>start FFXII
>Kill rats
>Play some more
>Play some more
>Okay... buy some commands
>play some more
>get a spell, can't cast it
>need to buy a fucking command for it
>play some more
>Uhh.. attack the boss attack the boss attack the boss
>haven't touched the X button once
>get Limit breaks
>Heal with MP
>Story Goes absolutely NOWHERE

Holy fuck this game is absolute shit.

No, your wrong.

>try playing FFXII
>PS2 has issues hooking up to my tv

i just want to play vidya man

average FF12 fan

I have gotten twenty hours into ffxii and just ended up dropping it three times now.

The game is complete shit.

The battle system is ass, even if you ignore gambits. I played on high-speed, full auto, and did every single optional hunt. Yes, even fucking Yziamat. The story literally goes nowhere and the battle system is lifted directly from their MMO. The environments are copypaste deserts with an occasional jungle.

The game is complete shit.

has anyone ever even finished this?

The Yiazmat storyline was better than the main storyline anyways.

I did. They completely drop any political conflicts and make it about killing gods. It's idiotic. Vayne isn't even a bad guy.


You played a game for over 100 hours (you would need that much to beat Yiazmat) but the game is complete shit. You must be a masochist.

Same here, I've dropped it a few times myself as well. I play it for like 20 hours, have a lot of fun and then lose all motivation and desire to continue playing.

This is only game I dropped in the middle of the final boss.

something is really wrong with the story, but I had fun playing.

Why advertise five Darth Vaders when you could only fight two in the game?

At that point you're practically operating a mechanism and keeping it running with this game.

I stopped this game once I hit about level 50. It just felt like I had to grind for every single new area I went to.

>the battle system is lifted directly from their MMO

I wish it was - it would have been more fun that way.

Hmm..So basically like every FF game then

This game went in so many directions and yet failed in so many ways it even failed in areas it wasn't even trying to achieve. Presentation as a whole (I'm still impressed to this day), Balthier and Basch are the only aspects I liked. Everything else just why

I think I ended with something like 90 hours. I was a college kid with way too much time when the game released.

>having conversation with a friend who already finished the game
>tells me the game has a decent story, but only all the way at the end
>figure he's joking, so I keep playing through it
>after awhile, the story does get more interesting
>call my friend on the phone
>Me: Hey, you were wrong. The story just got pretty awesome.
>"Are you in a dungeon shaped like a giant crystal?"
>Uh... Yeah.
>"There's only like an hour left in the game"
FFXII has some of the worst pacing in the history of vidya.

You know this is happening, right

It's worse. The heroes have NO reason to hate Vayne.

I finished it once, and I remember nothing about it, other than the whole experience being aggressively mediocre. I barely consider it a Final Fantasy, and Fran is the only reason I have any fond feelings toward it at all.

$60 for a old ass game. What else is new.

The only good features are the fast forward button to blitz through the already automated grind and the gambit commands being available from the get go - both features to make the game even more hands off than the original. The job system really doesn't add anything of value when you could already make set roles for your characters in the base game.

He came to spearhead to a nation that:

-got Ashe's husbando killed and her kingdom subverted
-got Vaan's brother killed and his home invaded
-got Basch locked up and labeled a traitor for a crime he did not commit
-made Balthier's dad a quack

He had to be removed either way.

Play FF8 instead. It's the only FF worth playing nowadays and it blows every other RPG out of the water.

None of that was his fault. It was his father that did everything. He comes into control half way through the game

And for some reason he gets blamed for being a terrible leader etc etc for no reasons whatsoever. Hell he even assassinated his own father, which should have made Ashe and Vaan happy.

But Gods.


Well ya know...needed a conflict.

I just want to see what the game will look like on PS4 since it's a complete re-master, I thought FFX's re-master looked like ass but FFXII had way better visuals than FFX so I'm sure the re-master will look way nicer than FFX's re-master looked.

Now FFVIII is in my top 6, I agree it's a great game but you've got to have some extremely questionable taste to think it's the only good FF and it blowing every other RPG

>city takes 10 minutes to run across
>hundreds of buildings and 50+ NPCs
>can't go into any buildings
>47 out of 50 NPCs have pointless banter you could ignore
>towns can basically just be ignored aside from the one red arrow

Meanwhile, Dragon Quest VIII you can spend hours exploring a town and its not even 1/10th the size.

Dragon Quest 8 is as perfect as you can get. It's unfair to compare almost any other JRPG to it.

How good is VII? I hear it's being released soon and I wanna pick it up?

No game is perfect. But Dragon Quest VIII has gotten the closest to it.

Not really anything to compare it to except Dragon Quest VI. Or maybe Chrono Trigger in terms of time travel and characters.

But its good, like all DQ games. And the remake on 3DS is improving it a lot.

>It was his father that did everything.
Nah the plan to kill Ashe's father was all him same with the attack on Dalmasca AND Nabudis. You forget that it's Vane that's part of the militant wing of the empire and commands it's loyalty with almost all the judges serving him without question. The emperor was a old man seeking peace in his last years and had no strength to command the army.

>the most generic battle system ever created
>framerate issues all over the place
>a boring storyline with a predictable plot
>saturday morning cartoon cutout villains
>horrendous encounter rate

There are plenty of problems with DQVIII

I've never been able to get into DQ it's pretty much the only jrpg series I haven't played most of the games in.

The battle system alone eliminates it from being anywhere near the best jrpg's. When your combat system is slower than the one in Wizardry(hand typing spell names etc is still faster anything in DQVIII) you've got problems.

This is sounding like it'll be money well spent then.

>the most generic battle system ever created

Dragon Quest VIII doesn't play like Dragon Quest I. And has far more depth to it than most JRPGs. And even an idiot can recognize that the most generic RPG battle system is Pokemon.

Not even going to read the rest of your comments since its obviously bait.

>horrendous encounter rate
You mean the game with the lowest encounter rate in JRPG history? Have you even played the game? Judging by your comments, I assume not.

I stopped after the fire horse thing. I couldn't bring myself to care enough after that.

Are you kidding me? The encounter rate was horrible.
it's more generic than Neptunia. FFS it has the menu and watch things happen that was eliminated from the PS1 games.

FFTactics does this too, it takes a somewhat similar turn from political shit to LUCAVI, DEMONS, ULTIMA, it handles it a lot better though. It's no surprise considering Matsuno, it's also no surprise XII handles it worse because he left midway.

there's a place for ppl like u

Having an encounter rate 4x lower than most JRPGs is somehow horrible? Or do you think there should have been a battle every 2-4 steps like Pokemon?

Or are you just spouting bullshit? Yeah, that's probably most likely.

The combat is literally the same as Final Fantasy VII except you can move around and position yourself in a fight.
What the fuck are you complaining about

Is final fantasy XII the first game where the protagonist is completely irrelevant to the plot? The protagonist should have been Basch.

And exactly where are you getting these numbers? Your ass? Yea, and I'm the one spouting bullshit.

This is the game where the business side ot the company started controlling everything rather than letting the devs do their jobs.

Can't really help but wonder how much better the franchise would have fared all these years if it hadn't been for The Spirits Within.

>random encounters
>PS2 game
It's shit.

And you just screaming that the encounter rate sucks is a more accurate number? Okay.

Its easy to get an average. Turn on the game and count how many steps it takes to get into a battle. Something lie Final Fantasy IV or Pokemon Red/Blue will be 2-4 steps. Something like Dragon Quest VIII is 20+ steps on the overworld and more steps in dungeons. Hell, there's some dungeons which have zero encounters on particular floors.

You'd know this if you actually played the game. But I think that's your problem. You probably walked outside the first town, fought a few slimes, then fabricated this conspiracy about how the whole game is shit because you got into a battle in only 10 steps instead of 20.

>The Spirits Within
You know I wouldn't mind seeing this turned into an actual game that fleshed out the story and characters or better yet just change the cast completely. It would be nice to see a space theme Final Fantasy.

He's upset that he doesn't have to press X every two seconds to perform a command.

Even though the option is available to him.

But he chose not to use it.

So it's the game that is at fault.

This game did one thing right. It cured my insomnia.

And yet it's still the absolute best in the entire series.

never played a final fantasy game. where do i start? id probably prefer the not-turn-based combat unless its truly awful

Did you even play the game you fucking retard

>play ffxii
>fuck yeah this is fun
>no stupid boy gets girl princess
>very cool rouge type and sexy bunny girl joining my team along with an old ex judge

Fast forward to 3/4ths of the game

>just pick penelo as my only character spamming elixir with Nihopalaoa
I'm the strongest God alive!

Ondore did nothing wrong.

This message is a paid advertisement for Ondore for president and the Ondore for President society. Ondore supports this message.

And its the only FF game I've enjoyed playing



Favorite FF. One of my favorite games overall.

Bring Zodiac Age the fuck on, baby. I'm pumped as fuck to return to Ivalice. Only thing I dislike is that, having a mainline title set in Ivalice, we didn't get party members ranging from every available species. I wanted my eccentric group of interracial anti-heroes, Square. Fuck.

oy vey, so progressive

I thought it was originally supposed to be but SE sperged out because he was "too old" or something.

>Dragon Quest 8 is as perfect as you can get

I genuinely think DQVIII is one of the weakest in the series. Awful pacing and a fairly weak plot. The soundtrack is fantastic and It's got an alright cast, but not enough to save the game for me

III is by far my favorite, with V and IX right behind it

XII's combat was the =perfect- evolution of IV's ATB, and I would have loved if they'd continue to use it in later titles

It's does everything previous games did, while adding positioning, actual tanking mechanics, and a huge amount of customization with gambits

Want to micro every single action and command on a character by character basis? You can do this, both in real time and with an auto pause. Want to automize housekeeping skills like Libra, Protect, and status recovery items? Can use gambits to get that stuff out of the way and just focus on core abilities. Want to see how well you can program your party for every single situation? You can go ham and customize unique battle parameters on a fight by fight basis and let the game go on auto pilot

It was absolutely fantastic and I've no idea why it gets so much hate

Yea no shit you just realized Square Enix are actually hacks who can't make a good game for worth shit only a good story and visuals

The """"""""""""gameplay""""""""""" is just spamming auto attack over and over endless your a mage and end game items being locked behind """"""""""""""""''''''"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Fun minigames""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""''

They fucking suck.

I don't think you've every played a Final Fantasy game. Except maybe X, which is genuinely awful so

I did on my fourteenth attempt after seven and half years. You just gotta try until you get frustrated enough that you can't beat it to push through by hatred and Ashe's ass appreciation. It's not impossible. (That last attempt took eleven months mostly in ten to fifteen minute chunks once a week.)

>your wrong

wut about his wrong? is it not right?

Agree. I really enjoyed being able to play one handed, after getting my gambits set.

Did you even play the game? There are only 3 or 4 desert lands lol.

I did

Filled out the Clan Primer and got all the weapons and everything

this actually happened to me too
3 times
on the 4th time I finally managed to make it over 20 hours and then beat the game


They're all fairly mediocre/terrible story-wise and are "turn based" in some form. They're pretty okay if you haven't played one before, but the games tend to fall into stupid bullshit sometimes. The only non turn-based ones are usually the spin-offs/side games like Crisis Core or Crystal Chronicles (A+ game)

I think the only one I outright hated out of all of the ones I've played is Final Fantasy 13, where it put me to sleep out of sheer boredom. I still haven't finished it.

Murican covers are absolute garbage, please don't ever post them again

America was just trying to make it look more like a Star Wars poster. Since that's obviously the inspiration for FFXII.

>Active Dimension Battle

It wasn't that bad, at least it had an adventurous vibe to it compared to other covers that just have little to nothing on them.

While I agree with the sentiment, XII's tall logo is an abomination.

The screaming Judge is nifty looking, but it looks like a cheap crop job where someone just took the sketch and slapped it into a white canvas with some colors near the bottom.

Jap only version fixed alot of the game's issues

Are you religious?

I'd blame religion.

You mean Zodiac? That's what is being used for the HD version coming up.

>running towards enemy
>party stops for a moment to pull out weapons
>combat beings
>kill that shit
>be running towards an enemy in the distance
>party stops for a moment to put away weapons
>get in range of new enemy
>party stops for a moment to pull out weapons

and that's why I never finished FF12

I'm guessing you quit every other final fantasy when you got to the screen transition for battles then?

i just want to do bounty hunting at the beach

PC version next year brudda

To be fair, that can be a bit annoying when you're in an area with a lot of monsters and basically should be in combat mode at all times. Not like there's any point in sheathing the weapons.

Creating a massive system that automates combat so you can focus on big strategy and then locking all the modifiers so you have to buy them was so fucking retarded it made me want to break the disc in half when I played it.

>gambit system is legit fun
>you have to buy all the gambits


>>"Are you in a dungeon shaped like a giant crystal?"
>>Uh... Yeah.
>>"There's only like an hour left in the game"
There's at least another ten hours after The Great Crystal.

I beat this game and did another half a playthrough but I never figured out the quickening shit

>See big ridiculous exclamation as header for thread
>Open thread
>Scroll down to the last thing they say
>Close thread

That's pretty much it. We would've had either Balthier (I think was a choice) or Basch as the main character, but SE was like "LOL WE NEED A PRETTY BOI PROTAG XDDD" and so we got the most pointless character ever. Except for maybe Penelo

Man i cant wait, gonna be great when that
zodic age comes out