like a slightly less polished OOT with a jump button
Holy hell, no. It plays like a garbage 3D game made by people who didn't know how to make 3D games. The controls are crap and gameplay is just clunky. I know this word is overused and all, but that's the perfect description of Legends.
>It plays like a slightly less polished OOT
hell no, fuck you
I didn't even know it was released on Vita. Maybe there was an issue with the port? The DX version on Steam is probably not different save for better online capabilities, so if you ever feel like trying again, the game is dirt cheap and goes on sale pretty often.
legends plays like a resident evil with its tank controls, either way the game fucking sucks
This part always makes me laugh
It's a good criticism, but I still find it funny, especially hearing it from Matt
Noah is trash because he cares way too much about story. His analysis of the game itself is lacking and he barely has a grasp of mechanics. Instead he opts for shitty philosophy of the dialog and visuals. He's garbage.
Go watch his Depression Quest video. It's fucking embarrassing. He honestly believes that women are believed to be abusers more than men.