"Like many gamers, Corey Austen and his brother Matt shared a love for Nintendo's Zelda series. However...

"Like many gamers, Corey Austen and his brother Matt shared a love for Nintendo's Zelda series. However, while Matt sadly passed away earlier this year, Corey might be able to play one last game with his lost brother. In a touching letter published on Zelda Informer, he described how using his brother's Amiibo in Breath of the Wild would let his save data join him as a companion.

'But there was one part that got me. The Wolf Link amiibo. When they revealed that the game data from Twilight Princess would be used in Breath of the Wild as a companion, I broke down. Right there. At my desk.

It was so unreal. My brother and I could still play the new game. Together.'

Nintendo recently responded to the letter, sending Corey a large care package of Zelda merchandise. However, it was the handwritten note they included that really shows how much Nintendo cares about its fans."


yeah im sure nintendo really cares

Time to kill my brother

So the first thing he did was write Nintendo a letter when his brother passed away? I should also write a game company a sad story so I get freebies.

they only sent him that shit so they could also send him a cease and desist notice when he wears it in public

I was thinking of killing my brother but this is a much easier option.

Jaded autism aside that you expect from this shithole, that's quite nice of them.

>it's just marketing!!
Yeah. It's good marketing. They could have just as easily done nothing at all, and it would have been cheaper in the short term. But this, this gets you money in the long term.

For a food related example, Chipotle responds to emails you send them and you might score some free food too. This is how you do good marketing. You look like you actually give a fuck.

>Jaded autism aside that you expect from this shithole
Not really, I just wanted to make a thread about video games

>food analogies
Mom's gonna freak

>Muh brother is dead and I''m so sad.
>I better write a letter to Nintendo about this!

>Dear guy, we are sorry for your lots but we at Nintendo are used to everything dying around us (franchises, consoles, freedom of expression, presidents) so we can't afford to cry for you. This is a cease and desist letter, your brother's soul belongs to Nintendo CORP.

He didn't make an analogy, dumbass. It was an example.

Why are phoneposters the worst on the site?

>But there was one part that got me. The Wolf Link amiibo. When they revealed that the game data from Twilight Princess would be used in Breath of the Wild as a companion, I broke down. Right there. At my desk.

God damn, that reminds me of the dad who told his son he loved him by arranging pokemon nicknames to send the message. The son didn't discover it until years after his father's death.

Pretty much.

Wow I can't believe they weren't going to have the wolf link amiibo be usable on the breath of the wild and now because of this kid dying we've got to put up with on disc dlc bullshit.


Where is that ever stated?

Stop spreading misinformation

Fucking Kek

This person has a severe case of autism.

t. Phoneposter

The cynicism and apathy in this thread is really disgusting

So I can make up a bullshit story and get free shit? Neat.

underrated post

I post exclusively from my phone and I am guilty of none of those things.
plus the Sup Forums app makes browsing way easier than on desktop. I like saving threads so I can easily find them again later.

Oh man so this is just a feel good non story? Boy is my face red.

You know damn well his brother didn't die and he literally just went to write a letter after it happened.

He read or saw the info, was overcome with emotion and felt the need to write a letter about it. Pretty normal behavior I'd say.

Probably some made up stuff by the Marketing department.

if Sony did this, the thread would be full of
>based Sony
>Sony wins again
>Sony is so nice
>let's send them a card full of Sony memes
it really has become NeoGAF.


>Boy is my face red

Red Guy? Is that you?

>Nintendo cares about its fans
There's a big difference between being a nice human being and caring about your fans. Caring about your fans means making sure they aren't fucked over by shitty business practices on top of doing stuff like this.
Also, it's probably worth mentioning that if the subject of this letter were Xenoblade or F-Zero, they probably wouldn't give a shit.
Triforce Light is probably the only thing I'd use.

You should really expect this sort of thing by now user. Maybe rethink where you spend your time if it still gets to you, hmm?

>mfw I have every single reaction picture on my computer named as image.jpg to trigger autist like you

Yet not remotely as disgusting as the retarded fanboys and Nintendo trying to use the death of a fan as a means of self promotion.

No corporation gives a shit about their customers while they are alive and only care about them in death if it can be used for emotional manipulation.

Goddamn, Nintendo's propaganda department is Goebbels-tier. If only they put this much effort into their consoles.

I don't know why I laughed so hard

The guy from Cow and Chicken? I'm afraid I haven't been keeping up on the latest trends.

Stop falseflagging you dipshit

>the truth is falseflagging

>"Hey remember that kid we had killed earlier this year?"

>"We can totally use that to help our image and get some NX sales RIGHT now."

Nintendo is just plain disgusting.

I'm not OP, but I browse in my iPad, so all my images come with that name too. why does a filename trigger you so much?

Also, the guy who received the letter had a charity stream today, so he's not a nobody. This is just marketing


really, i think nips could take over the world if they wanted to

Top lel

I am dying

Is this some e-celeb bullshit again?

yeah im gonna need proof this guys brother is dead or its just attention seeking

It's just Nintendo PR.

>However, it was the handwritten note they included that really shows how much Nintendo cares about its fans.



>Caring about your fans means making sure they aren't fucked over by shitty business practices on top of doing stuff like this.

Well said. Everyone else does what Nintendon't in this department.

>federation force
>paper mario
>nintendo caring about fans
the letter was just for marketing


Nintendo only cares so he'll buy the game himself and others will buy it because "look, they really do care about the fans! #4theplayers!"

>poor kids brother died
>let's send him a lot of clothes plastered all over with advertisements for our games
hasn't he suffered enough


I cannot for the life of me tell if posts like this are serious these days.


literally shaking and crying right now

Zelda might be something you like, but it's corporate merchandise. You could wear a T-shirt that says Nike, or has a picture of a Snickers bar, or your model of Hoover vacuum for all I car and it's exactly the same. You're advertising someone's product that they sell. The fact that you like those products doesn't change anything. It just means you're complacent in advertising for them, if you realize you're doing it anyway.

even as a nintendrone, this is hilarious

I legimately hope you are being employed by Nintendo, as opposed to being this pig ignorant of marketing and emotional manipulation.

audibly kegged

wtf I hate brothers now

It's just for publicity mann

It's also the product of a lot of artists, designers etc. I personally wouldn't be caught dead in a video game t-shirt but I can understand how it might be viewed as more personal than a hoover vacuum to some.

>Wrote to Nintendo

Dear Nintendo your shoddy games killed my bro. Please give me my money back.

>what is the thread watcher

>Goebbels tier

>It's also the product of a lot of artists, designers etc. I personally wouldn't be caught dead in a video game t-shirt but I can understand how it might be viewed as more personal than a hoover vacuum to some.
Have you looked at a vacuum lately? There's tons of design, both functional and aesthetic that goes into them. They could be called works of art in their own regard. You probably can't feel emotional about a vacuum cleaner, but who knows, maybe we're cleaning floors the wrong way.

I just think (sincerely) that it doesn't show a lot of thought. I think the hand written note is worth far more and it would have been cooler if they got some interesting people to sign it. The merchandise seems to just dampen that effort.

I was gone for a year or two but last I checked Sup Forums was making fucking get well cards for Iwata. I think that was pretty much exactly the point I ragequit for a while.

Yes, I understand how advertising works.

But my tinfoil hat isn't thick enough to think that every time someone is gifted merchandise, it's for the -sole- reason of selling more copies of some shit or other.

If you think that this is the case, let me ask you a few things:
-What alternatives are there in this situation? Sending him an early copy of BotW? Sending him other Zelda games? In the case of the former, I hope you'd be joking, and with the latter, it's already implied that he owns WWHD, which is the laziest port they've ever made, so do you really think this guy doesn't have any other Zelda game made recently? Or would you say it's better for them to send copies of random, unrelated games, which add absolutely nothing other than a "here's your reward for sending us a letter" pat on the back?

-Why give him a watch/necklace, whatever the fuck all this small shit is? Instead, why not just send him 50 fucking shirts? You know, cheap, large advertisements. Instead of spending $15 for those 3 shirts, why send the guy a fuckton more worth of other shit, that serves are a less effective means of marketing. "Well, he won't always feel like wearing a Zelda shirt." And he'll always feel like wearing a Zelda backpack or hat?...

Wearing any clothing with logos is retarded in the first place, and I wouldn't be caught dead in a video game shirt, but to say that a moderately nice gesture is just "BIG BROTHER IS MAKING TO THINK THEY CARE ABOUT YOU" is such edgy teenage shit, holy fuck. That's "I listen to Linkin Park/Greenday while I grief Minecraft servers all day in-between console war thread shitposts" tier shit. You may think that this "FUCK THE SYSTEM" garbage makes you look like you're -not- braindead, but it's just the opposite. Understand what is and what isn't strictly advertisement. It's seriously not hard when you take over 5 seconds to consider one's motivations, instead of instantly assigning them to "us" or "them."

>Ragequit over being nice to a dead guy

Never change Sup Forums

From the comments;

>Hey, I actually know this guy and he doesn't have a brother. Corey Austen went to UCLA and had to drop out because he didn't focus on his studies. He was a notorious asshole and would regularly try to pick up women with lines from what I can only assume to be video games. He also has a pending sexual assault case against him in LA County. Nice scam, Corey! You fucking scumbag.


Cool reddit thread, think I'll write a letter to Atlus telling them that my dead adopted daughter's last wish was for Persona 5 to have dual audio

nintendo cares about you goyim. now go out there buy federation force

the absolute madman

>But my tinfoil hat isn't thick enough to think that every time someone is gifted merchandise, it's for the -sole- reason of selling more copies of some shit or other.
Sorry, but your stupid and /or naive.
Companies don't do this sort of shit without looking out for themselves, most of all. You have no fucking idea how business works.

I totally agree. It's just a bad marketing stunt though, I wouldn't expect anything more genuinely heartfelt than a box full of free crap from a bigger pile of free crap they give away when such opportunities arise.

I was really jut speaking to the idea that it's the same as any other piece of corporate merchandise, when it isn't. Games, TV, music and films are always going to have some artistic element, however vague that might be, and many people will be eager to wear advertisements for that stuff because they see it as a reflection of their own personality.


Nice, you showed me.

Imagine being Lain, but instead of the wired, you're in an amiibo

Fucking gold

He was still alive at that point and it was pretty fucking gay.

lets all love link

The entire gesture was done for publicity. The contents of that gesture are more or less irrelevant. A corporation has no real relationship with a boy and his deceased brother, their concern is in making themselves look good especially after they just DMCA'd over 500 Nintendo fan projects.

This is not a "fuck the system" mentality, I am merely stating the obvious. The only one who seems upset by any of this is you.

It wasn't nearly as gay as your moms.

>Yes, I understand how advertising works
>But my tinfoil hat isn't thick enough to think that every time someone is gifted merchandise, it's for the -sole- reason of selling more copies of some shit or other.

Clearly a person who never used paid advertising in his life. Your age is showing user, there's nothing wrong with using this moment to make some money through "charity"

It was gay people were expressing their sympathies? Look man, I get you're a sociopath, bit that is a condition, not the norm.

Sympathy for what? For all anyone knew at that point it was a bad case of gonorrhea from one of his 8 year old boy prostitutes in Thailand.

it's not exactly advertising, its PR
it contributes to the image of them being a company that cares about people
but they don't
they're a big, conservative japanese company in the most conservative part of japan
they dont give a shit about people at all

>complaining about sociopathy on Sup Forums

>butthurt Metroidfag

Why must you whine in every thread you can find

>food analogies

What's with the autism related to food analogies?

You guys do realise that people who use them think you are so stupid you can't think of anything unless it relates to food right?

My only personal experience with Nintendo is when I called their tech help line (Back when the Wii came out, I had some WiFi problem) and talked to some lady about PC building for like, half an hour while she helped me. Shit was great.


>why does a filename trigger you so much?

Because read the fucking image, retard. It even mentions dumb fucks like you.

>some nobody had a charity stream
>so he's not a nobody

He's a nobody.

Underrated post

You have to be 18+ to browse this website.

How to spot the butthurt Metroid autists

lik dis

if u cri...

ever tim ;_;