What are some comfy games that will help me get over the death of my only brother?

What are some comfy games that will help me get over the death of my only brother?

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Devil May Cry

wew lad


And don't forget to write Nintendo a letter about it so you can get some freebies.

It should have been you who died.

Brothers A Tale of Two Sons.


share it to the internet and nintendo will send you free shit


Mother 3


Yea I know

Definitely Mother 3.

>Tfw my cousin that I played Smash with died last year do to gang violence.
He was just standing in front of his house when it happened, the fag he3 was talking to was in a gang then a rival gang member thought my cousin was a gang banger as well then they shot him dead. Thank God the biches died two weeks later. But Mario is the only thing I can play to remember my nigga.

Dead Brother: The Video Game

i came to Sup Forums for fucking video games not feels

>Died to gang violence
You must become The Punisher and wage a guerrilla war on those gangbangers. It is your destiny.

why is loli sad? :(

Mother 3


Persona 4 Golden

If only, I am getting fit and joining the police to try and clean up the streets a little to redeem myself.

Go emulate a gba game or something

Some old guy smashed her tiny pussy hard while her parents were away and without her consent while recording her humiliation, fear, and pain

she was raped, just like god intended

My father died back in Ole 2012 to a heart attack. He loved video games especially Mario. He told me all the secrets places and glitches. Super Mario Bros 3 is what comforts me and makes me feel as if he is still there beside me, playing as player 2 cause he knew my love to be player 1.

Metal Gear series

Animal Crossing
Always Animal Crossing

You have the .gif with the story in it?

Made my day

any harvest moon and or stardew valley

This especially Metal Gear Solid 2



Thanks, been a while since I'd seen it.

I'd hate to be the one to break it to that guy that those letters were a scripted game mechanic from his character's mom, not his mom.



>tfw this thread
I came to Sup Forums to shitpost, not to feel.

"Get over the death of your close one" - no there's none best talk to psychiatrist or talk to your church, I don't recommend talking to your friend or family(this is from personal exp). Games can get your mind off for a time but not a permanent solution.

And while at it play Devil May Cry 3.

same here

Persona 3 is the game for you.

wait what the fuck that was actually gay

anyone here recovering from cancer? ive got ALL T-cell leukemia, 1 year in remission

...Like Mother 3.

OP, if you cant find a download of the english fan-translation rom, i've got it and im willing to upload and post it.

>not coming to Sup Forums for the virgin tears


>mother re-marries
>new step brother is a total sadist
>makes my life a living hell
>pray to God to kill him and save me from him
>couple of years later he actually dies in a car crash with his junkie friends

It was like God answered your prayers, you can't imagine what it felt like.

>frog posters

oh my fucking god i just realized that was a thing that happened

jesus fucking christ

You can send other players gifts though, and the ingame mom rarely does that.

Bravely Default

holy shit i feel like a dumbfuck for watching that whole thing

Probably. People love sappy shit and companies love giving things away for free publicity.

Come on, nobody read Gieger Counter? I was expecting a *RING RING* type of response like in DHMIS threads.

To the Moon


This image is posted all the time it's hardly worth pointing out or referencing where it came from anymore.

If it's true, then sorry about your brother, OP.

I guess that works too....

Final Fantasy 4

Mother 3

post thread soundtracks


She does it enough that if you don't play for a year and a half she'll have sent you quite a few.

Only reason no one notices is because the game has to be active to trigger those scripted events. Lucky for that guy his mom was playing the whole time. She triggered the scripts just by being on.

>tried to kill myself this summer
>screwed up and got a scar on my forehead
>lost all desire for death
>now just feel even more empty inside


1) talk about it with friends 2016
2) accept the fleeting nature of mortality and the grand scale of the universe 3: collector's edition

>be murican
>get shot


>talk about it with friends

Chihaya is cute.

That's pretty much how it goes. He wanted to always go to Japan.


>finally get motivation to go get depression meds after like 7 years
>had them for two weeks now
>don't even feel remotely different after taking them


Metal Gear Solid 1, 2, 4.

>be a depression fag
>go to a shitty chinese cartoon imageboard where everyone insult you and wants you dead just for posting an opinion
you sadfags are masochists, for real...I'll never understand you

Kill yourself back to your subreddit

>Sup Forums hates comfy now
What happened?

Just write a story of how you loved playing Nintendo games with your brother.

That's a comfy pic

Reddittors like you came here.

Do you have any better suggestions?


Don't let your brothers die

Are you washing them down with some alcohol like you're supposed to?

Feels better here. Most of Sup Forums is depressed in some way and can relate. Plus going to some other site would just get you lots of fake sympathy, and that's not comforting at all.




if you are being serious OP I am so sorry for your loss. my brother killed himself 2 years ago because my parents disowned him for being gay. It's never stopped hurting and I will never forgive them. sorry for blogging


>muh sekret club
Fuck off

Kill yourself back to your cancerous hugbox you stupid cunt.

ironically this scene is kind of perfect for op


>Leave my cancerous Hugbox and return to yours.

I expected everything except the ending, laughed out loud.

This exchange alone proves otherwise.

Depression Quest

Yeah, he should have called it "irrational hate box /machine", but he's right about the concept.

Mother 3.

I ""played"" this when it first came out without knowing who Quinn was or anything behind it. I was feeling depressed at the time but the further I got through it the more pissed off I was at the MC for being such a little bitch boy. After a half hour I closed the tab and felt better knowing I'll never be that much of a priss.

Va11 Hall-A with a couple drinks is probably one of the most relaxing experiences in vidya

just don't become an alcoholic user