Okay, so that creepy video game music thread got archived far faster than I was expecting. I forgot how fast Sup Forums can move. Lemme see if I can get just a few more reccommendations, as the last few were great. Between what I had prior to the first thread and what people suggested, I currently have:
- Blood For Sex (Lisa) - Castle Theme (Super Mario World) - Clock Town Final Hours (Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask) - Devil's Bath Boys (Lisa) - Die Die Die! (Lisa) - Flowers of Antimony (Shovel Knight) - Ghost House Theme (Super Mario World) - Haunty Halls Galaxy (Super Mario Galaxy 2) - Lavender Town (Pokémon Red/Blue/Yellow) - O Death (Until Dawn) - Password Menu (Godzilla! Monster of Monsters) - Pokémon Tower (Pokémon Red/Blue/Yellow) - Spore Sawn / Botwoon Boss Theme (Super Metroid)
I haven't gone through all the tracks that were posted, but I saved them all, so this list will probably grow once I get through them.
...Wow, user. I'm honestly a little touched. Thank you. If I ever make this thread again, I'll be sure to use that one.
As for mine, I literally just Googled "pixel jack o lantern."
Hunter Stewart
>mfw using headphones
Eli Sanders
>smt iv honestly that hospital room with all the kids is the freakiest and the tune that goes with it really sets it in. youtube.com/watch?v=eZlVVFWhjiE
This is the only song that has ever genuinely creeped me out. I was thinking about it last night, actually, and it still unnerves me to this day. I wonder what it is?
Holy SHIT I don't remember this at all. Laugh definitely doesn't ruin it. The fact that it reminds people of the sound test easter egg is what makes it terrifying.