They are going to save Fallout again?

They are going to save Fallout again?

I hope they remove the voice character, I really hate I can't ask shit and know the lore more

Other urls found in this thread:

Skyrim is a masterpiece

>They are going to save Fallout again?
Obsidian's first attempt at the series was a huge fuckup, I wouldn't trust them again with the series

Weather we like it or not, Bethesda will continue to try new things with the series regardless if it's a good idea or not, Fallout 1&2 will remain the last good fallout games.

>new vegas
>not the best
>not even second best
opinion discarded


>Wouldn't trust them with the series
>But would trust Bethesda who had put out two fuck ups


The main issue was that they had a lot planned for New Vegas but Bethesda only gave them a couple months to develop the game.

Bethesda didn't give them a couple months, Obsidian CHOSE a couple months

>But would trust Bethesda-
Where did I say I trusted Bethesda? Nowhere

F4 is unsalvagable.

Reminder that Bethesda generously offered to take Obsidian under their wing and help them continue to make quality games, but like Human Head, Obsidian refused and prefer to go bankrupt and never make games again.

No one likes you, Todd.

I have no doubt that if Obsidian had let it happen that they might have improved past mediocre and could actually put out a decent Fallout game, Bethesda has a good history with taking in other developers, a few of the best games in very recent years came from developers owned by Bethesda.

Not saying that Bethesda in any way made those games good because I'm fairly sure they didn't, it's just that Bethesda wouldn't have done Obsidian any harm.

>Obsidian bought by Bethesda
>Fallout is now handled exclusively by Obsidian
>Obsidian founders now have a reason to come back
>Fallout returns to its former glory

Go back to NMA

>citation needed

Feargus has stated they will not work on other peoples games unless they retain the IP.

Bethesda would never agree to that.

Obsidian is stuck making WoT ripoffs and nostalgia fueled games for the foreseeable.

Obsidian has nothing of value.
Bethesda would be buying computers and desks.

Say what you want about Bethesda but they do not make bad business decisions.

idk about the whole couple of months thing ,but i heard Bethesda did put some tight time constraints on them. A huge chunk of the map was cut out because of that

>But but obsidian are more concerned about the design!

Fuck that. These guys have good ideas but the execution is always terrible. They always blame it on publishers when I personally think it is their whole development process that is fucked up. You would think they would learn from experience next time that they organized a contract to make sure that the publishers don't jerk them again but nope.

Do these guys even test their code? Like seriously? I like obsidian ideas but as a dev I cannot respect them for the lack of urgency when it comes to code quality. Fuck these guys

Mandatory viewing for all Obsidiandrones who would gladly suck off Chris Avellone

>posts le contrarian youtube man

also je sawyer is the superior writer

Bethesda didn't trick Obsidian into developing New Vegas, they agreed to a contract

> New Vegas
> First attempt

What the actual fuck board am I on?

When Obsidian started, it was basically Black Isle Studios. Are we really calling NV a "first attempt" unironically due to technicalities, or are we reaching a new level of shitposting?


>When Obsidian started, it was basically Black Isle Studios
No, when Obsidian started it was founded by former Black Isle employees, most of which have since abandoned the company to peruse their other interests, when NV came into development a single writer from 1&2 worked at Obsidian.

New Vegas was Obsidian's first and last experience with the series from the inside

I wish I could find it again but I remember reading an interview with Feargus Urquhart where he said that fixing bugs is not as high a priority for Obsidian as adding more writing to the game and that people who complain about bugs should stop acting so "entitled" and "just be happy with what they get."

This is what happens when the people who write the stories also run the company, their priorities are fucked.

I used to give Obsidian the benefit of the doubt but after reading a few interviews with their management and the travesty that was Alpha Protocol, a piece of shit for which they can't fall back on the old "the publisher didn't give us enough time" excuse, no more. Their issue is not evil publishers, it's inept management.

How was POE?

>save Fallout again by rushing out a buggy, broken mess

it was alright