Nu-Pokemon and a Fall from Grace

>start a steakhouse resturaunt chain
>pour your heart and soul into getting your steaks to taste as great as possible
>becomes the most popular shit ever
>later see the new generation of kids wanting to try it
>go full jew and start pandering to them by phasing out real steaks and start selling happy meals and raw steaks
>older fans of your resturaunt get justifiably pissed and stop going to your resturaunt
>then for the resturaunt's 20th anniversary announce that you will be removing all steak items from the menu and instead only sell either happy meals or awful tasting half-steaks covered in glitter and neon marker
It hurts

>le reddit JUST may may

kill yourself

>Food analogy

>food analogy

What the fuck is up with it's arms?

Enjoy the yous OP.

>food analogy

get the fuck out

>being against old Sup Forums culture
That's how you know your thread is infested with /vp/ shills

>Sup Forums "culture"

So it's official that slapping Nu onto things I don't like is over fucking done at this point right?

>old Sup Forums culture

I just assume everyone uses it ironically. Convincing myself that all shitposters, newfags and assorted retards on here are just bored oldfags trying to troll others makes it more bearable to share this board with you humongous faggots.

like 3 months old maybe you fucking child

This is the second thread I've seen from OP.
Not even bait just genuine autism that a children's game doesn't cater to his tastes.

>food portmanteaus


Do people actually dislike what they're doing? Other than the niggers and nigger oak, everything seems pretty cool.
They're actually breaking the mold a bit and trying some new stuff out, and the new stuff seems pretty neat.

People complaining sound like the faggots who made it so the same voice actor played Goku from DB into DBZ and into DBS, even though she sounds like a child

>food analogy

I laugh every time.

>food analogy
>biased food analogy
A more proper food analogy would be like if the only cereal at Walmart was Captain Crunch, but every few years they add a new cereal like reeses puffs or frosted flakes. If you dont like the newest cereal you can still buy captain crunch you colossal cumhead.
Alola forms are kind of like peanut butter captain crunch. Some people think regular crunch is better than peanut butter, but everyone should respect that they are the top tier of cereal.

They're upset the new pokemons aren't as consistently well-designed as the original 150.

>first thread backfired
>"I know, I'll make another one! This time, surely someone will agree with me!"

>people went to the steakhouse not because the food tasted good but because it was popular and everyone was going there
>when it was no longer popular the people who ate at the steakhouse for the food were made fun of
>eventually the people who only went there for the popularity started complaining about all of the new food items on the menu
>only a true 90s kid likes the original menu items

Sage again

So pretty much every generation since 3?

The analogy doesn't work because if you like a particular food you would want the restaurant to serve the same thing every time since food is perishable. If you want the exact same video game you can already just replay that game any number of times you like, so of course video game companies need to try new things.

You're not funny or clever, OP. I hope you know that.

The newest gen looks fantastic. Can't wait to play it.

>"JUST" is now a reddit meme

Maybe you'd know it actually originated from Sup Forums if you werent a fucking Redditor yourself.

Anyone who is still using JUST is a redditor

Fixed that

>go to restaurant
>order pokemon the way I remember it
>we serve food here, sir

I bet you found that in knowyourmeme. You have to go back

>Anyone using a word or meme I dont like is a Redditor

Le reddit boogeyman xD

Believe it or not, you're actually the real cancer.

>Go to Sup Forums
>food analogy

It's like walking into a grocery and seeing a rotten Apple amid a sea of rotten oranges

JUST is much better than the memes we have this year.

JUST was a GOAT meme.

No, I found out by actually visiting Sup Forums.

>knowing what knowyourmeme is

Guess how I know you're cancer

(You) are the cancer using a flamewar-baiting meme.

Go figure


hearty kek

>Sup Forums

>JUST us a flamewar-baiting meme now

No, you know what, you're actually legit retarded.

You belong in Sup Forums. You have to go back.

>culture, on MY Chinese cartoon image board?

Who even likes you?

Sup Forums is worse than knowyourmeme or reddit.

>food analogy
That's bad
>horrible food anology
That's really bad
>horrible food analogy that doesn't make sense
That's your post

I know an American made this post because it's a good analogy. I didn't even read after I saw the word steak. Go exercise you fat fuck

>labored food analogy

>captain crunch
>top tier
raisin bran crunch shits on your fucking sugared cardboard you faggot

>older fans of your resturaunt get justifiably pissed and stop going to your resturaunt
that would imply people stopped buying pokemon related garbage

Pickle Pokemon when?

>a shitty fucking forced meme that started no more than 2 years ago

fuck off newfaggot

Guys this thread was clearly an ironic attempt to nail everything wrong with this board in a single post


The new Pokemon have better designs imo

>Raisin Bran Crunch
Go huff more asbestos, Grandpa. Don't you have a jazz club to go raid, you ancient fucking fossil?

>captain crunch
Go watch more FOXbox you fucking ten year old. Don't you have a tamogatchi to take care of before your mom sends you to bed at 10:30?

it's more like
>start a steakhouse restaurant chain
>food is bland and nothing special
>inexplicably gain enormous popularity
>over the years the food gets better and more varied
>more original and better tasting recipes
>the large majority of people look back fondly on the old, bland food while vocally spurning the new
>they only went to the restaurant like once 10 years ago when they were children

>>start a steakhouse resturaunt chain

Why not a bakery that sells creamy goods?


like a snake eating its own tail

Steaks aren't very good.

best mythical


Can't you fucking ageists just eat Honey Bunches of Oats like well-adjusted people?