Quiet for god sakes.
Quiet for god sakes
She was the target of Venom's revenge. He made her fall in love then abandoned her just when she thought he cared about her. He betrayed and broke her spirit and left her to die. Venom never cared about her.
She was the target of Venom's affection. He made her fall in love then rescued her just when she thought he cared about her. He saved and restored her spirit and left her to live. Venom always cared about her.
It's the other way around, he manipulated her feelings and took advantage of them to get her to leave him alone.
and to die alone and heartbroken, just the way he planned it.
She was the target of Venom's affection. He made her fall in love then rescued her just when she thought he cared about her. He saved and restored her spirit and left her to live. Venom always cared about her.
what happened to the woman
She died in the novelization but Kojima got mad and stated she survives in the game.
refer toandHe just wanted her to leave him alone but he was too nice to tell her. So he left her to get raped and killed by Russians in the desert. The snake was defanged and everything
She left him alone just like he wanted her to and she died alone and heartbroken.