How did a C rate team from Square make this masterpiece?
How did a C rate team from Square make this masterpiece?
>C rate team from Square
Are you fuckin retarded?
>platinum games
>renowned AAA action game dev team
I just hope that the writing's still solid now that gameplay's gotten a major overhaul.
does this have a feminine dingus
I love how they incorporated the changing camera angles of the first game into one boss battle.
platinum is making nice progress in developing the action game genre.
I'm literally buying this to RP being Sayaka from Puella and nobody in the fucking world can take that away from me.
there's only one guy doing the writing, you know. and it's the same guy.
why do you faggots always repeat this shit?
it's coming to pc too you falseflagging idiot
oh fuck sweet
What a semen demon
The robot apocalypse is so far away.
I wanna be a combat maid right now.
>there's only one guy doing the writing, you know. and it's the same guy.
That doesn't always mean it's guaranteed to be as good?
>giving SE credit
Fuck off. The only good SE can do is fund something and stay the fuck away from it.
I don't like how the shota robot just mindlessly attacks and gets hit. He seems pointless. Unless this game has 2 player
okay as long as you know that the writing is completely on taro and has nothing to do with platinum as they're letting him do whatever he wants.
>touhou shit
So I don't pay attention to Nier stuff, but is this chick Nier's daughter Yonah?
The woman in OP's pic. I mean.
no, it's some robot from the moon or something crazy like that
>that music change when the bullethell part starts
Color me intrigued. Is the original Nier anything like this?
I know I'm going to be terrible at this game but I'm still excited
I sure fucking hope it's going to be one of of those sellout games requiring Win10.
well it's not a Microsoft game so probably not
the other CONSOLE-EXCLUSIVE* Platinum game will though
*also on PC
Oh boy another Nier thread I can't wait to post the DANKEST memes amd waifus and not have any discussion at all.
No this is like 9000 years after the original game
>PS4 finally gets an interesting looking game
Good for you bros
Leave your shitty platform wars at the door-Everyone's getting it.
not Xbots
combat is a little rougher
its coming to pc actually
You'll get decent discussion when the game actually releases and you can hide out in the inevitable /vg/ thread. Coming to PC ruined the chances of having decent discussion just like how Dark Souls threads became clearly worse after it released on PC
And this is coming from a member of the mustard race
Xbots are a myth, they died out in 2013.
the video ends in the transition to the hype part of the battle.
fuck them in the ass
Will this make a good baby's first platinum game?
Summer Sup Forums is real.
>Game doesn't come to PC
>Game comes to PC
Theres no way to avoid shitposting unless you need to use the catalog to find the thread, thats just the way Sup Forums is now.
That's MGR or Transformers
Transformers for sure
>the game won't be hardddd for such a hardddcore gamers such as myself!
try hard nigger
I'm pretty sure user was asking if it would be a good entry-level Platinum game because he's never played one before
I blame Dark Souls becoming cancer because of second rate faggots making cancerous meme videos
>you don't get magic bullets
>no more words covering your ranged attacks
Will we get a system as cool looking as the sealed verses? How many lives will we destroy due to doing the right thing for us?
Why the fuck do these robots all have Emil's face?
The ONLY problem I have with the fight is that it seems like you're doing absolutely nothing to it the whole time.
Other than that, it's fucking amazing, and the idea that it's singing while you fight it is awesome. Will all the tracks be like this, or will we get any Metal Gear Rising shit?
I seem to remember them saying they hadn't finished programming in the hit effects? And also that it was a bum rush to get that boss video ready in time so it's natural for it to be unfinished in areas.
he doesn't know