Well Sup Forums, what have you done with your life?

Well Sup Forums, what have you done with your life?

Other urls found in this thread:


I became a certified Buddhist priest.

SWERY is a lovely guy all around, don't be mean to him!

that's cool, buddhist hates mudslime.

Question it

So where is the article where a dev becomes again a "born again" Christian? Why does religion make gaming news?

No they don't.

Based Swery

>Well Sup Forums, what have you done with your life?

I saw a cretin manhandling a damsel on the bus. I approached him with a swirl of my cape and informed him that if he did not unhand that maiden, he and I would have words of no small matter, as I am a master of the Japanese Iaijitsu art of the quick draw, and was carrying my masterwork katana. He tried not to cry as he ran off the bus and everyone cheered. The girl wanted to reward me with sex, but I informed her that I do not protect women for anything in return, I do it because it's the right thing to do.

I've edited already-made images to post on taiwanese numerology imageboards.

Because the equivalent would be if a game dev became a christian priest you blind knob.

>CliffyB converts to Catholicism and becomes a priest

He'd still be an asshat on Twitter though, right?



Yeah bitch Buddhism represent

A few months away from finishing my PhD.

Writing up a thesis is mad boring.

Back to Sup Forums you racist

Spotted the mudslime

i need the edit with the lunch time thing

is not racist if it is true, shill.

Awesome. He gets regen like in modern games, plus he can fucking WALK ON WALLS AND CEILINGS. That's fucking hype. And he can turn shit hot and cold by chanting and touching shit.

Swery's da best

Also not surprised that he's got a spiritual background, had no idea he literally grew up in a temple, though

falseflag or just plain stupid? I don't know?

Everyone hates muslims.

Jews hate muslims for bombings in Israel
Christians used to hate muslims for them trying to conquer Europe for centuries only only recently that stopped due to leftism taking over
Buddhists hate muslims because muslims want to take over their countries by killing them
China hates muslims as well with muslims in Chinas west being seperatist kalifat faggots

The world has been in a way with Islam for a very long time and its a global thing because Islam is cancer.



Not even his final form.

but despite the hatred, they still exist and is now controlling powerful globalist. Probably due to king islam of saudi controls oil sand.

is this nomura's idea napkin for the next dissidia

>SWERY splices his Buddhism with Unitarianism and goes off to join the FBI

I fucking hope so.

Saudis have all the money and the political power.

You literally cannot invade Saudi Arabia without a billion muslims worldwide getting incredibly butthurt over infidels invading their most holy cities.

Saudis are not only blackmailing western countries with oil - Saudis also hold the butts of over one billion potential radical shitheats.

>and is now controlling powerful globalist


Even them hating each other.
You are over estimating them.

Getting a priest certification is newsworthy as compared to simply religious faith. Do you think if CliffyB became a Catholic priest it wouldn't make the gaming news?

I fucking hate Jojo fans

i jerked off 10 times in a single day

I see the usual Sup Forums shit has seeped into Sup Forums again.

Power to Swery but this thread isn't videogames.

Also if Sup Forumstards can't even stay in their containment board like the autists over at /mlp/ do, then you know your board is literal cancer.

Ok, now when is he releasing his game about the high school girl who solves murders by masturbating?

>And he can turn shit hot and cold by chanting and touching shit.

What is your excuse?

>george soros, obama, justin trudeau, merkel

>over estimating them.

so what would you do?


Fucking hate the way you fagggots think nowadays, not everyone with a dissenting opinion is for your triggered board, ass hat.

I honestly don't think it would. The people that write these articles would never push anything related to Christianity . Why make a article related to ones religion when you know its something that is inherently controversial?It strikes me as something that is too personal and not worthy to be publish as "gaming news".

That's clickhole right?

Sounds like you have trouble with dissenting opinions too.

Just hung out with some old friends for the first time in a while. Learned while we've been apart they've been living their lives, having friends, dating, and doing college stuff. They've even improved as people, the overbearing one is way less overbearing, the shitty girl is less of a shitty girl, and the one who was cool all along is still cool, cooler even.Meanwhile I still work a part time job, haven't changed a thing about me, and they were the first people I hung out with in months. Put me out of my fucking misery Sup Forums.
inb4 nice blogpost faggot. I know that's the worst part, I go to Sup Forums with it as if you fuckers would or even should care.

It's not uncommon for buddhist males of the major schools of Buddhism to become a monk for a short while. I don't actually know what japanese follows though. Too lazy to google, but I think it's an amalgamation of Shintoism and Buddhism. My dad was a monk for a month. Most of my friends were monks for at least a day.

Some people do it for a day becuase in theravada buddhism at least, if you become a monk, it sort of guarantee your parents will go to heaven when they pass (unless they've done some grave shit). Or someshit like that, I don't know man, I'm not religious. I'm still probably going to do it for my parents one day, but I'd at least have the comfort of doing it in America.

Now THAT'S a rare pepe.

>no u

Calling out shit doesn't mean the same as being triggered by mean post.

Isn't the idea of having a certification process against Buddha's teachings?

I feel you, user.
I'm the same way, I see most of my friends maybe once a month and they always seem to be improving and moving up in the world and getting farther and farther away from me. I haven't seen my best friend for a year and a half.

>Buddhists aren't allowed material goods

Welp that's his career over

that's the rare pepe modeled after GOD frog from toriko manga

Wait 'til you're 30 and literally everyone's married and/or has a kid. Granted, I'm disabled so I don't think anyone, myself included, expected much out of my life, but still.

I wish.

Red dresses for all the FF villains!

Yes it is.

I actually just started that game. Should I know any Buddhist stuff going in?

Well, Mudslims sure do hate Buddhist though.

I don't know much about Buddhism but there's no way that's true. I used to play vidya with a Buddhist guy all the time, so he had to own a computer.

>the one who was cool all along is still cool, cooler even.
But what's cooler than being cool?

user, this doesn't always apply, but it's very hard to judge something from an internal perspective. While they have changed according to you, you might've changed according to them. Don't feel sad, user.

Nah, full steam ahead.


Should I feel bad for you because you're a mediocre fuck?

Piss off and man up.

Alright, alright, alright.

who is this chick?

According to reverse image search, she isn't a chick, she's a drum.

Why do you think I'm asking?

>those lips

so gooks are trying to emulate nigger features now? what happened to the east

This was like the third option.


That's her tongue, retard

And I'm telling you it's a drum, not a chick.

That's her tongue

I thought she was sticking out her tongue trying to be cute, but now I can't tell. Dammit, Kazuya.

There are always people who take it to the extremely. Buddhism for the every day person is basically just do shit within moderation.

You see buddhist monks indulge in vices like cigs and weed even, since it is not prohibited for the lower level of monkhood, only booze is.

>Christians used to hate muslims for them trying to conquer Europe for centuries only only recently that stopped due to leftism taking over

So Christians still ate Muslims because
Pick one only

i dont know where you got that misleading information

Maybe he'll finish D4 now?

I want more D4 so fuckign bad.

Let me give you my money Swery!

Thanks for hugboxing anons, it helps. I'm thinking now maybe I'll ask someone if I've changed at all, get some help for once.
No one ever said you had to, just getting it out of me mostly, maybe someone else will relate.

he means fake Christians who just say they go to church but don't follow any of their own teachings and let their morals be swayed by whatever society wants, it's a huge problem in the church right now but no one wants to address it because the church has to keep up an image of "righteousness" by always choosing the side of the victim.
I'm not gonna go into it though because this thread is derailed enough

Isn't priest certification insanely easy? Like, the sort of shit you can do through the mail?

I can't keep up anymore with how many cultural variations of weeb I have to remember. Buddiboo is the last fucking straw.


SWERY is a jap, though.
It's about as unusual for one to be a buddhist priest as it is for an american to be a catholic priest.
And yeah, Buddhism by nature doesn't have much in the way of religious authority or hierarchy.

I wasn't trying to hugbox, user. I just think that misplacing pessimism is just as bad as misplacing optimism. Also, knowing and staying conscious about yourself is extremely important.

I've had fantasies about stumbling into Japan and being taken under the wing of a buddhist priest who would teach my his ways while I work my hardest to learn the language and push myself harder everyday.

I think that would be a nice life.

I too have that fantasy. But the priest is also aware of lost Buddhist shaolin chi practices that teaches me super powers and stuff.

I used to be really into physical fitness. I think I would enjoy being taught a difficult martial art under some very rigorous and intense regiment.

but one of the vows you take when becoming gun a Buddhist monk/priest is to not work for money.
He can't game dev and be a real Buddhist monk.
This is garbage.

Let me know when he gets into Daoism

It's sad. Muslims gonna lynch all buddhists soon.

I thought about that kind of life too, but I cant get into it simply because it's a life of no vidya or hedonism

I guess that's what Japs do to get rid of alcoholism.

Reminder that only Islam doesn't promote degeneracy. Doesn't allow alcohol, doesn't allow pork, doesn't allow sex outside marriage and makes you help the poor with zakat.

Taking temporary monks vows is not becoming a monk.

Thats odd as fuck.

They're not real monks if they smoke cigarettes/weed.
They're breaking vows.

And Buddhism isn't about 'moderation', it's about practicing compassion.

As of last Tuesday I am an Attorney.

So, there's that. I've also traveled the world a bit.

Things are pretty swell. Now all I have to do is get a job and I'll be gaming again after a 3 year hiatus.

Best meat. I will fight every muslim on sight if they tried to ban pork in my local area.

>lynch all buddhists
>implying it's not the other way around
Buddhists have had enough of their shit. They've been fighting back for the past 20 years.