Why is DMC4 still regarded as the best hack 'n slash/beat em up/character action/spectacle fighter game...

Why is DMC4 still regarded as the best hack 'n slash/beat em up/character action/spectacle fighter game? I like DMC4 Special Edition, but after games like Revengeance and Bayoneta 1 and 2 it feels really dated.
>inb4 because "muh skill ceiling"

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Do I have shit taste? I played it up till the half way point when you switch character, but by that point I felt the game dragged on far too long and haven't been back.
It sort of built up an ending so I prepared myself to finish, especially as I was getting through a backlog and then I realise there's a good chunk left and I didn't feel up for it.

Should I go back Sup Forums? I enjoyed 1, 2 and 3

It is like a 2 hour game
It doesnt matter how good the mechanics are if the game is 2 fucking hours long
Honestly if DmC didnt have fuck awful boss fights I would even consider that better than 4

Am I thinking of the wrong game

Revengence is fucking trash, opinion discarded
>if DmC didnt have fuck awful boss fights I would even consider that better than 4
That's not even the only major thing wrong with it.

>Revengence is fucking trash
Post discarded :^)

The only thing wrong with DmC is the brand. DmC DE is a good western action game. It's the best western action game. Had it been a new IP from NT and Crapcom everyone would have loved it or at the least respected it and wanted more. But as it stand you can't tell people how good the game combat is because they're still stuck at first base.


Someone help me out here
DMC 4 isn't a 2 hour game, is it? I played for hours before I got to the point I was at and it wasn't because I was abhorrently shit

>Honestly if DmC didnt have fuck awful boss fights
Boss fights are fine, most of them at least. To be fair, DMC3 had a lot of garbage "this giant almost stationary thing is the boss", that was in DMC4 and DMC1 as well. It was until Bayonetta when they thought "maybe giant boss fights don't have to be such a drag"

Because unlike MGR:R and Bayonetta, it isn't limited by menu switching, a small moveset, and is both accessible and complex as fuck.

It is the highest skill ceiling action game that exists, and the creativity that's possible with it is unmatched by any other game.

However no one can deny that MGR and Bayo have a level of polish that dmc4 doesn't have.

The only thing DMC4 has is a skill ceiling. Everything else is shit.

I can see your point with Bayonetta but MGR was mediocre.

I stopped playing there the first time. The 2nd time I went through with it but still felt like it was less fun than nero. Eventually I got into understanding the controls for dante, and trying to learn things. That's when the fun began, and it severely changed how I look at games now. Every game has turned into a research project, in which I try various things that are outside the norm. It's super fun and I suggest you try and go along with it.

If you want a tutorial with explanations, input notations and everything you can check here:
I structured it so you start with the easier stuff and then move on to the harder stuff as you learn.

I hope you get to enjoy the game as much as I have

the boss fights in DmC were god awful and missing the shit that made the good boss fights in DMC3 good
mostly it being a challenge and actually feeling like oyu were fighting someone who is almost if not just as good at fighting as you
DmC was mostly slow moving attacks followed by a QTE

Revengence was mediocre at best with that shitty parry system. Just shows how invalid your opionion is. Both were also released the same gen so how can it be dated?

Can't say I disagree, but it's more than skill ceiling. The controls are easy to understand and don't require a lot of memorization. The attacks have been geniously designed, and you can clearly see that they measured that range so that they can combine nicely. The game also has timid and easy to use movement, and your speed, flashyness of the combos, and air time all increase as you practice, which is great as a reward for your hard work.

This is very impressive in itself. Besides that I can't say I like the world, music, story, or enemy designs that much. How impressive is it that a game that is so shit, is still considered the best action game ever made by action game enthusiasts just because the gameplay is so good?

DMC4 is mostly piggybacking on the same mechanics as DMC3.

Its funny how you think dmc4 is outdated because you prefer qte with your beat em ups. Because games without qte are now dated according to millennials

>he hasn't played NGB

Because a lot of people myself included to an extent only really care about the combat system in these games.

I find bayonetta worse, Revengeance is dumb fun but pretty shallow.

I have, I consider the NInja Gaiden series in another kind of plane in regards to other games, mostly because it's less about combo variety and instead just praying/cheesing the AI to avoid from chain grabbing you.

I seriously hope you're not OP then because MGR's "combo variety" sure as fuck doesn't fit in with DMC/Bayo

I am, and I do agree that I messed up a bit, but NG is nothing but abusing Izuna drop for most of the game. I like Revengeancce because it's boss fights are amazing, and other reasons.

>How impressive is it that a game that is so shit, is still considered the best action game ever made by action game enthusiasts just because the gameplay is so good?

Because everyone who likes the DMC franchise is delusional. It's not the best action game ever made, well DMC4 sure as hell isn't. DMC3 sure. For it to be the best action game ever made you'd have to consider everything bad about DMC4 and then compare it to something like Bayonetta or Ninja Gaiden. And in that comparison DMC will most like win gameplay and not much else because the later are both much more complete video games.

But DMC3 is probably the best action game ever made. Definitely the most innovative.

DMC4 was NEVER regarded as the best, but itss till way better than trash like Revengance.

>Ninja Gaiden Black
>God Hand

>Ninja Gaiden 2

>Bayonetta 2
>Ninja Gaiden Sigma (both 1 and 2)

>Licensed games from platinum

Everything was good until you put "SHIT TIER".

What are the actual differences between Black and Sigma? I thought they were fairly minor. I played both but I can't remember anymore.

Don't you have to literally break the game just to reach that """""""Skill"""""""" point?

Some costumes are not in Sigma, and I think the Double Tiger Fangs are Sigma only.

>style-switching, an actual feature that was added for the purpose of gameplay, is breaking the game

Having extra cosmetics wouldn't be enough for him to drop it from god tier to alright tier unless he was a moron though.

>Went to FUCKING gamestop to buy my first Ninja Gaiden game
>Get sigma used because apparently its the best of the series
>Go home to play it and its Razors edge
>Decide fuck it and play it anyway
>mfw its actually fucking amazing

I think Black also has the original Trilogy (or was it the Arcade game?) Anyhow I agree, it's leagues better than Sigma 2 (wich I still think is pretty good despite the nerfing), and besides the fact that the FMV's look like shit it's close to perfect.

Its a bit easier than black and theres some stuttering

There's nothing worst with Razor Edge. It's fun and has a ton of content. It also fixed what was wrong with NG3. Don't ever play NG3 user.

>old games with outdated mechanics that were massively improved in the sequels but I'll still praise to seem more patrician

>I'll just lump in the games Sup Forums says are shit with an actual good game so no one can argue about it

you're such a fucking tryhard
I bet you legitimately have no even touched half the games on your retarded list

>but after games like Revengeance and Bayoneta 1 and 2 it feels really dated.

How can you possibly make that comparison? I haven't played Bayonetta, but MGR turned me on to the DMC series. They are functionally different kinds of action games, what are you basing the idea of DMC4 being dated on that MGR does better?

I legit have

Gameplay > everything else

The gameplay is so good it compensates for the rest being shit.

>I legit have
garbage opinions*

Prove it. Timestamp your copies of all the games you mentioned or GTFO.

Does dodge offset even exist in DMC4?

>NGB is hailed as the peak of the genre
>never got to play it because it was an exclusive to the fucking xbox of all things
>xbox emulation is non existent

fuck me

also the fights with Sam and Armstrong objectively keep MGR out of shit tier

buy it on xlive or disc via 360

Sigma's not that different if you have a ps3. It's NG2 and sigma 2 that have big changes.

Release: 2008

The pinnacle of the genre even to this day.

What have developers been doing for the past decade?

MGR is widely considered by people to be a great game.
Don't bother trying to argue with Sup Forums contrarians. They just enjoy shitting on good games because it makes them feel special.

my 360 is old and busted

I have played Sigma 1 and 2, though I always hear that Black is the best and I can't help but be curious

>Reveangance better than DMC4

Its shallow garbage with no redeeming aspect other than the music. Even while 4 is blatantly rushed and unfinished it still has more worthwhile content than Rising

Its literally baby's first hack n slash tier

oh, I know about contrarian faggorty, but even if your opinions are bad enough to hate the game, Sam is an excellent "rival" fight and Armstrong does a great job of testing the skills you acquired over the course of the game

explain your point, faggot

>worthwhile content
Yeah, I like fighting the same enemies with one single attack, and oh shit Ijust LOVE backtracking through the same bosses and puzzles twice.

DMC4 has the best combat but in terms of bosses you only have like 3 good fights: Credo, Dante and Berial.
Everything else is either boring like Agnus or a fucking punching bag like Sanctus.
Even the Savior boss fight is a worse Jubileus.
The level design is also not as good as DMC3 but overall I'd have to rank all the big action games like
Best combat: DMC4
Best level design: Bayo 2
Best challenge: NGB
Best weapons: DMC3
Best enemy design: Bayo
Best boss fights: Bayo
Best soundtrack: MGR/God Hand
Best characters: W101

>Its literally baby's first hack n slash tier
And there's literally nothing wrong with that. What you're saying is that basically the game is shit because it's easier but most people would disagree.

Just because DMC4 has a higher skill ceiling doesn't make it a good game. Mechanically it is a lot deeper but there are still a lot of flaws in it that don't exist in MGR and vice versa of course.

You can stay bitter and claim one is objectively better than the other but in the end that's just your shitty opinion.

It's clear at this point OP just made a bait thread. I'm really not sure what he means when he says DMC4 feels dated compared to MGR.

I can get behind this.

what is wrong with Echidna and the giant enemy frog?

bael is a punching bag and echidna is just boring

How is dodge offset interesting besides that it lets you continue a combo after a dodge?

Sanctus is fun to fight as Dante.

best combat: NG3RE
best level design: NGS
best challenge: NGS
best weapons: NGS2
best enemy design: NGS
best boss fights: NGS2
best soundtrack: NGS/NG3RE
best characters: NG3RE

ftfy famalam

The color-coded enemies drop it below even God of War. DE did fuck all to fix that. Not to mention having to press several buttons at once for a combo that would have normally been a directional input in 3 or 4 or the stupid QTE bits. Every version of DmC sucks and nothing can change that, shitkicker.

I bet you're a punching bag you dumb nerd.

What's with all the DMC threads lately?
Some new announcement coming up or something?

Why does everyone always bring up ninja gaiden when talking about stylish hack n slash?
Do you see a fucking style meter?
Do the games have to be related because they're 3rd person action games?

Better than Risings 5 hour campaign where the only good bosses were Armstrong/Moonsoon and the mobs were just as boring as DMC4s yet were even less fun to fight because Rising has jack shit in terms of gameplay and combo variety, including that terrible Zandatsu gimmick shit which got old after the 4th time using it

The Sam DLC tried to add some style potential but it's still pitiful compared to Virgil

When it comes to DMC and bosses, I think 3 had the best bosses

I mean yeah some were shitty, like the Leviathan and Geryon, but overall, I liked the variety and ideas

because bayo is string-based rather than freeform combos so not having to start your combo all over and miss having a wicked weave is what makes you maximize damage and combo points

>Do you see a fucking style meter
do you see it in Bayonetta as well?
>inb4 score/combo
NG had them. All of them

That and the crew behind Modern NG was inspired by DMC's combat

However I feel that doing brutal, quick kills is the key in NG whereas styling on enemies is DMC's thing

>Do the games have to be related because they're 3rd person action games?
That's what a genre is, yes

>Why does everyone always bring up ninja gaiden when talking about stylish hack n slash? Do you see a fucking style meter?
What games other than DMC have style meters? OP never specified "stylish hack n slash" in any case.

>after Revengeance, DMC4 feels really dates

>Better than Risings 5 hour
You can't really talk about legth when half of DMC4 is backtracking and dead time between bosses. MGR has a great pace, DMC4 doesn't, it's a fucking borefest.

TGS is coming up soon, but it's just gonna be another disappointing event where nothing DMC related is announced and Sup Forums is blue-balled again

I know DMC5 is out there in the future somewhere, I can feel it, but I doubt we're getting proof soon

Both games are boring as fuck between bosses, but the difference between them is that DMC4 at least gives you the tools to have fun fighting the trash mobs since the gameplay itself is in an entirely other league.

Because its enemies actually try to kill you rather than wait for you to combo them into infinity. Only enemy that kinda tries in DMC4 are Blitz.

>beating up trash mobs with the same memorized combo chains in random order is fun
MGR's combat is a lot smoother and makes for better fights with mooks.

and credit where credit is due, MGR had mobs that were harder than the actual fucking bosses. gif related.

>I like DMC4 Special Edition, but after games like Revengeance and Bayoneta 1 and 2 it feels really dated
You're almost as funny as the DmC apologists, Revengance is lackluster as fuck

bayo is trash though.
all the bosses were awful.
especially the final one.

>Revengance is lackluster as fuck
I wonder how you come to havethis thought process where a game with actual content, nice pace, and overall great package "lackluster". At least the DLC is free, unlike the 30 dollar character pack.

added dragons claw and tiger fang (dual swords), removed some puzzles and added some save points and shops, added skeleton biker enemy, and fire arrows while jumping, water segments shortened, added boss fight with doku at the end of chapter 2, added rachel chapters (not fun), runs at 720p60fps, sometimes opening a chest results in a loading screen.

People blow the Black vs Sigma debate too far, if you prefer the hueg/360 controller play Black and if you prefer the DS3 play Sigma although you should play Black because it was made by Itagaki.

The Vergil battles in DMC3 are some of the best bossfights in all of existence

You can't play as the DLC characters in the main campaign, the bonus content campaigns themselves are nothing special outside of the Armstrong fight, and Revengance mode is actually easier than the difficulty below it, I'd hardly say it has "content" by the way since you can complete the game in 5 hours, the replayability just isn't there, especially since the combat itself is nothing special.

>>inb4 because "muh skill ceiling"

So we're not allowed to list a viable reason just because you're not good at the game?

>overall great package
>short campaign
>shallow combat system
>pointless mechanics like stealth


Black is more or less just the DLC for the reboot packed in, now with the Arcade games instead of NES. I think there's some more balance stuff though.

DMC4SE having the new characters only makes the fact it's half a game even more apparent. You are playing the same levels four more fucking times.

>It's not content because I said so
>It has no content because it's short
I like to feel rewarded for beating the game, having actual unlockables and things to play around with like extra weapons or skins to add some variety. In the end both games are stylish action games, but I'm not exactly a fan of the autistic meta game of DMC4

Black also has AI fixes so you can't spam flying swallow on them all day like in the original, that's the main one I know about. But yeah essentially the Ninja Gaiden 2004's DLC minus the intercept move and some AI fixes on a disc sold for $30 at launch because you had to have Xbox Live back in the day in order to get the updates.


>The only thing wrong with DmC is the brand
You clearly did not play DmC if this is what you think is the only thing wrong

DMC3 > *

Was the HD rerelease on ps3 anygood?